90 year old artist


― CG ユング

“Midlife is the time to let go of an overdominant ego and to contemplate the deeper significance of human existence.”
― C.G. Jung


― CG Jung
“Thoroughly unprepared, we take the step into the afternoon of life. Worse still, we take this step with the false presupposition that our truths and our ideals will serve us as hitherto. But we cannot live the afternoon of life according to the program of life’s morning, for what was great in the morning will be little at evening and what in the morning was true, at evening will have become a lie.”
― C.G. Jung


― CG ユング

“The first half of life is devoted to forming a healthy ego, the second half is going inward and letting go of it.”
― C.G. Jung


― カール・ユング

“Life really does begin at forty. Up until then, you are just doing research.”
― Carl Jung



In 1rst half of life, dreams are directed more toward an outgoing adaptation earthly, materia], outer life & in second half, they generally begin to steer the individual toward withdrawal and toward developing a certain wisdom and insight into the background of life~ML von Franz


「私のケースの約 3 分の 1 は、臨床的に定義できる神経症ではなく、人生の無意味さと空虚さに苦しんでいます。これは、現代の一般的な神経症と定義できます。」
― CG Jung

“About a third of my cases are suffering from no clinically definable neurosis, but from the senselessness and emptiness of their lives. This can be defined as the general neurosis of our times.”
― C.G. Jung


~C.G.ユング、心理療法士または聖職者。CW 11: 心理学と宗教。CW 11: 心理学と宗教: 西洋と東洋, para. 509.

Among all my patients in the second half of life — that is to say, over thirty-five — there has not been one whose problem in the last resort was not that of finding a religious outlook on life. It is safe to say that every one of them fell ill because he had lost what the living religions of every age have given to their followers, and none of them has been really healed who did not regain his religious outlook.
~C.G. Jung, Psychotherapists or the Clergy. CW 11: Psychology and Religion: West and East, para. 509.


この寿命が種にとって無意味であるとしたら、人間は確かに70歳または80歳に成長することはありません. 人間の人生の午後もまた、それ自身の意味を持たなければならず、人生の朝への哀れな付属物であってはなりません。

A human being would certainly not grow to be seventy or eighty years old if this longevity had no meaning for the species. The afternoon of human life must also have a significance of its own and cannot be merely a pitiful appendage to life's morning.
-Carl Jung


年老いた人々は、自分たちの人生が積み重なったり展開したりしているのではなく、容赦のない内部プロセスが人生の収縮を強いていることを知っておくべきです. 若い人にとって、自分のことに夢中になりすぎることはほとんど罪であり、確かに危険です。 しかし、高齢者にとって、自分自身に真剣に注意を払うことは義務であり、必要なことです。
- カール・ユング

Aging people should know that their lives are not mounting and unfolding but that an inexorable inner process forces the contraction of life. For a young person it is almost a sin and certainly a danger to be too much occupied with himself; but for the aging person it is a duty and a necessity to give serious attention to himself.



Every human life contains a potential, if that potential is not fulfilled, then that life was wasted.


心理学的に正しく見ると、死は終わりではなく目標であり、したがって、子午線を通過するとすぐに死に向かう人生が始まります。~カール・ユング、『黄金の花の秘密』、124 ページ。

If viewed correctly in the psychological sense, death is not an end but a goal, and therefore life towards death begins as soon as the meridian is passed. ~Carl Jung, The Secret of the Golden Flower, Page 124. 


心理学は死への準備です。 私たちは、入ったときよりも高いレベルで人生を去りたいという衝動に駆られています」 - C.G. ユング

Psychology is a preparation for death. We have an urge to leave life at a higher level than the one at which we entered." - C.G. Jung




"As a doctor I am convinced that it is hygienic–if I may use the word–to discover in death a goal towards which one can strive, and that shrinking away from it is something unhealthy and abnormal which robs the second half of life of its purpose." #Jung





“We need the coldness of death to see clearly. Life wants to live and to die, to begin and to end. You are not forced to live eternally; but you can also die, since there is a will in you for both. Life and death must strike a balance in your existence. Today's men need a large slice of death, since too much incorrectness lives in them, and too much correctness died in them. What stays in balance is correct, what disturbs balance is incorrect. But if balance has been attained, then that which preserves it is incorrect and that which disturbs it is correct. Balance is at once life and death. For the completion of life a balance with death is fitting. If I accept death, then my tree greens, since dying increases life. If I plunge into the death encompassing the world, then my buds break open. How much our life needs death!

