Falsehoods of Pseudo-Political-Scientist 三浦瑠麗 3 | Hidy der Grosseのブログ

Falsehoods of Pseudo-Political-Scientist 三浦瑠麗 3

Part 1 ⇒ https://ameblo.jp/konrad-nachtigall/entry-12352851900.html
Part 2 ⇒ https://ameblo.jp/konrad-nachtigall/entry-12353153804.html
As we have now sawed, the central problem is not MIURA’s low-quality statements, but the property/character of the self-alleged Liberal-Democratic Party what have been ruling Japan almost always since several decades, and its right-wing extremist Prime Minister Shinzo ABE. And the secondly most important elements are academia and journalism in Japan what don’t fight uncompromising against current de-democratizing and strengthening of ethnocentrism and xenophobia
(P.S.: the targets of hates from intolerant Japanese are not only foreigners, but also sexual minorities, handicapper of any kind, welfare recipients, victims of natural disasters and so on).
I please once more the citizens of the global society to inform other people of the world about these negative conditions in Japan.
I cite my old blog-articles
(Original texts are in German).
【Quote 1 begins】
Foreign correspondents in Tokyo should inform the citizens all over the world about the danger of current Japan. All diplomats from democracy states should send the warning about the de-democratization of Japan to the government of their home lands. Otherwise, after decades, Japan will have completely undemocratized and damage the global society again.
【Quote 1 finishes】
Source: Ministerpräsident ABE hat zwar seinen Fehler der Atompolitik anerkannt aber
(Prime Minister ABE recognized his failure on one hand, however …)

【Quote 2 begins】
It is good for German citizens too, to help the people who are persecuted by dictatorial governments, because acceptance of violation of human rights by undemocratic power supports escalation of violation, and ‘spectators, bystanders’ must be lastly punished in any form because of their inactivity. For example; France and UK took no effective actions against both violation of human rights within Germany and invasions to foreign countries by Nazi regime. And they themselves had to be invaded after all. To early respond to authoritarian and/or chauvinistic dangerous states is important to maintain own welfare.
In this sense, the Japan-EU Free Trade Agreement is problematic. Japan takes very little international responsibilities. In Detail; Japan accepted in recent years only ca. 30 refugees (not 30 thousand! Pure 30!) annual. In Japan, employers can let their employees work so long that, in last years, ca. 100 deaths and weak 100 suicides because of overwork are recognized annual officially, i.e., by governmental agency.
(Specialists for social matters say, the cases which are not recognized officially, should be more.) Japanese companies compete with their European rival unfair. Not to recognize the unsocial state Japan as the unsocial is problematical for welfare of working people in Europa.
Cf. More about the unsocial state Japan →
http://www.geocities.jp/hidy_der_grosse/2017_09_24_Bundestagswahl/2017_09_24_-_Bundestagswahl.html (text in German)
【Quote 2 finishes】
Quelle: Asylrecht für Türkischen Putsch-Anführer
(Asylum right for Turkish coup leader)

【【The main part of this article ends here】】
【【Supplement to MIURA’s other failures (I explain only simply)】】
(Article of the 24th Nov. 2017)
(1) Why does the author mention the position of Japan in the context of the purpose of the war?
(2) Friendly state for whom?
(Article of the 24th Nov. 2017)
Was South Korea under dictatorship of Chung-hee und Chun Doo-hwan a completely anti-American state?
Or; Was the Korean War no bloody war?
(Article of the 24th Nov. 2017)
朝鮮半島全体が中国の影響下に入る ⇒ In what a kind of Form?
(Case 1) Official und legal.
(Case 2) Unofficial und indirect.

1 ⇒ Can there be such a fool peace treaty?
2 ⇒ Ms. MIURA likely thinks about the situation of Iraq after the Iraq War, where influence of Iran has become strong. Do Koreans who have Korea democratized wish the rule by the Chinese dictatorship? I believe perfectly sure that majority Koreans love freedom and democracy stronger as Ms. Miura.
(Article of the 24th Nov. 2017)
The statement would be right, if she had said; it would be impossible in the short term. But without such a restriction, the claim is false.
The examples of the South African Republic and Iran.
(Article of the 24th Nov. 2017)
It is the Remake of demagogy during the Cold War with the intention to let people believe the fiction as if the Japanese Communist Party were the marionet of the party of the Soviet Union, the People’s Republic of China, or North Korea.
There are more other falsehoods and illogical statements. Not only in the article of the last year but of the 12th Feb. of this year. But I am now composing a musical piece and want to concentrate on it. Now, I stop to write this article.