Two contrasting Adler courses from Dr. Marina | 数学を通して優しさや愛を伝える松岡学のブログ



【Two contrasting Adler psychology courses from Dr. Marina  ~ private essay ~】


日本語訳はこちらにありますJapanese translation is here



Two Adler psychology courses I took from Marina,


February 3-4, 2019 Tokyo

November 7-8, 2020 Online


These were memorable, and I noticed and learned.

Here is a summary of what I personally felt.


For me, the two courses from Marina were very contrasting.


The themes of these courses are  as follows:


The first is the law of movement

Next is belongingness


Both are important ideas in Adler psychology,

Surprisingly, there are not many courses in Japan that focus on these two and explain in detail.


In that sense, it was a very valuable course.





Speaking of the law of movement, to me, Newton's equation of motion comes to mind.


Newton's equation of motion describes the motion of an object.

By solving the equation, we can know the motion of the object.


There is Adler's law of movement in human mental activity.


There are some similarities, but there are decisive differences.


The equation of the object can be solved objectively,

The human mind is subjective.


Because mental activity is difficult to understand objectively,

Marina says the metaphor is valid.


The use of the metaphor by Marina was excellent.

Should it be craftsmanship?



On the other hand, belongingness is an image of a set of mathematics for me.

In mathematics, a set of things is called a set, and each element belongs to the set.


However, in the case of a set of mathematics, the belongingness is objective,

but the belongingness of a person is subjective.


Marina explained that clearly.


Objective and subjective

Newton's Law of Motion and Adler's Law of Motion

Set of mathematics and community


By contrasting these, the characteristics of Adler psychology have become apparent to me.


It was a course that stimulated mathematical sensibilities.



The first course I took in Tokyo was winter.

(The theme is the law of movement)


February 3-4, 2019


This year


February 3rd was Setsubun

February 4th was Lichun


Setsubun means the end of winter, and

Lichun means the beginning of spring

according to the ancient Japanese calendar,


The actual season is winter, but according to the ancient Japanese calendar, spring has begun..


It's time for winter to end and people to move.


It is exactly the "law of movement".



During the course, Marina talked about how she visited Katsura Imperial Villa in Kyoto.

When she strolled through the gardens of Katsura Imperial Villa, the ground was paved with stones.


She was walking on it.

She says she felt this was Adler psychology as she walked on stones of different sizes and shapes.


Stones of different sizes and shapes appear one after another, and you have to walk accordingly.

Unpredictable events occur one after another in life, and we must move forward in response.


At such times, Adler psychology is very useful.


She thought that while she was walking on the stones on the grounds of Katsura Imperial Villa.



< Katsura Imperial Villa >









On the other hand,


It was autumn in Japan when I received it online the following year.

(Theme is belongingness)


November 7-8, 2020


This year


November 7th is Ritto


Ritto means the beginning of winter according to the ancient Japanese calendar,

The actual season is autumn, but on the ancient Japanese calendar it is the beginning of winter.


Winter has begun.

A time when you want to spend your time at home.


It is exactly "belongingness".



Marina said.


"Belongingness is to find your place in the universe."


We belong to the universe.

It is important to have a sense of unity with nature as well as humans.


If you look at your belongingness from such a broad perspective, you can see the essence.



The question arises as to whether you can like someone you don't like.


You don't have to force yourself to like them, but maybe you're just misunderstanding them.


At that time,

Marina said we needed to see with our third eye.

Our third eye is in the heart,


She said.

A hint for that Novel "Prince of the Stars" (Saint Exupery)

It is in.


In a conversation between a fox and a prince in the desert

There is a famous line that the fox said to the prince.


"You have to look at it with your heart, you can't see things well.

You can't see the things that aren't right."


What is invisible is to see with the eyes of the heart.



It was two days when I thought about belongingness.





Comparing the time when I took the Tokyo course and the online course,

In Japan, on the season,

Winter and autumn.


On the ancient calendar,

just Lichun and Ritto

(the beginning of spring and the beginning of winter)


Both courses were held on such a seasonal break.


It's a mysterious encounter.




< Dr. Marina >





When I first took the Tokyo course,

I was busy both at work and in private.

On the first day, the night of the day I took the Marina's course,

I was planning to attend another Setsubun event in Akasaka.


At the Setsubun event, there was a person who played the role of a demon (Oni in Japanese),

and talents and entertainers were hitting beans while saying to the demon,

"Oni wa soto!  Fuku wa uchi!"

(Demons out!  Fortune in!)


It was an event where you can feel Japanese culture.


I felt like I was exercising after moving around in Tokyo.



< On Setsubun day, in Japan, people hit beans at demons >



To describe my situation at this time,






When writing, the pen is moving fast.

At that time, I was also busy trying to create something.


That is my metaphor.





On the other hand,

The next year's course will be an online course.

I took the course in Kyoto.


Due to the influence of corona,

I was spending my days with plenty of time.


Metaphorically ...

To describe my situation at this time,






Fluffy, soft and gentle cotton.

It was such a relaxing feeling in the depths of autumn.





When the online course is over and I go to nearby Misayama Park in Kyoto,

the trees were beginning to color.


"Where is my place?"


I was thinking about that in the autumn park.


Recently, when something happened, I sat on the bench at Misayama Park

and I am thinking relaxedly.


My favorite park.


In such a place, I was thinking about my whereabouts.



< Misayama Park >



After that, I stayed in a nearby cafe and reviewed the contents of the day.


I wanted to absorb the valuable lecture contents of the Marina,

so I stayed in the cafe for almost 4 hours while drinking hot coffee and reviewed it.





Unlike real courses, online courses are hard to get into your head if you keep taking them.


I think that you can deepen your understanding and absorb it by reviewing it thoroughly and putting it into your body.


It was autumn Kyoto where I spent a relaxing time.



Both were wonderful lectures full of awareness.


Thank you, Dr. Marina!




< After the first lecture, on the way home, at Tokyo Station at night >



< At Misayama Park in the morning before the next year's lecture >



Finally, I would like to compare these two courses with 10 items, including the content and holding method of the courses and my personal situation.


Theme:  Law of Movement ↔ Belongingness

My image:  (physical) equation of motion ↔ (mathematical) set

Format:  Face-to-face ↔ Online

Location:  Tokyo ↔ Kyoto (Minnesota)

Season:  Winter ↔ Autumn

Ancient calendar:  Lichun ↔ Ritto

Time:  AM PM ↔ AM (Minnesota in the evening)

My situation:  busy ↔ relaxed

Photo taken (above) :  Night ↔ Morning

My metaphor:  Pen ↔ Cotton




【Essay author】


Manabu Matsuoka


Kochi University of Technology, 

Associate Professor, Ph D, 


Mathematician,  Mathematics Education Scholar,

from Mie prefecture in Japan.


While engaging in research and education at the university,

he also offers courses for the general public.


He has a deep knowledge of Adler psychology

and has incorporated it into mathematics education and general courses.


His hobby is listening to music (J-POP).
He is conscious of fashion and try to live a natural life.




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