Joy at the smallest things comes to you only when you have accepted death. But if you look out greedily for all that you could still live, then nothing is great enough for your pleasure, and the smallest things that continue to surround you are no longer a joy. Therefore I behold death, since it teaches me how to live.

If you accept death, it is altogether like a frosty night and an anxious misgiving, but a frosty night in a vineyard full of sweet grapes. You will soon take pleasure in your wealth. Death ripens. One needs death to be able to harvest the fruit. Without death, life would be meaningless, since the long-lasting rises again and denies its own meaning. To be, and to enjoy your being, you need death, and limitation enables you to fulfill your being.” ~Carl Jung, Red Book, Pages 274-275.




From the middle of life onward, only he remains vitally alive who is ready to die with life.

ーCarl Jung












 自然から文化へ、本能から精神への変容である。~カール・ユング; CW 17, Para 335.


Only long afterwards, perhaps in the second half of life, does one discover that certain experiences have a meaning, a sort of secret meaning, which one has not been aware of before.
Therefore old people often begin to read history to discover how things came about, as it suddenly dawns on them that they mean something. ~Carl Jung, Visions Seminar, Page 1356


To engage with the summons of our souls is to step into the deepest ocean, uncertain whether we will be able to swim to some new, distant shore. And yet, until we have consented to swim beyond the familiar lights of the port left behind, we will never arrive at a newer shore. For some the entry is gradual; others are pushed suddenly into deep waters.
~James Hollis, Finding Meaning in the Second Half of Life.

What was not modeled in the family of origin, what was not made available in popular culture, becomes a personal task for each of us to develop in the second half of life.
Breaking the tyranny of history is a heroic personal venture and a task that confronts each of us no matter how oppressive the past is.
~James Hollis, (Finding Meaning in the Sencond Half of Life)

This is what happens very frequently about the midday of life, and in this wise our miraculous human nature enforces the transition that leads from the first half of life to the second. It is a metamorphosis from a state in which man is only a tool of instinctive nature, 
to another in which he is no longer a tool, but himself:
 a transformation of nature into culture, of instinct into spirit. ~Carl Jung; CW 17, Para 335.





[ 335] これは人生の真昼の頃に非常に頻繁に起こることで、このように私たちの奇跡的な人間性は、人生の前半から後半へとつながる移行を強制するのである。それは、人間が本能的な自然の道具でしかない状態から、もはや道具ではなく自分自身である状態への変容であり、自然から文化への、本能から精神への変容である。

[336] 道徳的な暴力行為によってこの必要な発達を妨げないように細心の注意を払うべきである。なぜなら、本能を切り離し抑圧することによって精神的な態度を作り出そうとする試みは、偽りであるからである。本能を切り離し、抑制することによって精神的な態度を作り出そうとする試みは偽りである。しかし、その移行には長い時間がかかり、大多数の人は最初の段階で行き詰ってしまう。もし私たちが、原始人たちのように、結婚が伴うこの心理的な発達全体を無意識に任せることができれば、こうした変容はもっと完全に、あまり大きな摩擦を伴わずに行われるでしょう。いわゆる "原始人 "の中には、まるで邪魔されない運命の産物として完全に成熟したかのように、すぐに尊敬の念を抱かせる精神人格に出会うことがあります。これは私の個人的な経験によるものである。しかし、現在のヨーロッパ人のどこに、道徳的な暴力行為によって変形していない人々がいるのだろうか。私たちはまだ、禁欲主義もその反対も信じるほど野蛮なのです。しかし、歴史の歯車を戻すことはできません。私たちは、私たちの中の原始的な異教徒が本当に望むように、自分の運命を乱されることなく生き抜くことができるような態度を目指して努力するしかないのです。この条件があってこそ、精神性を官能性に変質させることなく、またその逆もないと確信できるのである。

