ABETEN STREET BATTERFLY, The Venue and Timetable | 皆見つかさ 公式ブログ 〜ソロアーティストの脳内と日常

皆見つかさ 公式ブログ 〜ソロアーティストの脳内と日常


ABETEN STREET BUTTERFLY 2024: Venue and Schedule for Tsukasa Minami's Appearance Announced/eye-catching image

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The venue and timetable for the music circuit festival ABETEN STREET BATTERFLY, which will be held in the Abeno-Tennoji area of Osaka on May 12th (Sunday), have been announced, so here is the notification.



I will also be performing with my solo acoustic guitar and singing.


Many famous artists and talented musicians will also be performing.


And the best part is, it's all free to attend, so don't miss out on this opportunity!



  Venue and Timetable


Here are the details for my performance, Tsukasa Minami:


Venue: ⑥Harukas Wing Garden, Rooftop of Abeno Harukas Kintetsu Main Store Wing Building, 10th Floor

     (※ In case of rain, the venue will be ⑧MIO Hall, 12th Floor of Tennoji MIO Main Building.)


Performance Time: 11:15 AM to 11:40 AM


※Admission is free.

Venue and Timetable for ABETEN STREET BATTERFLY 2024





Get off at either JR Tennoji Station, Kintetsu Abenobashi Station, or Hankai Tramway Abeno Station.



I think there will be flyers placed everywhere in the city. (That was the case last autumn).


If you're unsure, I believe there will be staff wearing passes around their necks at the live venue. If you ask them, they will kindly guide you. (That was the case last autumn, haha).


However, on the day of the event, there will be unauthorized and illegal street performances taking advantage of this event, unrelated to it.


Of course, there won't be any staff there, so I recommend checking the map distributed throughout the city to confirm the locations of the venues with staff. (That was the case last autumn, hahaha).



  Upcoming Live Schedule


4/28 (SUN) Shiroten 17:35〜18:00 (8th and final act)

 (※Shiroten Street Live is a live music event held almost every Sunday at Osaka Castle Park.)


5/5 (SUN) Shiroten Timetable TBA


5/12(日) ABETEN STREET BUTTERFLY (informal name "Stobata")

       Harukas Wing Garden 11:15 AM - 11:40 AM

       (※In case of rain, the event will be held at MIO Hall.)


5/19(日) Shiroten Timetable TBA


6/2(日) Shiroten Timetable TBA


6/23(日) Shiroten Timetable TBA


Free Admission

※Rain Cancels(Shiroten only)





For those who don't have any particular plans or even those with spare time until the more popular artists perform, or perhaps those looking to pass the time until lunch, please do come to the live venue where I'll be performing. ^^


At that time, there may not be much I can do, but I would be incredibly grateful. (。-人-。) Thank you


I hope to see you there! ( ̄0 ̄ Dee-wah♪)



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The world of musician, Tsukasa Minami, is expanding. o(゜∇゜*o)(o*゜∇゜)o~♪



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