The Supreme Court has rejected Trump’s attempt | Hidy der Grosseのブログ

The Supreme Court has rejected Trump’s attempt

【The Supreme Court has rejected Trump’s attempt around the DACA】
It is unforeseeable how the Supreme Court will decide ultimately. But I believe barely in intellectuals and their influence in the US because of their behavior just as this judgment, in spite of all negative events since 2016. Contrary, political situation of Japan is hopeless. Strengthening of antidemocracy, xenophobia, anti-intellectualism, intolerance etc. is common phenomena to both countries. However, conditions of Japanese society are much deeper in the crisis because there are so a few intellectuals in true meaning in japan that dangerous current go on without almost any barrier.
Refugees whom Japanese Government accepted in 2017, are only 20! Not 20 thousand, purely 20!!
Japan takes much less international responsibility than European progressive countries. Japanese companies are competing against their rivals unfair. Not only refugee policy shows us the defectivity of Japanese state and society, but also (A) Labor, employment and wage policy, (B) women and family policy, (C) educational policy, (D) environmental policy, (E) issues around freedom and democracy and so on.
(A) In recent years in Japan, ca. 100 employees died, and weak 100 killed themselves annual because of overwork (Karoshi and Karo-suicides). (My website in German)
(B) According to the Gender Gap Index 2017, Japan is No. 114 country of all 144 countries.
(C) Japan is the country with least public spending on education (% of GDP, 2014) in all OECD-countries (exclusive the countries no data),
(D) the government of Japan wants to build much coal-fired power plants,
(E) According to the Press Freedom Ranking 2017, Japan is No. 72 country in all 180 countries.
Shortly said, the political and economic Establishment (rulers) of Japan has been made the state and the society so anti-liberal (here, liberal in etymological meaning), i.e., so undemocratic that employers can let work their employees arbitrarily so that manufacturing companies can produce their products at lower costs than their foreign rivals.
Therefore, it is problematic to conclude any free trade agreement with Japan and to import the products made in Japan with low custom duties.
Problematic countries are not only Japan. What is more, grades of problematicality are different by countries. We need the equation/formula with which we can calculate custom duties of countries. Variables are indices which represent progressiveness/regressiveness of each country, concrete said, how free and democratic the country is, how many wage and/or salary employees receive, how long employees work, how good/bad working conditions are, how equal positions of both genders are, how equally children from varied social groups are educated, how correct the state and the society treat sexual minorities, handicapper of any kind, racial/ethnic minorities etc., how many refugees the state accepts, how few weapons the country exports, how sustainably official agencies and commercial companies treat ecological system and so on.
I know that it is very difficult to define the equation. Some countries want large coefficient for index X, and others would like small one. These states claim to enlarge the coefficient for index Y, and those demand to diminish. The deal will continue decade to several decades. Even with all difficulties we have to make it.
We need a social globalization instead of the market-radical globalization. We need a globalization oriented toward solidarity instead the globalization oriented exclusively toward self-responsibility. We need a sustainable globalization instead of the globalization destroying the eco-system. We need human globalization. We need a globalization of the people, by the people, for the people instead of the globalization of the capital, by the capital, for the capital. We need a cosmopolitanization, so to say.
* This article is the rewrite of my old article 【Federal Appeals court declares Trump travel ban unconstitutional】.
【Complement 1】
States (federating states), prefectures and companies (commercial enterprises) what are taking the global responsibilities should be able to trade internationally with low tax-rate even if they have their home (headquarters) in the states what are taking no or less responsibilities.
【Complement 2】
To the countries what do not enter the 'Social and Sustainable Tax Union', highest tariff rates are automatically applied.

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