[337] 以上、簡単に説明したような変容は、まさに心理的な結婚関係の本質です。自然の目的に奉仕し、中年の生活に特徴的な変容をもたらす錯覚については、多くのことが語れるだろう。人生の前半に結婚を特徴づける独特の調和は、調整がうまくいけばの話だが、臨界期が明らかにするように、ある種の元型的なイメージの投影に大きく基づいている。
~CGユング CW 17, パラ334-337




Makes perfect sense except "of nature to culture", did not get this, instinct into spirit yes I got it

 Generally, the first thing when questioning a quote is to look for the expanded context.
Do you find this helpful?
[334] If the container does not break down in face of what we are wont to call “unfaithfulness,” but goes on believing in the inner justification of his longing for unity, he will have to put up with his self-division for the time being. A dissociation is not healed by being split off, but by more complete disintegration. All the powers that strive for unity, all healthy desire for selfhood, will resist the disintegration, and in this way he will become conscious of the possibility of an inner integration, which before he had always sought outside himself. He will then find his reward in an undivided self.

[335] This is what happens very frequently about the midday of life, and in this wise our miraculous human nature enforces the transition that leads from the first half of life to the second. It is a metamorphosis from a state in which man is only a tool of instinctive nature, to another in which he is no longer a tool, but himself: a transformation of nature into culture, of instinct into spirit.

[336] One should take great care not to interrupt this necessary development by acts of moral violence, for any attempt to create a spiritual attitude by splitting off and suppressing the instincts is a falsification. Nothing is more repulsive than a furtively prurient spirituality; it is just as unsavoury as gross sensuality. But the transition takes a long time, and the great majority of people get stuck in the first stages. If only we could, like the primitives, leave the unconscious to look after this whole psychological development which marriage entails, these transformations could be worked out more completely and without too much friction. So often among so-called “primitives” one comes across spiritual personalities who immediately inspire respect, as though they were the fully matured products of an undisturbed fate. I speak here from personal experience. But where among present-day Europeans can one find people not deformed by acts of moral violence? We are still barbarous enough to believe both in asceticism and its opposite. But the wheel of history cannot be put back; we can only strive towards an attitude that will allow us to live out our fate as undisturbedly as the primitive pagan in us really wants. Only on this condition can we be sureof not perverting spirituality into sensuality, and vice versa; for both must live, each drawing life from the other.

[337] The transformation I have briefly described above is the very essence of the psychological marriage relationship. Much could be said about the illusions that serve the ends of nature and bring about the transformations that are characteristic of middle life. The peculiar harmony that characterizes marriage during the first half of life—provided the adjustment is successful—is largely based on the projection of certain archetypal images, as the critical phase makes clear.
~CG Jung CW 17, paras 334-337


 Thanks for the quotes, I am still not sure what he meant by "culture" in this context, when talking about individuation it seems to me that culture is the exact force pushing against becoming one's own self - so a "a transformation of nature into culture" does not make sense to me unless I am missing what culture is in this context


「 文化」という言葉は、どうやらあなたのつまずきの原因になっているようですね。











そして、私たちは、プロメテウスのような征服者である意識が、最後には自然ほどには私たちに奉仕できないかもしれないという、あまりにも人間的な恐怖に悩まされているのです。~カール・ユング、CW 8、パラ750



しかし、暗闇を突き破るためには、意識が提供できる悟りの力をすべて呼び起こさなければならない。~カール・ユング、CW 8、Para752




- ~カール・ユング、CW 8、パラ 750。





 okay, so the term ‘culture’ is apparently your stumbling block here.
Do the following passages help?
Every advance in culture is, psychologically, an extension of consciousness, a coming to consciousness that can take place only through discrimination.

Therefore an advance always begins with individuation, that is to say with the individual, conscious of his isolation, cutting a new path through hitherto untrodden territory.

