Deal with Moritomo was called the "Case ABE" | Hidy der Grosseのブログ

Deal with Moritomo was called the "Case ABE"

The scoop of the Akahata (Red Flag = the organ (party newspaper) of the Japanese Communist Party)! In the Kinki Local Finance Bureau, the deal between the bureau and the Moritomo Gakuen was called “the Case ABE. According to the Akahata, a person concerned to the bureau says; From the first, it was the common knowledge that the project was related to the Prime Minister Shinzo ABE and his wife, and then the project was treated specially. The person concerned said furthermore; after February 2017 as the scandal was brought to light, it was said in the bureau, “by orders of the person(s) connected to the Prime Minister’s Official Residence and of the Ministry of Finance, we are forced to do what cannot be legitimated”.
#Japan #ShinzoABE #LDP #LiberalDemocraticParty #Scandal #Corruption #Moritomo #Abegate