Hidy der Grosseのブログ -3ページ目

YONEYAMA proves the falsehood of HASHIMOTO

YONEYAMA proves the falsehood of HASHIMOTO’s claim regarding to the Moritomo scandal


Moritomo scandal is the suspicion that the Prime Minister Shinzo ABE and/or his wife Akie ABE may be related to the illegal deal between the Kinki Local Finance Bureau and Moritomo Gakuen, an ultra-nationalist educational corporation.


Furthermore, Shigeaki KOGA, a former high-class official of the Economy Ministry, recently pointed out that the scandal is related not only to the Central Government but also to the prefecture Osaka. Toru HASHIMOTO, the former governor of the prefecture Osaka, claimed against KOGA.


Hashimoto’s claim; The prefecture Osaka seems to have changed the rule so that a petition can be examined even if a schoolhouse will be built on rented land.

But YONEYAMA shows the fact that there was no rule change when the petition of Moritomo Gakuen was examined.



Communist Party and the succession to throne

The statement of the Japanese Communist Party about the series of ceremony regarding the succession to the throne.

The opinion of the party is based completely on the democratic principal.



Deal with Moritomo was called the "Case ABE"

The scoop of the Akahata (Red Flag = the organ (party newspaper) of the Japanese Communist Party)! In the Kinki Local Finance Bureau, the deal between the bureau and the Moritomo Gakuen was called “the Case ABE. According to the Akahata, a person concerned to the bureau says; From the first, it was the common knowledge that the project was related to the Prime Minister Shinzo ABE and his wife, and then the project was treated specially. The person concerned said furthermore; after February 2017 as the scandal was brought to light, it was said in the bureau, “by orders of the person(s) connected to the Prime Minister’s Official Residence and of the Ministry of Finance, we are forced to do what cannot be legitimated”.
#Japan #ShinzoABE #LDP #LiberalDemocraticParty #Scandal #Corruption #Moritomo #Abegate

Tokioter Polizei Zerbricht Demokratie Jetzt

Tokioter Polizei versucht jetzt, Demokratie zu zerbrechen


Bürger der Welt müssen wissen diese grausame Wirklichkeit und andere darüber informieren. Tokioter Hauptstadt-Polizeipräsidium hat dem Tokioter Parlament den Novellierungsentwurf des Präfekturgesetzes (der lokalen Vorschrift) für Verhinderung der Ärgernisse gestellt. Nach der Verabschiedung der Gesetzesnovelle könnte die Polizei Tätigkeiten der Bürger der verschiedenen Arten willkürlich kontrollieren/verbieten. Denn würde durch den neu zu verwendenden Artikel es verboten, ohne rechtfertigenden Grund zu schweifen. Eine Anwaltsorganisation (Anwaltverein für Freiheit) kritisiert den Artikel und sagt; je nach Interpretation der Polizei würden vielfältige Tätigkeiten der Bürger wie den folgenden möglicherweise verboten; dass Bürger auf der Straße einen Parlamentarier zu kritisieren, dass Gewerkschafter vor dem Gebäude betroffener Firma die Firma zu kritisieren, dass sich Einwohner betroffener Zone gegen den Bau eines Hochhauses zu bewerben usw. Alle in Japan beschäftigende Journalisten aus Welt müssen die Leser/Zuschauer in ihren Heimatländern darüber informieren. Jeder Diplomat muss der Regierung seines Heimatstaates den Bericht über Krisensituation der Demokratie in Japan schicken.


#Menschenrechtsverletzung #Entdemokratisierung #Faschismus #Diktatur #Totalitarismus #Autoritarismus #Reaktion #Reaktionismus


Summary über die Novelle (offizieller Dokument der Tokioter Polizeipräsidium) auf Japanisch



Die Erklärung des Anwaltsvereins für Freiheit über diesen Novellierungsentwurf auf Japanisch



Nachrichtenartikel auf Japanisch







(Litera) Dieser Link wirde am 24. März 2018 hinzugefügt.

