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Regulating business
The trial of Sarbanes-Oxley

Apr 20th 2006 | NEW YORK
From The Economist print edition

The corporate regulation brought in after the Enron scandal stands accused of making matters worse
J-SOXの施行でわが国の企業も大騒ぎですが、米国は既に反省期に入っています。企業は内部統制構築(Section 404)の負担に悲鳴を上げ、刑事罰のリスクからCEOのなり手も激減しています。一方で、会計事務所は焼け太りになっています。

・・・・・・・・ (前略)Section 404 has almost certainly improved the quality of internal controls at the firms where it has been implemented. But the question is not whether better controls lead to less risk—how could they not?—but whether that reduction in risk is worth the price. According to a recent study by CRA International, a research firm, in the first year of SOX implementation, for larger companies (with a market capitalisation of at least $700m), the average direct cost of Section 404 was $8.5m; for smaller public companies ($75m-700m), the average cost was around $1.2m. The SEC has not yet asked the very smallest public companies, with a value of less than $75m, to comply with Section 404.

The good news is that Section 404 costs are expected to fall by around 40% in the second year, says CRA, as the new system beds in. Even so, the costs are still higher than anyone expected them to be—the SEC initially forecast an average cost of $91,000 per company—and the burden is disproportionately heavy for smaller companies.

Much of the blame for this should be pinned on accounting firms, which, despite being seen by the public as big offenders in the Enron and WorldCom scandals, have emerged as the big beneficiaries from SOX. According to Joe Grundfest, a former SEC commissioner, the audit industry has several incentives to “push Section 404 compliance to a point of socially inefficient hyper-vigilance.” To avoid further damage to their reputations, and to minimise the risk that they will be sued over accounting irregularities, audit firms are adopting the most prudent possible interpretation of the Section 404 rules—rules that are vague and open to argument. And, as Mr Grundfest points out, the “more onerous the requirements of Section 404, the more money the audit profession can earn” by selling its services. (後略)




SOX packaged together five different categories of reforms intended to protect investors from future Enrons. First, rules requiring better internal monitoring for potential fraud by a company's board and executives, including making the people at the top certify the quality of their firm's financial reports. Second, new measures to improve the monitoring of firms by relevant outside professionals, such as lawyers and auditors, who got their own regulatory body, the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB). Third, more disclosure,  including of a firm's internal-control structure. Fourth,  new rules on the conduct of corporate insiders, such as a prohibition on loans to executives. Finally,  new rules to ensure that securities analysts at banks operate independently from their firms' investment-banking activities.

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Women and the world economy
A guide to womenomics

Apr 12th 2006
From The Economist print edition

The future of the world economy lies increasingly in female hands

“WHY can't a woman be more like a man?” mused Henry Higgins in “My Fair Lady”. Future generations might ask why a man can't be more like a woman. In rich countries, girls now do better at school than boys, more women are getting university degrees than men are and females are filling most new jobs. Arguably, women are now the most powerful engine of global growth.

In 1950 only one-third of American women of working age had a paid job. Today two-thirds do, and women make up almost half of America's workforce (see chart 1). Since 1950 men's employment rate has slid by 12 percentage points, to 77%. In fact, almost everywhere more women are employed and the percentage of men with jobs has fallen—although in some countries the feminisation of the workplace still has far to go: in Italy and Japan, women's share of jobs is still 40% or less.

The increase in female employment in developed countries has been aided by a big shift in the type of jobs on offer. Manufacturing work, traditionally a male preserve, has declined, while jobs in services have expanded. This has reduced the demand for manual labour and put the sexes on a more equal footing.

In the developing world, too, more women now have paid jobs. In the emerging East Asian economies, for every 100 men in the labour force there are now 83 women, higher even than the average in OECD countries. Women have been particularly important to the success of Asia's export industries, typically accounting for 60-80% of jobs in many export sectors, such as textiles and clothing. (後略)






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Retailing in India
Coming to market

Apr 12th 2006 | DELHI

The final frontier for global retailing is beginning to open


(前略)・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ •Red tape   Organised retailers also have to negotiate a bewildering minefield of central, state and local government rules and regulations at every stage of their operations. In most states the Agricultural Produce Marketing Committee Act, for example, prevents farmers from selling their wares directly to retailers. In Karnataka, in the south, most farm produce must be bought and sold at the government-run market. So at a vast cash-and-carry centre in Bangalore, the state capital, opened by Metro, a German group, the acres of shelf-space designed for fruit and vegetables are empty or otherwise occupied. In many states, land-ceiling legislation prevents large-scale contract farming. Some sorts of food processing are “reserved” for small businesses. In towns the size of shops and permissible opening hours are governed by local rules.

