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One-Stop Dividend Shopping

A portfolio of dividend-paying stocks in a single security can simplify your life. But mind those ETF differences

Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) have come a long way since Standard & Poor's Depositary Receipts (SPDRs) first appeared in 1993. By the end of the first quarter of 2006, there were 212 ETF portfolios in the U.S., holding more than $321 billion in assets, according to the Investment Company Institute. The first ETF of dividend-paying stocks arrived in 2003. Now, there are eight such ETFs available to U.S. investors, with more on the way.

One reason for the spread of dividend-based and other specialized ETFs is the evolution of indexes, says James Pacetti, president of ETF International, a New York consultant (see BW Online, 5/5/06, "ETFs: Sliced, Diced, and Razor-Thin" ). Indexes initially served to describe markets, and were later tweaked into growth and value segments.

INDEXES A GO-GO. Today, says Pacetti, cheap computer power means that "quantitative strategies are being packaged as indexes." Current dividend ETFs are based on indexes created by four providers (see table): Dow Jones (DJ ), Mergent, Morningstar (MORN ), and Standard & Poor's, a division of The McGraw-Hill (MHP ) Companies.

The first ETF devoted to dividend payers was the iShares Dow Jones Select Dividend Index Fund (DVY ). The fund tracks the Dow Jones U.S. Select Dividend Index, which is based on the company's U.S. Total Market Index. To be in the dividend index, a stock must have positive historical five-year dividend-per-share growth, have paid out an average 60% or less of earnings over the past five years, and meet trading volume requirements. The dividend index consists of the top 100 stocks, ranked by yield, that meet these criteria.



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Financial Services
Where's Citi?
Liz Moyer, 05.17.06,


(前略) After the Golden West-Wachovia deal was announced, some analysts began wondering whether Citi's deal-making engines would turn back on and reclaim the lost ground. The Federal Reserve recently lifted a moratorium on Citi's doing big deals (it had told Citi to hold off on major transactions while it shored up internal controls).

Many analysts put Citi in a deal with Washington Mutual, the largest U.S. thrift. Such a combination would bring it 2,600 retail locations from coast to coast, a sizable credit card operation and a mortgage business that underwrote some $200 billion in loans last year.

Some others see it in a big credit card transaction. Though Morgan Stanley Chief Executive John Mack has stated his commitment to the cards business, Discover Financial Services could be a good fit with Citi, says David Robertson, publisher of the Nilson Report. (Discover was the only other card issuer to lose share last year.)

Discover, with $44 billion in receivables, would lift Citi, which has $111 billion, past Bank of America's $149 billion, Robertson says. More important, Discover has a merchant network that competes with MasterCard and Visa, and Citi might view that as an opportunity to jump into that business in a big way. Such a move would preempt Bank of America, which has talked in recent weeks about building its own merchant network. (後略)



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Market Place

S.E.C. Eases Audit Rules but Rejects Exemptions



The Securities and Exchange Commission moved yesterday to make audit rules that have angered many companies easier and less expensive to apply. But despite political pressure, the commission said smaller companies would eventually have to comply with rules governing their internal controls.

The commission also indicated that it would take at least two years to ensure that every public company was in compliance.

"The basic message is the S.E.C. is saying that there is no ultimate postponement for smaller companies," the chairman of the commission, Christopher Cox, said in a telephone interview. "Ultimately, all companies will be required to comply."

Some companies have complained bitterly about the cost of auditing their internal controls, and an S.E.C. advisory committee had proposed exempting all but the largest companies from the rule.

The cost of compliance for smaller companies has been the prime exhibit in political arguments that provisions of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 should be scaled back, and a bill to exempt most companies from the rules was introduced in Congress hours before the commission made its announcement. (後略)




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Fortunes Of Kings, Queens And Dictators
Luisa Kroll 05.05.06, 9:00 AM ET


What do Cuba’s fatigue-wearing president Fidel Castro and Monaco’s playboy bachelor Prince Albert have in common? Not much other than lofty positions and vast fortunes. It's a diverse group that includes a British queen, an African dictator and a few Middle Eastern potentates. This year, several new faces appear on our list, in part because of the deaths of some well-known rulers, such as Saudi Arabia’s King Fahd. Taking his spot: his half-brother Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz, who became king in August 2005.