Tokyo Police is Trying to Destroy the Democracy

Tokyo Police is Trying to Destroy the Democracy


Citizens of the world must know this cruel fact and inform others about it. Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department submitted to the Tokyo Parliament the reform bill of the by-law (local low) for preventing the nuisances. After the enactment of the bill, the police could arbitrarily control/prohibit activities of citizens of various types. The article to be newly added would forbid to wander without due cause. A lawyer's organization (Japan Lawyers Association for Freedom) criticizes the article and says; depending on the interpretation by the police, diverse activities of citizens such as the following might be prohibited; that citizens on the street criticize a parliamentarian, that trade unionists in front of the building of concerned company criticize the company, that residents of concerned zone campaign against the construction of a high-rise appartment and so on. All journalists from the world working in Japan must inform the readers/viewers in their home countries. Every diplomat must send to the government of his home state a report on the critical situation of democracy in Japan.


#HumanRightsViolation #AntiDemocracy #DeDemocratization #Fascism #Dictatorship #Totalitarianism #Authoritarianism #Reactionary #Reactionism #Reactionarism


Summary about the reform bill (official document of the Metropolitan Police Department) in Japanese



The Statement of Japan Lawyers Association for Freedom about this reform bill in Japanese



News Articles in Japanese








(Litera) This link was added on the 24th March 2018.

Lügen über Trostfrauenfroblem

【Lügen über Trostfrauenfroblem】


Die globale Gesellschaft muss wissen; Die Regierung von Japan sagt, dass das kaiserliche Japan Mädchen und Frauen nicht dazu zwang, Trostfrauen zu werden. Aber die Behauptung der japanischen Regierung ist die Lüge. Es gibt mehrere offizielle Dokumente, die besagen, dass das Japanische Kaiserreich Mädchen und Frauen dazu zwang, Trostfrauen zu werden.

(Auch in den letzten zwei Absätze des Artikels von Financial Times und dritt letztem Absatz des Artikels von Deutscher Welle sind die Meinung der Gelehrten/Historiker geschrieben.)


Globale Gesellschaft muss wissen; die Regierung Japans behauptet, dass das Trostfrauenproblem endlich und irreversibel entschlossen ist. (Konsensus zwischen die Regierungen von Japan und Korea in 2015) Aber diese Behauptung ist unehrlich. Japanische Regierung weder hat getragen noch trägt “Projekte zur Wiederherstellung der Ehre und Würde und zur Heilung der psychologischen Wunden aller ehemaligen Trostfrauen”. Der endliche Entschluss dieses Problems hat die Voraussetzung, dass die Projekte unter der Kooperation zwischen die beiden Regierungen gemacht würden. Internationale Gesellschaft muss kontinuierlich beobachten, ob die Regierung Japans tatsächlich ihr Versprechen mit Koreanische Regierung erfüllen wird.


#Trostfrauen #Korea #Japan #SexuelleSklaverei #Sexsklaverinnen #Kriegsverbrechen #Menschenrechtsverletzungen #Revisionismus


South Korea and Japan reignite feud over ‘comfort women’

(Financial Times)


South Korea says sex slave issue not over

(Deutsche Welle)


South Korea and Japan Clash over 'Comfort Women' Forced into Sexual Slavery During World War II



Japan lodges protest after South Korea's Moon says 'comfort women' issue not settled


S.Korean President Lashes Japan Over Wartime Use of 'Comfort Women'

(Voice of America)

Lies about comfort women

【Lies about comfort women】


Global society must know; The government of Japan says (and its revisionist supporters say) that Imperial Japan did not force girls and women to become comfort women. But the claim of Japanese government is the lie. There are several official documents arguing that the Japanese Empire forced girls and women to become comfort women. (Even in the last two paragraphs of the article of Deutsche Welle and the third last paragraph of the article of Financial Times, the opinions of the scholars/historians about this issue are written.)


Global society must know; Japanese Government claims that the comfort women problem is resolved finally and irreversibly. (consensus between the governments of Japan and Korea in 2015) But this claim is dishonest. Japanese government neither carried out nor is carrying out “projects for recovering the honor and dignity and healing the psychological wounds of all former comfort women”. The final resolve of the issue bases on the premise that the projects would be carried out under the cooperation between the both governments. International society must continue to watch whether the government of Japan will fulfill its promise with Korean government.


