Early recollection of salon owner Aica | 数学を通して優しさや愛を伝える松岡学のブログ



【Touching on the early recollection of salon owner Aica  ~ Adler Psychology ~】


日本語訳はこちらにありますJapanese translation is here



Aica, the salon owner in Japan, took my Adler psychology session. 

(Aika is the name of a Japanese woman.)


She is the owner of Cozy Room, a salon in Fukuoka,  

and she has been an aroma analyst for psychological analysis of scents,

based on the scent, the inside of the other party is understood. 


Aica is also navigating to adjust the inner (mind) and outer (body and skin) of the other person.


For me, the salon Cozy Room is a memorable salon where I took soap classes and aroma classes. 

I have also held math lessons. 


It is impressive that the owner, Aica, was kind and attentive to the people who visited the salon. 


Aica wrote on her blog about how she received my early recollection session, so I would like to introduce it here.



< salon Cozy Room >



< Photo of soap making at the salon Cozy Room >



This time, I did an early recollection work based on Adler psychology at ZOOM. 

To put it simply, early recollection is a memory of childhood. 


This is a session that I learned in the course when Dr. Marina of North America came to Japan and arranged it in my own way. 

Marina is a professor at the Chicago Adler University

She is active all over the world, mainly in North America. 


I was impressed by how Marina successfully read the strengths and strategies from our early recollections. 

Since then, I have started to adopt it myself. 


Such a Marina-style early recollection session. 


Aica wrote on her blog about her childhood memories as follows.



(The following is a quote from Aica's blog) 


The memory I vividly remembered was in the sandbox of the kindergarten garden, 

where I was lonely playing with the sand in the evening. 


Such a memory. 


My family moved from Nagoya to Kagoshima, 

and I felt lonely when I was separated from my childhood friend. 


I'm a shy person, 

so I couldn't make friends right away. 


Shortly after entering a new kindergarten, 

I wait in the sandbox for my mother talking to my new teacher. 


It's a lonely memory. 


(Quote, so far)





Aica who is energetic and cheerful. 


I had a chest pain. 


I told Aica about her strengths and strategies that I read from her early recollections. 


Thereby ... 


Aica said, 

"My impression of this memory has changed." 

"I was shy and couldn't make friends in Kagoshima when I first moved, 

but that's why I'm now willing to talk to people who are new to me or who seem nervous." 


She noticed. And she wrote on her blog:




It was a lonely memory, 

but now that I have this experience, 

I can be like myself now! 


It seemed like a good experience. 

Fun memories I have experienced, 

lonely memories, painful memories All! 


It wasn't a waste, I thought it was solid. 




I was really happy to hear her words and was impressed.







By the way ... 


I had an early recollection session with Aica, 

and I had something that came to my mind. 


Half a year ago, when I heard about the recent situation from Aica, 

despite the difficult salon management due to the influence of Corona, 

Aica was doing her best. 


I muttered to Aica, "I want you to do your best," 

but I was disappointed at my powerlessness that I couldn't do anything.




Aica said, "I hate losing, so I will continue to do my best!" 


And ... 

She overcame the difficulty brilliantly. 


When she was in kindergarten, 

she was patient and waited for a long time, messing around with the sand in the sandbox. 


I felt that her steadfast attitude and tenacious qualities are still alive in her present day.




Ritsuko Yoshida, who was holding a soap making class at Aica's salon, moved from Fukuoka to Saitama this spring. 


Aica is working hard on her own activities while thinking of Ritsuko, who has moved far away. 


I overlapped with Aica's situation when she was in kindergarten, thinking of her friends in Nagoya from Kagoshima.



To Aica, 


Because you had memories of the sandbox in the kindergarten, you now have Aika who is kind to people.


I was full of heart when I touched your inner side. 


And ... 

Aica, thank you for writing openly about the session with me on your blog. 


I felt your sincere personality. 


Thank you very much, Aica! 



The original article by Aika is as follows.

(This is a Japanese article.)




【Essay author】


Manabu Matsuoka


Kochi University of Technology, 

Associate Professor, Ph D, 


Mathematician,  Mathematics Education Scholar,

from Mie prefecture in Japan.


While engaging in research and education at the university,

he also offers courses for the general public.


He has a deep knowledge of Adler psychology

and has incorporated it into mathematics education and general courses.


His hobby is listening to music (J-POP).
He is conscious of fashion and try to live a natural life.




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