Click here to see ten wealthy rulers.

Entrepreneurs they’re not. These fortunes are largely derived from inheritances or positions of power. And the lines often blur between what is owned by the country and what is owned by the individual. No surprise then that these estimates are more art than science. For instance, we figure Dubai’s Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum gets substantial wealth from his government’s stake in banks, aluminum and real estate companies. In contrast, we don’t count Buckingham Palace or the crown jewels as personal possessions of Queen Elizabeth II. Rather they belong to the British nation, and are only entrusted to her care. (See: “A Birthday Fit For A Queen .”)

Even stickier: Proving a dictator controls funds and uses them for personal gain—not for the country’s benefit. Equatorial Guinea’s president Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo and his government deposited up to $700 million in U.S.’ Riggs Bank. A U.S. Senate subcommittee’s 2004 investigation criticized Riggs for failing to report potential money laundering in the Equatorial Guinea accounts. It also outlined examples of how Riggs allowed Obiang to make cash deposits and withdrawals from accounts he controlled personally. Riggs, which was acquired by PNC last year, later agreed to pay a $16 million fine for failing to report these and other suspicious transactions. (後略)




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Scottish Re Mortality Bond Hits Target Despite Pandemic Fears




Life reinsurer Scottish Re has completed a $155 million securitization that transfers catastrophic mortality risk – the risk of many people dying at once from a big event – to the capital markets. It is only the second company to securitize this kind of risk. Swiss Re was the first with its two Vita Capital deals, the most recent of which was completed in April 2005.

The reinsurer launched the bond to protect itself against increases in U.S. mortality rates or a global pandemic of a disease such as bird flu hitting the U.S. Its decision to arrange the cover was prompted partly by its decision to use the capital markets where appropriate, and partly by its desire to ensure it is covered against all types of peak risks.



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May 10, 2006

Executives Take Company Planes as if Their Own


(前略)  Chief executives' salaries have risen sharply. On top of that, new government data show, shareholders are paying more for executives' personal travel on corporate jets, long criticized as a symbol of excess.

Because the value of a trip counts as personal income for the executives, some companies are even paying the executives' taxes on trips. Others are agreeing to provide leisure travel for retirees, like Sanford I. Weill , who just departed Citigroup as chairman. Edward E. Whitacre Jr. will travel on the corporate plane once his contract is up as chief executive of AT&T , as will Peter F. Chernin after his tenure as president of the News Corporation .

Taking the corporate jet is variously described as a necessity for time-pressed executives and politicians, a luxury for the elite, a security precaution, or an addiction, depending on who is talking.

"One chief executive told me, 'You can fool around with my stock options all you want, but don't fool around with my airplane,' " recalled Richard H. Moore, treasurer of the state of North Carolina, who oversees $72 billion in investments. "You can compare it to crack cocaine. Once they get used to having the plane there waiting for them, they don't want to go back."

Equilar, an independent compensation research firm, reviewed the government filings of the 100 largest public companies that had made their 2005 government filings and found that companies reporting personal use of corporate aircraft billed shareholders 45 percent more for such travel than in the previous year. The number of companies reporting personal use of jets rose as well, to 67 from 60. The reported value, which critics say vastly understates the actual cost, was $10 million. (後略)


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Hedge Funds Grow Slowly On Japanese


Global hedge fund investors love hedge funds having to do with Japan. In fact, half of all HF investment in Asia is in Japan, and the total asset value of funds focusing solely on Japan has jumped 20% in the each of the past five years. The only trouble is, many Japanese investors is not impressed enough to jump into them big time, the Financial Times reports. For one, there is a lack of local talent turning to hedge funds. It may be commonplace in the U.S. and the U.K. for managers from brokerages and mutual funds to take a stab at a hedge fund, says the FT, but in Japan, even top talent at brokerages don’t make as much as they do elsewhere, and certainly not enough to launch a hedge fund. As a result, there are relatively few domestic hedge funds, and it’s the growth of the local market that normally fuels the development of the industry. Further, except for large institutional investors, such as pension funds, few Japanese know enough about HFs to put money in them. The situation is turning, though ever so slowly. Foreign firms, which in the past dominated the Japanese hedge landscape, are increasingly teaming up with locals, which give investors that domestic flavor that can encourage investment. And, in addition to a fee structure that is cheaper than the standard “2 and 20,” Japan has begun making HFs available to mass-market retail investors. If that takes off, say some experts, the masses can increase the domestic HF industry tenfold in five years.