Labour laws discourage large businesses by making it hard for them to lay off staff. Retailers also need to collect sheaves of licences, covering general trading, specific products, pollution clearances and so on. According to a 2003 study, a new shop needed, on average, 15 licences from 11 government bodies, and securing them took an average of six months and cost up to 500,000 rupees. Pantaloon's Mr Biyani says that every time a regulation disappears, a new one takes its place. He identifies the Environment Ministry as the biggest logjam. One of his planned developments has been stalled for a year. He is also exercised by a law in the state of Maharashtra (which includes Mumbai) banning plastic bags. “No retailer in the world,” he laments, “can understand this.” (後略)




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Central European competitiveness
Lynx economies

Apr 12th 2006
From The Economist print edition

The advanced ex-communist countries have done well—and will do even better

THE best-performing ex-communist economies are setting quite a pace: Estonia and Latvia posted 10% GDP growth in 2005, reminiscent of Asia's “tigers”. The question now is whether the new Europeans can keep it up and catch the richer half of their continent. Few worry about external shocks, though Hungary, with its big current-account and budget deficits, looks vulnerable. For most, basic competitiveness is more pertinent.

A study by the Vienna Institute for Comparative Economic Studies, a think-tank, and Bank Austria Creditanstalt paints an encouraging picture, at least for the eight ex-communist countries that joined the European Union two years ago. They are usually termed the EU-8, but “lynx economies”—in honour of the region's own fierce felines—would be catchier. Their prospects are much brighter than those of the next candidates for membership, such as Romania and Bulgaria. In particular, the lynxes look set to keep their edge against their Asian competitors in the EU market.

The study measures the EU-8's competitiveness in terms of export performance (both size and quality), economic structures (a big share for services is a strength, farming and manufacturing are not) and the friendliness of the business environment (from bureaucracy to infrastructure). On some scores, the lynxes have almost caught up. They gain 65% of their gross value-added from services, only just below rich EU countries, at 69%. The second-rank tigers (Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines and Thailand) make only 47% through services. They have 13% of value added coming from agriculture; among the lynxes, it is 4.3%, in old Europe, 2.7%. (後略)




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P.E. Firms Inching Toward Public



While market watchers comment on the growing blur between hedge funds and private equity, p.e. firms are losing their sharp private focus and are mulling moves to become public. Private equity, reports Reuters, is facing not only an increasing shortage of good buyout opportunities, but also the graying of top directors, “fund-raising fatigue” and a need to diversify. Already p.e. giants The Blackstone Group and The Carlyle Group are considering going at least partly public, and Kohlberg Kravis Roberts is listing a publicly traded fund in Europe. The transition may not always be lucrative, as evidenced by the “mixed” results of some recent IPOs, says Reuters. What’s more, private equity firms will be forced to become more open about such things as executive compensation. Still, the need to grow may overpower the risks. “If funds can find a way to raise permanent capital, they will do it,” attorney Jeffrey Tabak, a p.e. fund-raising specialist at the law firm Weil, Gotshal & Manges, told Reuters. “And, right now, they are looking at various vehicles and structures to accomplish this.” These include, says Yahoo, creating foreign investment corporations, real estate investment trusts and special purpose acquisition companies, to name a few.



 80年代コールバーグ、クラビス、ロバーツ等が始めたプライベート・エクイティ業務は30数年の間に欧州からアジアにまで拡大してきました。 第1世代が引退の時期に入る一方、競争激化によって、時間に追われる投資手法に限界を感じ始めてきたようです。投資手法やファンド・マネジャーの豪勢な手数料収入も周知の事実になってしまいましたので、返済期限に煩わされないウォーレン・バフェットのような投資会社になりたいという要求が強くなったのでしょう。REITや人材斡旋会社が上場できて、プライベート・エクイティが上場出来ない訳はない、ということでしょうか?

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代替エネルギーの可能性と原油の枯渇問題 (エコノミスト誌)

The oil industry
Steady as she goes

From The Economist print edition

Why the world is not about to run out of oil


IN 1894 Le Petit Journal of Paris organised the world's first endurance race for “vehicles without horses”. The race was held on the 78-mile (125km) route from Paris to Rouen, and the purse was a juicy 5,000 francs. The rivals used all manner of fuels, ranging from steam to electricity to compressed air. The winner was a car powered by a strange new fuel that had previously been used chiefly in illumination, as a substitute for whale blubber: petrol derived from oil.

Despite the victory, petrol's future seemed uncertain back then. Internal-combustion vehicles were seen as noisy, smelly and dangerous. By 1900 the market was still split equally among steam, electricity and petrol—and even Henry Ford's Model T ran on both grain-alcohol and petrol. In the decades after that great race petrol came to dominate the world's transportation system. Oil left its rivals in the dust not only because internal-combustion engines proved more robust and powerful than their rivals, but also because oil reserves proved to be abundant. (後略)


 歴史には偶然の産物が経路依存性(pass dependence)によって、主流の立場を獲得するということが良くあります。よく引き合いに出されるのが、パソコンのキーボードが、上部左から二義に向かって”qwerty”という配列になっていることです。百年前石油が馬に代わる動力源となったのは、当時の技術力のしからしむところだったのでしょう。



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Executive pay
Raymond reviewed

Apr 20th 2006 | NEW YORK
From The Economist print edition

Why the outrage about Exxon misses the point


THE media have had a field day with the news that Lee Raymond, the retiring chairman of Exxon Mobil, received “compensation” worth at least $398m in his last year in charge of the oil giant. Headlines such as “Exxon chairman's $400m parachute” were everywhere, as editorials condemned what has become the latest “worst-case” example of executive greed running wild.


