最新欧米経営事情ー5分で学べるビジネス英語 -5ページ目



Indian call centres
Busy signals

Too many chiefs, not enough Indians


・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・(前略)Call-centre jobs, rather glamorous until recently, are losing their allure. Staff often have to work nights, put up with abuse and undergo undignified security checks. With the number of BPO workers expected to reach 1m by 2009, a shortfall of 260,000 qualified personnel is predicted. Sujay Chohan, of Gartner, contrasts BPO with India's booming software-development industry. There, Indian firms grew in parallel with their mostly American clients. Engineering colleges, in-house trainers and private institutes kept pace with demand. In businesses such as call-centres, however, growth is even faster and training has been much less organised.

The industry is beginning to help itself. The CCAI, with the Confederation of Indian Industry, has launched a training initiative. It will offer a standardised qualification for new BPO workers: improving English, “neutralising” accents, teaching some computer skills and so on. NASSCOM, a lobby for the software and services industry, is also introducing an “assessment and certification” programme for would-be employees. Such schemes should cut costs, ease wage pressures and help keep crooks out.

India still has a unique combination of manpower and English-language skills. But the full potential of BPO, beyond call-centres, has only been glimpsed—there are huge emerging markets in legal services, accounting, health care, personnel services, and so on. It would be a shame if India were to miss out by misusing its one unbeatable, seemingly inexhaustible resource: well-educated young people.




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Nigerian scam(ナイジェリア詐欺)を知っていますか?


Gulf Coast Scammers Prey on Storm Victims
Law Enforcement Braces for More Fraud


The three Louisiana visitors seemed official as they made the rounds, chatting with many of the hundreds of hurricane evacuees who sought shelter in Magnolia Center in Laurel, Miss.

Saying they were from the Federal Emergency Management Agency, they took names, Social Security numbers, birth dates and other information, promising to speed up the registration process and, more important, payment of disaster benefits.

The problem was that they weren't from FEMA. They were impersonating FEMA officials to steal personal information, said Carl Monk, chief investigator for the Jones County Sheriff 's Department.

One woman complained to federal officials about an e-mail solicitation she received after posting her e-mail address on numerous Web sites, seeking a missing relative. The solicitation was an updated version of the old Nigerian scam, offering a $1,000 donation to "help you get back to your normal life financially from the effects of the Hurricane." The money would be sent in a $4,500 check; the woman first had to wire $3,500 to a Nigerian charity.

Dozens of fraudulent Web sites have appeared, pretending to seek donations for Katrina victims. FBI and state officials have cracked down on many of them.(後略)・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・  




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The Next Big One

Where America is most vulnerable and how the nation can better manage the risks ahead




(前略)・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・There's no way to be sure, but a confluence of trends appears to be raising the frequency, magnitude, and costs of many killer risks. Global integration is bringing everything and everybody closer faster, from technology to terrorists, visitors to viruses. Potential proliferation of small biological, nuclear, and chemical weapons is making security more difficult. Whatever the cause, the earth is warming, making much of the weather more ferocious. The U.S. appears vulnerable today to a growing number of potential disasters. Avian flu鳥インフルエンザ alone threatens to kill millions. It's a scenario people find difficult to absorb, let alone act on. Yet even though any one disaster is unlikely, the growing number of possible catastrophes raises the likelihood that at least one of them will strike.

The good news is that preparing for one disaster prepares for all of them. Planning relies on the same infrastructure and organizations. People are reluctant to pay to prepare for an unlikely event that may happen once in a lifetime. Paying for the possibility of a series of different unlikely events seems to make even less sense. A new approach to both terrorist and natural disasters may work better: Allow cities to deal with all contingencies at once by using the same infrastructure. Pioneered by the State University of New York at Buffalo's Multidisciplinary Center for Earthquake Engineering Research, this approach to multiple hazards is being used in California to "enhance the resilience of the critical infrastructure that communities will need," says director Michel Bruneau. "The three most important things are power and water, acute-care facilities like hospitals, and response-and-recovery capabilities." Strengthen these three, and you are better prepared to deal with almost all eventualities.