To do this he must first return to the fundamental facts of his own being, irrespective of all authority and tradition, and allow himself to become conscious of his distinctiveness.

“Reflection” should be understood not simply as an act of thought, but rather as an attitude.
It is a privilege born of human freedom in contradistinction to the compulsion of natural law.

As the word itself testifies (“reflection” means literally “bending back”), reflection is a spiritual act that runs counter to the natural process; an act whereby we stop, call something to mind, form a picture, and take up a relation to and come to terms with what we have seen.
It should, therefore, be understood as an act of becoming conscious. ~Carl Jung, CW 8, Para 111

It is just man’s turning away from instinct—his opposing himself to instinct—that creates consciousness.

Instinct is nature and seeks to perpetuate nature, whereas consciousness can only seek culture or its denial.

Even when we turn back to nature, inspired by a Rousseauesque longing, we “cultivate” nature.
As long as we are still submerged in nature we are unconscious, and we live in the security of instinct which knows no problems.

Everything in us that still belongs to nature shrinks away from a problem, for its name is doubt, and wherever doubt holds sway there is uncertainty and the possibility of divergent ways.

And where several ways seem possible, there we have turned away from the certain guidance of instinct and are handed over to fear.

For consciousness is now called upon to do that which nature has always done for her children namely, to give a certain, unquestionable, and unequivocal decision.

And here we are beset by an all-too-human fear that consciousness—our Promethean conquest—may in the end not be able to serve us as well as nature. ~Carl Jung, CW 8, Para 750

When we must deal with problems, we instinctively resist trying the way that leads through obscurity and darkness.

We wish to hear only of unequivocal results, and completely forget that these results can only be brought about when we have ventured into and emerged again from the darkness.

But to penetrate the darkness we must summon all the powers of enlightenment that consciousness can offer. ~Carl Jung, CW 8, Para752

If psychic life consisted only of self-evident matters of fact—which on a primitive level is still the case—we could content ourselves with a sturdy empiricism.

The psychic life of civilized man, however, is full of problems; we cannot even think of it except in terms of problems.

Our psychic processes are made up to a large extent of reflections, doubts, experiments, all of which are almost completely foreign to the unconscious, instinctive mind of primitive man.

It is the growth of consciousness which we must thank for the existence of problems; they are the Danaan gift of civilization. ~Carl Jung, CW 8, Para 750

Culture in it’s original sense should not be confused with herd mentality.


 Yes he is mentioning culture as an advance in consciousness so it is closer to what he said on the first quote. Thanks for the quotes you have tons of very nice quotes.



著者 C.G.ユング


しかし、ゲーテが言ったように、"人間の最高の喜びは個性の成長であるべきだ "と考えることもできる。特に、現代のように集団的な規範によって文字通り平坦化され、新聞が地球の実質的な君主であるような文化時代には、個性の発展が最も必要な人々が大勢いるのである。私の限られた経験では、熟年の人々の中にも、個性を伸ばすことが不可欠の条件である人が非常に多くいます。それゆえ、私は、現代において、学校や大学での若い頃の教育によって、もっぱら集団的な路線で形成され、集団的なメンタリティを徹底的に身につけた後に、個人的な文化についてさらに何らかの教育を受ける必要があるのは、まさに壮年の人々なのだと、内心思っています。しかし、純粋に還元的な立場に最も強く抵抗するのは、人生の経験によって成熟し、強靭になった人々なのである。



On the Nature of the Psyche: (From Collected Works Vol. 8)
著者: C. G. Jung


Yet one may well believe, as Goethe has said, that "the highest joy of man should be the growth of personality." There are large numbers of people for whom the development of individuality is the prime necessity, especially in a cultural epoch like ours, which is literally flattened out by collective norms, and where the newspaper is the real monarch of the earth. In my naturally limited experience there are, among people of maturer age, very many for whom the development of individuality is an indis- pensable requirement. Hence I am privately of the opinion that it is just the mature person who, in our times, has the greatest need of some further education in individual culture after his youthful education in school or university has moulded him on exclusively collective lines and thoroughly imbued him with the collective mentality. I have often found that people of riper years are in this respect capable of education to a most unex- pected degree, although it is just those matured and strength- ened by the experience of life who resist most vigorously the purely reductive standpoint.