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Market Place

After Doing Its Homework, a College Puts Its Money Into Hedge Funds




THE College of Wooster is a small, liberal arts college in Ohio whose graduates have historically gravitated toward careers as Presbyterian ministers, music teachers or college professors, not traditionally high-paid professions.

Yet its endowment is on a roll. Nearly 80 percent of the endowment's assets are invested in hedge funds — making Wooster among the endowments with the largest exposure to hedge funds, according to the National Association of College and University Business Officers.

Still, that strategy has brought it rich rewards: Its endowment has climbed to $250 million today, from $89 million in 1990.

"A bigger endowment allows us to go out and be more competitive with faculty salaries," said Stewart R. Massey, a trustee of the college who has served as chairman of the investment committee for about 14 years. "It allows us to increase financial aid. It allows us to attract better students," he said, speaking on Monday after the MarHedge 12th Annual Mid-Year Institutional Investment Conference in San Francisco, a gathering of institutional investors and hedge fund managers.

Pension plans, endowments and rich people have long grappled with how to understand and invest in the elusive world of hedge funds, lightly regulated investment pools that charge high fees and have fewer investment constraints than mutual funds.

There are currently more than 8,000 funds with $1.2 trillion in assets. Driven largely by institutions like Wooster piling into hedge funds, the sector is expected to maintain its rapid growth.



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Next Step for Counterfeiters: Faking the Whole Company


BEIJING — At first it seemed to be nothing more than a routine case of counterfeiting in a country where faking it has become an industry.

In mid-2004, managers at the Tokyo headquarters of the Japanese electronics giant NEC started receiving reports that pirated keyboards and blank CD and DVD discs bearing the company's brand were on sale in retail outlets in Beijing and Hong Kong. So like many other manufacturers combating intellectual property thieves in China, the company hired an investigator to track down the pirates.

After two years and thousands of hours of investigation in conjunction with law enforcement agencies in China, Taiwan and Japan, the company said it had uncovered something far more ambitious than clandestine workshops turning out inferior copies of NEC products.

The pirates were faking the entire company.

Evidence seized in raids on 18 factories and warehouses in China and Taiwan over the past year showed that the counterfeiters had set up what amounted to a parallel NEC brand with links to a network of more than 50 electronics factories in mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. (後略)・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・



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Goldman Sachs
On top of the world

Apr 27th 2006
From The Economist print edition

In its taste for risk, the world's leading investment bank epitomises the modern financial system


BY ANY measure, Goldman Sachs is a formidable company. The bank knocks the spots off its competitors, whether in pure investment banking, the traditional craft of underwriting and mergers and acquisitions in which it made its name, or in its new focus, trading for customers and its own account. Even compared with leaders in other industries, Goldman makes spectacular returns. Among its latest record-busting yardsticks was a 40% quarterly return on equity. The average pay-packet of its 24,000 staff last year was $520,000and that includes a lot of assistants and secretaries.


Yet the sheer size of the numbers involved does mean it is worth raising three questions. How exactly has Goldman and its industry achieved this? Can it be sustained? And what should happen if something goes wrong?

Like most of its rivals, Goldman is a difficult institution for outsiders to understand. Until 1999 it was a private partnership. With public ownership came greater reporting responsibilities, but precisely what Goldman is up to remains obscure. The bank likes to say that it still relies a lot on traditional investment banking, but Goldman's accounts show that its profits come increasingly from trading. The sharp-suited investment bankers act as a sales force for less-well-dressed colleagues who work out how to make money from swaps, options and direct investments.




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