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Morgan Director Resigns, a Sign That a Reorganization Is Likely


Michael A. Miles, a Morgan Stanley director with close ties to the former chief executive, Philip J. Purcell, has resigned from the board, the bank said yesterday.

The move, which was expected, is the latest signal that the new chief executive, John J. Mack, intends to reorganize a board that during the battle over Mr. Purcell's leadership became a lightning rod for criticism and remains the target of several shareholder lawsuits.

A former chief executive of Philip Morris , Mr. Miles, 66, was one of the original directors of Dean Witter when the investment bank was spun off from its parent, Sears, in 1993.

As head of Morgan's nominating committee, Mr. Miles was an architect of a board that included several former chief executives, many of whom lived in the Chicago suburbs, who defended Mr. Purcell in the years after the Dean Witter Morgan Stanley merger.

"I believe there is always a need for change and refreshment in any organization," Mr. Miles said in his letter of resignation.

A longtime director with years of boardroom experience - at one time he was on seven boards in addition to Morgan Stanley - Mr. Miles was one of Mr. Purcell's closest advisers during the bitter dispute with the group of eight dissident executives who were calling for Mr. Purcell's resignation. (後略)・・・・・・・・・









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Indian IT's "Powerful Message"

ABN Amro's mega-outsourcing deals awarded to Tata Consultancy Services and Infosys may bring Indian outfits closer to global leadership

5年間で22.4億ドルに達するABM AmroITアウトソーシング業務のうち、18億ドルはIBMに行きましたが、2.5億ドルを受注したタタ(TCS)、1.4億ドルを受注したインフォシスに加え、パトニというインドの大手IT企業3社が登場したことで、アウトソーシング業務は真にグローバル化したことを示し、かつインドIT企業の存在を無視できないものとしたようです。



Analysts believe the pact plays to the strength of the Indian players. Roopa Unnikrishnan, a manager at New York-based outsourcing consulting firm Katzenbach Partners, says, "They're really good at innovating and developing people. It's really smart to use them on the software side, where things will be changing quickly."

In a report issued Aug. 23, Katzenbach Partners said it expects Indian IT outfits to ultimately lead on a global basis, potentially unseating such giants as EDS (EDS ), BearingPoint (BE ), and France's CapGemini.

Smaller U.S. companies are vowing to fight back. Rich Garnick, president of North American business services for Boston-based Keane (KEA ), says he'll try to win reclaim share with a combination of American and Indian talent.

"YANKEE INGENUITY." Keane, a $900 million company, now has about 2,000 of its 9,000 workers in India. Garnick, formerly head of North American operations for Indian IT giant Wipro Technologies (WIT ), says he plans on expanding that number to perhaps 20,000 over the next three years. "The Indians have a tremendous headwind," he says. "We're going to bring some Yankee ingenuity and get some of it back."

IBM, along with Accenture and others, is also rapidly expanding in India. Big Blue's workforce there shot up from 9,000 to 23,000 last year alone.

So the race is on between U.S. and European companies
(この記事もジャパン・パッシングでしょうか?) that are building up their capabilities in India and the Indian outfits that are expanding both in their target markets and in low-cost labor countries around the world.






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Why the Internet Isn't the Death of the Post Office


(前略)・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・Every day, some two million NetflixDVDの郵送レンタル業者envelopes come and go as first-class mail. They are joined by millions of other shipments from online pharmacies, eBay vendors, Amazon.com and other businesses that did not exist before the Internet.

The eclipse of "snail mail" in the age of instant electronic communication has been predicted at least as often as the coming of the paperless office. But the consumption of paper keeps rising. (It has roughly doubled since 1980, with less use of newsprint and much more of ordinary office paper.) And so, with some nuances and internal changes, does the flow of material carried by mail. On average, an American household receives twice as many pieces of mail a day as it did in the 1970's.

"Is the Internet hurting the mails, or helping?" asks Michael J. Critelli, a co-chairman of the public-private Mail Industry Task Force. "It's doing both." Mr. Critelli's day job is chief executive of Pitney Bowes - yes, that Pitney Bowes, once known for its postage meters and now a "mail and document management" company. In the last few years, it has also functioned as a research group for the mail industry, commissioning a series of studies, available free at PostInsight.PB.com , that contain startling findings about the economic, technological and cultural forces that affect use of mail.