Exxon's ex-boss has been characteristically unapologetic, however. Mr Raymond seems to think that he has actually earned the money—much of which is the result of various long-term incentive schemes and hardly counts as the “retirement package” it was reported to be.

What is more, he has a point. Exxon earned more in profit last year—over $36 billion—than any company has ever done before. True, Mr Raymond has had the good fortune to work in an industry that has benefited from the soaring oil price. But even allowing for that, Exxon under Mr Raymond has enjoyed a remarkable record of using its capital to earn high profits—one reason why it has easily outperformed most other large oil companies in terms of total shareholder returns.

And it is the shareholders, after all, who pay Mr Raymond—and who have done well out of Exxon themselves. The real executive compensation scandals are those cases when bosses do well, while their shareholders do not.





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Corporate bonds
Control freaks

Mar 16th 2006
From The Economist print edition

Buy-outs are making bondholders more discriminating. High time




FEW British companies look less vulnerable to takeover than Tesco, a supermarket chain that is no one's idea of a shrinking violet. Yet this week Tesco approached the bond markets with an unusual lure to creditors. Its long-term bonds included a covenant that would protect bondholders' interests in the unlikely event that Tesco is gobbled up.

Bankers say it is not the first time that Tesco's bonds have included such a “change of control” clause. Other big companies, even if they seem just as safe as Tesco, are being pressed by creditors to follow its lead.

There are two reasons why. First is the pace and scale of takeover activity around the world, with bidders employing cheap debt in colossal volumes. Second, creditors that have lent with few strings attached in recent, easy-money years are learning to be a bit more demanding.

Change-of-control protection offers them valuable peace of mind. Whereas shareholders mostly relish the thought that a company they own might be on the receiving end of a bid, bondholders are terrified by it. Usually, it means a load of new debt, relegating their claims and cutting the price of their bonds. The very attributes that attract bondholders to a borrower, such as large, stable cashflow to service debt, are the same that entice a leveraged buy-out (LBO) fund. So without change-of-control safeguards, the danger of being blindsided is growing. (後略)






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Europe Circles The Flat Tax 

The success of a single tax rate in the East is spurring Western Europe to take a closer look 


The flat tax. In the eyes of many fiscal conservatives, it's the Holy Grail of public policy: One low income tax rate paid by all but the poorest wage-earners, who are exempt. No loopholes for the rich to exploit. No graduated rates that take a higher percentage of income from people who work hard to earn more. No need for a huge bureaucracy to police fiendishly complex tax laws. U.S. conservatives have been pushing the idea for decades. But it has gotten its first real road test in the former Soviet bloc, where at least eight countries, from minuscule Estonia to giant Russia, have enacted flat taxes since the mid-1990s.

Most of these countries' economies are growing at a far-healthier clip than those of their neighbors to the west. So it's no surprise that calls for a flat tax are now being heard in Western Europe, the most heavily taxed zone on the planet. Angela Merkel, the Christian Democratic Union's candidate for Chancellor in Germany's Sept. 18 elections, chose a leading flat-tax advocate as one of her main economic advisers. In Britain, the opposition Conservatives on Sept. 7 announced they would set up a commission to study a flat-tax proposal.





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The New Prize: Alternative Fuels




E85 is also less energy-dense than gasoline, so a driver goes a bit less far on a gallon. Its current cost advantage is dependent on a 43-cents-a-gallon subsidy, versus a roughly 40-cent tax on a gallon of gasoline. Environmentalists have generally viewed the rise of flex-fuel vehicles as a boondoggle for automakers, because they are afforded fuel economy credits for making them. The credits have had the effect of driving up oil consumption. Many consumers who buy flex-fuel vehicles are not even made aware of the capability.

On the upside, ethanol is a domestic resource and most studies indicate that it reduces emissions of both smog-forming pollutants and global warming gases, the amount depending on how it is produced. An emerging process of creating ethanol from agricultural waste like cereal straw has the potential for far greater emissions reductions and more efficient land use.

This so-called cellulose ethanol has much greater potential than current ethanol, said Michael Wang, a researcher at the Center for Transportation Research at the Argonne National Laboratory, but, he added, "the technology has not arrived."

David Friedman, a senior analyst at the Union of Concerned Scientists, an environmental group, said, "ethanol has great potential to help the U.S. kick our oil habit, but that's 20 or 30 years away."

"Corn ethanol can help in the short term, but it has serious limitations, and none of this is going to work if we don't dramatically improve the efficiency of our cars and trucks."




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