Falsehoods of Pseudo-Political-Scientist 三浦瑠麗 2 | Hidy der Grosseのブログ

Falsehoods of Pseudo-Political-Scientist 三浦瑠麗 2

(part 1 ⇒ https://ameblo.jp/konrad-nachtigall/entry-12352851900.html )

(part 3 ⇒ https://ameblo.jp/konrad-nachtigall/entry-12353722648.html)


MIURA's statement is not to be allowed because

(1) in Japan, one thousand to some thousands Koreans were, caused through the racist demagogy, killed after a great earthquake, (Cf. Wikipedia-Articele „1923 Great Kantō earthquake “, ‘1.2 Postquake violence’ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1923_Great_Kant%C5%8D_earthquake#Postquake_violence),

(2) not a few Japanese have negative prejudices against Koreans still today and those discriminate (by extreme cases, attack threatening) these, and some xenophobic activists were condemned to compensation for racist statements. (Cf. Google-Search, Search for ‚Zaitokukai‘, Filtered ‚Sites in English‘ https://www.google.de/search?hl=en&as_q=Zaitokukai&lr=lang_en),

3 the politicians of the LPD (Liberal-Democratic Party of Japan), the conservative-reactionary party almost always having ruled Japan since 1955, wish to negate, to underestimate, and/or to legitimate the mass-killing, (Material A-1: Minutes of Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly of the 2nd May 2017 (Japanese) http://www.gikai.metro.tokyo.jp/record/proceedings/2017-1/04.html#08 , Material A-2: Link to the Material A-1 http://www.gikai.metro.tokyo.jp/record/proceedings/2017-1/ , Material B-1: a mysterious story around the website of the Cabinet Office about the Genocide, Article of the newspaper ‘Asahi’ (Japanese) https://www.asahi.com/articles/ASK4L66HXK4LUTIL04K.html , Material B-2: Article of the newspaper ‘Mainich’ about the same phenomena (Japanese), (there may be perhaps a problem Regarding to copyright?) https://twitter.com/K_H_koshien/status/858179762182774785/photo/1 , B-3: A Same Article of B-2 https://twitter.com/korocolor/status/858106530125631488/photo/1 , B-4: Blog-article to explain the full story (Japanese) https://matome.naver.jp/odai/2149260485069088401 , B-5: The revived website of the Cabinet Office about the Great Kantō Earthquake 1923 http://www.bousai.go.jp/kyoiku/kyokun/kyoukunnokeishou/rep/1923_kanto_daishinsai_2/index.html ).




I please you, the citizens all over the world, to know the political crisis situation in Japan, and to announce to people the situation.


Very roughly said, MIURA’s Statement itself is not so dangerous, that says, it threats the security of the society not so seriously. A little more exact said, her statement should not be danger to the peaceful life of the citizens at all. Her declaration is at the amateur-level. There are not only two defined falsehoods (or intentional lies), what are shown at the head of this article (http), but also more other questionable statements. If the Japanese society were normal, the staff of the program would not have invited Ms. MIURA, she would not have appeared to the TV-show, so that her remark would not have spread in all over the country.


What is essentially dangerous, i.e., what we must be fundamentally afraid of, is that

(1) Ms. MIURA is a lecturer of the University Tokyo (http://pari.u-tokyo.ac.jp/eng/info/people.html),

(2) her opinion is assessed as the knowledge of the specialist and has spread via tv-program countrywide,

(3) the largest political party (even though its absolute voting share of recent elections were ca. 20%) tries to represent the massacre under the fascist regime as what did not happened in the truth and/ or to legitimate it as a fair defense against Korean terrorists, and thereover to let people believe the fake history,

(4) although some medias are informing the readers about the revisionist actions of the governing conservative-reactionary party, the activities of the LPD are not so strictly criticized, more exact said, so very weakly announced, that completely majority Japanese don’t know at all that the LDP fakes the history.


(to be continued)


to the reader who wont to read the continuation now:

please visit this site ⇒ http://hidydergrosse.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-30.html

and translate the german text.