#ComfortWomen #Korea #Japan #SexualSlavery #SexSlave #WarCrimes #HimanRightsViolations #Revisionism




South Korea and Japan reignite feud over ‘comfort women’

(Financial Times)


South Korea says sex slave issue not over

(Deutsche Welle)


South Korea and Japan Clash over 'Comfort Women' Forced into Sexual Slavery During World War II



Japan lodges protest after South Korea's Moon says 'comfort women' issue not settled



S.Korean President Lashes Japan Over Wartime Use of 'Comfort Women'

(Voice of America)

CDU-Generalsekretärin will nicht alle AfD-Wähler

Neue Generalsekretärin der CDU Kramp-Karrenbauer will AfD-Wähler zurückgewinnen aber nicht alle


Es ist gut, dass neue Sekretärin nicht wünscht, für jeden Preis möglichst viele AfD-Wähler zurückzugewinnen.

Bei letzten Bundestags- und Landtagswahlen sind ca. 30% aller Wahlberechtigten nicht zu den Urnen gegangen. Konservative Nicht-Wähler zurückzugewinnen ist vorrangigere Aufgabe für die CDU, als rechtsextreme Teile der AfD-Wähler zurückzugewinnen.


Es ist falsch, wenn man sagt, dass konservative Partei die Wähler der rechtsextremistischen Partei dadurch zurückgewinnen können würde, sich selbst nach rechts bewegen zu würden. Republikanische Politiker von USA haben der Tea-Party-Bewegung sehr willkommen behandelt, um Wählergunst zu bekommen. Dieses parteitaktische Verhalten hat rechte Wähler noch weiter nach rechts bewegt, unerwünscht so nach rechts, dass die Republikanischen Main-Stream-Kandidaten gegen Donald Trump verloren haben. Sich in Richtung nach rechts zu orientieren hilft den konservativen Parteien nicht, um noch Rechtsflügel-Rivalen zu konkurrieren.


Ich verstehe Frust der Wähler der Bundesrepublik. Deutschland hat langjährig sehr viel Kosten (nicht nur Geld), um internationale/globale Verantwortungen zu erfüllen. Japan, mein Vaterland, hat dagegen getan. Es ist berechtigter Vorwurf, wenn man sagt; Japan verhalte sich unfair, produziere damit seine Podukten unfair billig, und konkurriere auf Weltmarkt unfair. Japan ist nur ein Beispiel. Wir brauchen faire Weltordnung.


Alternative für falsche (marktfundamentale/marktradikale und nicht nachhaltige) Globalisierung ist Isolationismus nicht. Alternative für falsche Globalisierung ist richtige Globalisierung, d.h. soziale Globalisierung, nachhaltige Globalisierung; Globalisierung des Volkes, durch das Volk und für das Volk statt Globalisierung des Kapitals, durch das Kapital und für das Kapital sozusagen.


Detail 【The Supreme Court has rejected Trump’s attempt around the DACA】 (Meine früheren Blogartikel (auf Englisch))


#BundesrepublikDeutschland #CDU #AfD #Flüchtlingspolitik #Migrationspolitik #Xenophobie #Rechtspopulismus #Rechtsextremismus #SozialeGlobalisierung #NachhaltigeGlobalisierung




Kramp-Karrenbauer : CDU-Generalin hält radikale AfD-Anhänger für unerreichbar

Rechtsextremismus : Kramp-Karrenbauer hält radikale AfD-Anhänger für unerreichbar
(Frankfurter Allgemeine)

Neue CDU-Generalsekretärin : Kramp-Karrenbauer will AfD-Wähler zurückgewinnen - aber nicht alle