Obviously it is in the youthful period of life that we have most to gain from a thorough recognition of the instinctual side. A timely recognition of sexuality, for instance, can prevent that neurotic suppression of it which keeps a man unduly withdrawn from life, or else forces him into a wretched and unsuitable way of living with which he is bound to come into conflict. Proper recognition and appreciation of normal instincts leads the young person into life and entangles him with fate, thus involv- ing him in life's necessities and the consequent sacrifices and efforts through which his character is developed and his expe- rience matured. For the mature person, however, the continued expansion of life is obviously not the right principle, because the descent towards life's afternoon demands simplification, limitation, and intensification-in other words, individual cul- ture. A man in the first half of life with its biological orientation can usually, thanks to the youthfulness of his whole organism, afford to expand his life and make something of value out of it. But the man in the second half of life is oriented towards cul- ture, the diminishing powers of his organism allowing him to subordinate his instincts to cultural goals. Not a few are wrecked during the transition from the biological to the cultural sphere.




Our collective education makes practically no provision for this transitional period. Concerned solely with the education of the young, we disregard the education of the adult, of whom it is always assumed-on what grounds who can say?—that he needs no more education. There is an almost total lack of guidance for this extraordinarily important transition from the biological to the cultural attitude, for the transformation of energy from the biological form into the cultural form. This transformation proc- ess is an individual one and cannot be enforced by general rules and maxims. It is achieved by means of the symbol. Symbol- formation is a fundamental problem that cannot be discussed here. I must refer the reader to Chapter V in my Psychological Types, where I have dealt with this question in detail.


Marie-Louise von Franz
A Jungian Interpretation
New edition, with a foreword by
Emmanuel Kennedy-Xipolitas







確かに、どちらも不確実性の中にありますが、一方は本能に反して生き、もう一方は本能に従って生きています。 〜マリー=ルイーズ・フォン・フランツ、夢と死について、18ページ。

In this connection, Jung stresses that it is of great importance for the aging person to acquaint himself with the possibility of death.

A categorical question is being put to him, and he is under an obligation to answer it.
To this end he ought to have a myth about death, for reason shows him nothing but the dark pit into which he is descending.

Myth, however, can conjure up other images for him, helpful and enriching pictures of life in the land of the dead.
If he believes in them, or greets them with some measure of credence, he is being just as right or just as wrong as someone who does not believe in them.

But while the man who despairs marches toward nothingness, the one who has placed his faith in the archetype follows the tracks of life and lives right into his death.

Both, to be sure, remain in uncertainty, but the one lives against his instincts, the other with them. ~Marie-Louise von Franz, On Dreams and Death, Page xviii.





The Self for Jung was the archetype of wholeness and the organizing principle of the psyche. In volume 12, paragraph 44 of his Collected Works, he writes: “The self is not only the centre, but also the whole circumference which embraces both conscious and unconscious; it is the centre of this totality, just as the ego is the centre of consciousness” (1953/1970).

This paradoxical concept is both the essence and the totality of one’s personality. The Self initiates life and it is life’s goal. Jung’s concept of individuation depends on one becoming one’s true, autonomous, and authentic self. The ego is the organ of consciousness. The goal of the second half of life is for the ego to subordinate itself to the supraordinate Self. In his autobiography, Jung writes: “In those years… I began to understand that the goal of psychic development is the self. There is no linear evolution; there is only the circumambulation of the self.”

The Self is a transcendent or divine quality. Jung referred to...



「あなたは年をとりすぎているわけではありませんし、人生が静かに自分自身の秘密を明らかにする、ますます深みに飛び込むのに遅すぎることはありません。」 ― リルケ

“You are not too old and it is not too late to dive into your increasing depths where life calmly gives out its own secret.” ― Rilke