The Supreme Court has rejected Trump’s attempt

【The Supreme Court has rejected Trump’s attempt around the DACA】
It is unforeseeable how the Supreme Court will decide ultimately. But I believe barely in intellectuals and their influence in the US because of their behavior just as this judgment, in spite of all negative events since 2016. Contrary, political situation of Japan is hopeless. Strengthening of antidemocracy, xenophobia, anti-intellectualism, intolerance etc. is common phenomena to both countries. However, conditions of Japanese society are much deeper in the crisis because there are so a few intellectuals in true meaning in japan that dangerous current go on without almost any barrier.
Refugees whom Japanese Government accepted in 2017, are only 20! Not 20 thousand, purely 20!!
Japan takes much less international responsibility than European progressive countries. Japanese companies are competing against their rivals unfair. Not only refugee policy shows us the defectivity of Japanese state and society, but also (A) Labor, employment and wage policy, (B) women and family policy, (C) educational policy, (D) environmental policy, (E) issues around freedom and democracy and so on.
(A) In recent years in Japan, ca. 100 employees died, and weak 100 killed themselves annual because of overwork (Karoshi and Karo-suicides).
http://www.geocities.jp/hidy_der_grosse/2017_09_24_Bundestagswahl/2017_09_24_-_Bundestagswahl.html#_Toc493988782 (My website in German)
(B) According to the Gender Gap Index 2017, Japan is No. 114 country of all 144 countries.
(C) Japan is the country with least public spending on education (% of GDP, 2014) in all OECD-countries (exclusive the countries no data),
(D) the government of Japan wants to build much coal-fired power plants,
(E) According to the Press Freedom Ranking 2017, Japan is No. 72 country in all 180 countries.
Shortly said, the political and economic Establishment (rulers) of Japan has been made the state and the society so anti-liberal (here, liberal in etymological meaning), i.e., so undemocratic that employers can let work their employees arbitrarily so that manufacturing companies can produce their products at lower costs than their foreign rivals.
Therefore, it is problematic to conclude any free trade agreement with Japan and to import the products made in Japan with low custom duties.
Problematic countries are not only Japan. What is more, grades of problematicality are different by countries. We need the equation/formula with which we can calculate custom duties of countries. Variables are indices which represent progressiveness/regressiveness of each country, concrete said, how free and democratic the country is, how many wage and/or salary employees receive, how long employees work, how good/bad working conditions are, how equal positions of both genders are, how equally children from varied social groups are educated, how correct the state and the society treat sexual minorities, handicapper of any kind, racial/ethnic minorities etc., how many refugees the state accepts, how few weapons the country exports, how sustainably official agencies and commercial companies treat ecological system and so on.
I know that it is very difficult to define the equation. Some countries want large coefficient for index X, and others would like small one. These states claim to enlarge the coefficient for index Y, and those demand to diminish. The deal will continue decade to several decades. Even with all difficulties we have to make it.
We need a social globalization instead of the market-radical globalization. We need a globalization oriented toward solidarity instead the globalization oriented exclusively toward self-responsibility. We need a sustainable globalization instead of the globalization destroying the eco-system. We need human globalization. We need a globalization of the people, by the people, for the people instead of the globalization of the capital, by the capital, for the capital. We need a cosmopolitanization, so to say.
* This article is the rewrite of my old article 【Federal Appeals court declares Trump travel ban unconstitutional】.
【Complement 1】
States (federating states), prefectures and companies (commercial enterprises) what are taking the global responsibilities should be able to trade internationally with low tax-rate even if they have their home (headquarters) in the states what are taking no or less responsibilities.
【Complement 2】
To the countries what do not enter the 'Social and Sustainable Tax Union', highest tariff rates are automatically applied.

Supreme Court Turns Down Trump’s Appeal in ‘Dreamers’ Case
(The New York Times)
Supreme Court decision on ‘dreamers’ puts pressure back on Congress to act
(The Washington Post)
Today: What the Supreme Court Did, and Didn’t Do, for the 'Dreamers'
(Los Angeles Times)
What DACA Supreme Court Ruling Means for Dreamers’ Futures
US Supreme Court puts off DACA decision — for now
(Deutsche Welle)

Falsehoods of Pseudo-Political-Scientist 三浦瑠麗 3

Part 1 ⇒ https://ameblo.jp/konrad-nachtigall/entry-12352851900.html
Part 2 ⇒ https://ameblo.jp/konrad-nachtigall/entry-12353153804.html
As we have now sawed, the central problem is not MIURA’s low-quality statements, but the property/character of the self-alleged Liberal-Democratic Party what have been ruling Japan almost always since several decades, and its right-wing extremist Prime Minister Shinzo ABE. And the secondly most important elements are academia and journalism in Japan what don’t fight uncompromising against current de-democratizing and strengthening of ethnocentrism and xenophobia
(P.S.: the targets of hates from intolerant Japanese are not only foreigners, but also sexual minorities, handicapper of any kind, welfare recipients, victims of natural disasters and so on).
I please once more the citizens of the global society to inform other people of the world about these negative conditions in Japan.
I cite my old blog-articles
(Original texts are in German).
【Quote 1 begins】
Foreign correspondents in Tokyo should inform the citizens all over the world about the danger of current Japan. All diplomats from democracy states should send the warning about the de-democratization of Japan to the government of their home lands. Otherwise, after decades, Japan will have completely undemocratized and damage the global society again.
【Quote 1 finishes】
Source: Ministerpräsident ABE hat zwar seinen Fehler der Atompolitik anerkannt aber
(Prime Minister ABE recognized his failure on one hand, however …)

【Quote 2 begins】
It is good for German citizens too, to help the people who are persecuted by dictatorial governments, because acceptance of violation of human rights by undemocratic power supports escalation of violation, and ‘spectators, bystanders’ must be lastly punished in any form because of their inactivity. For example; France and UK took no effective actions against both violation of human rights within Germany and invasions to foreign countries by Nazi regime. And they themselves had to be invaded after all. To early respond to authoritarian and/or chauvinistic dangerous states is important to maintain own welfare.
In this sense, the Japan-EU Free Trade Agreement is problematic. Japan takes very little international responsibilities. In Detail; Japan accepted in recent years only ca. 30 refugees (not 30 thousand! Pure 30!) annual. In Japan, employers can let their employees work so long that, in last years, ca. 100 deaths and weak 100 suicides because of overwork are recognized annual officially, i.e., by governmental agency.
(Specialists for social matters say, the cases which are not recognized officially, should be more.) Japanese companies compete with their European rival unfair. Not to recognize the unsocial state Japan as the unsocial is problematical for welfare of working people in Europa.
Cf. More about the unsocial state Japan →
http://www.geocities.jp/hidy_der_grosse/2017_09_24_Bundestagswahl/2017_09_24_-_Bundestagswahl.html (text in German)
【Quote 2 finishes】
Quelle: Asylrecht für Türkischen Putsch-Anführer
(Asylum right for Turkish coup leader)

【【The main part of this article ends here】】
【【Supplement to MIURA’s other failures (I explain only simply)】】
(Article of the 24th Nov. 2017)
(1) Why does the author mention the position of Japan in the context of the purpose of the war?
(2) Friendly state for whom?
(Article of the 24th Nov. 2017)
Was South Korea under dictatorship of Chung-hee und Chun Doo-hwan a completely anti-American state?
Or; Was the Korean War no bloody war?
(Article of the 24th Nov. 2017)
朝鮮半島全体が中国の影響下に入る ⇒ In what a kind of Form?
(Case 1) Official und legal.
(Case 2) Unofficial und indirect.

1 ⇒ Can there be such a fool peace treaty?
2 ⇒ Ms. MIURA likely thinks about the situation of Iraq after the Iraq War, where influence of Iran has become strong. Do Koreans who have Korea democratized wish the rule by the Chinese dictatorship? I believe perfectly sure that majority Koreans love freedom and democracy stronger as Ms. Miura.
(Article of the 24th Nov. 2017)
The statement would be right, if she had said; it would be impossible in the short term. But without such a restriction, the claim is false.
The examples of the South African Republic and Iran.
(Article of the 24th Nov. 2017)
It is the Remake of demagogy during the Cold War with the intention to let people believe the fiction as if the Japanese Communist Party were the marionet of the party of the Soviet Union, the People’s Republic of China, or North Korea.
There are more other falsehoods and illogical statements. Not only in the article of the last year but of the 12th Feb. of this year. But I am now composing a musical piece and want to concentrate on it. Now, I stop to write this article.