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The High Cost Of Climate Change
To some researchers, Katrina looks like a harbinger of much more catastrophic weather to come.


To New Orleans residents, Hurricane Katrina must seem like an incredibly bad piece of meteorological luck that could only happen once in a lifetime. But to many climate researchers, it looks like a harbinger of things to come—with catastrophic regularity—as the world's atmosphere heats up.

In fact, less than a month before Katrina hit the Gulf Coast, Massachusetts Institute of Technology researcher Kerry Emanuel published a portentous paper in the journal Nature that illustrated how hurricanes' destructive potential has risen dramatically over the past few decades, in tandem with global warming. And a few weeks before Emanuel's paper, the Association of British Insurers issued an equally ominous report on the growing financial risks posed by extreme weather events due to global warming. It predicted that the U.S. may suffer losses from single hurricanes of up to $150 billion. (To put that in perspective, Hurricane Andrew racked up losses of about $30 billion when it slammed Florida and Louisiana in 1992.) 







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When Auditors Go Astray, What Director Dares Say So?



・・・・・・・・・・・・・・(前略)KPMG's lawyers were part of the team. The government says KPMG's office of general counsel warned that the failure to register the shelters would risk criminal prosecution, but it added that the tax division leadership could "make a business decision" not to register. The argument was that the high fees justified the risk.

The fees were high, but they were paltry compared to what was at stake. The government says KPMG took in $128 million in fees for shelters that let clients evade $2.5 billion in taxes by claiming false losses of $11 billion.

In a normal company, the board would have come to life, or at least its independent members would have become worried, sometime before the Senate hearing.

But accounting firms are not publicly held and there are no independent directors. All directors are partners, elected by their fellow partners. As we saw at Arthur Andersen, that can lead to an ethos of not messing with another partner's turf. At KPMG, officials decided certain actions were not legal, but then said each partner could make his or her own decisions about what to do.

That structure needs to be changed, even if it means overriding or changing state laws. Accounting firms need independent directors, just as their clients do. Christopher Cox, the new chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission, ought to explore such a reform.






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Misys has second thoughts on executive bonuses

Misys , the software and services group, has watered down水で薄める、弱める proposals to offer generous “retention” bonuses to two top executives less than two weeks before a shareholder vote on the controversial plan.

Its proposed concessions follow “red-top” guidance from the Association of British Insurers, signifying its highest level of concern about the plan to award two executives a bonus worth £1.2m each to encourage them to stay with the company if they fail to become chief executive. The National Association of Pension Funds had also urged opposition to the plan.

The retention scheme is aimed at addressing fears that two directors - Tom Skelton, head of healthcare, and Ivan Martin, head of banking - might quit if they are passed over when Kevin Lomax, founder and executive chairman, steps aside to become non-executive chairman by 2008.

As revealed by the Financial Times, Misys had proposed giving each one shares worth £600,000 in four years' time if they “successfully execute business strategy” and the same amount after three years if each hits targets based on increasing divisional operating profits.

According to people familiar with the situation, the concessions include introducing tougher performance targets over the four-year period and a one-year lock-in for shares awarded after three years.(後略)・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・





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MasterCard Pursuing Plan to Offer Shares to Public


MasterCard Inc., the world's second-largest credit card brand, announced plans yesterday to pursue an initial public offering that could value the company at more than $10 billion.

By going public, MasterCard can raise capital to lead a stronger charge against Visa International, its larger rival. But the move could also be an effort to try to insulate the banks that issue its debit and credit cards as lawsuits against MasterCard mount, analysts said.

MasterCard and Visa are payment associations controlled by thousands of members ranging from small credit unions to global banks. They are marketing machines and policy makers that set the fees and rules that merchants must follow, but they do not directly issue cards to consumers; that task is left to their member banks.

MasterCard said it planned to sell 49 percent of the company to the public, which will hold 83 percent of the voting rights in the company. The 1,400 financial institutions that are members of the card association will retain a 41 percent stake in the public company. They will also receive an undisclosed portion of the proceeds raised in the public offering. The remaining 10 percent stake in MasterCard will be controlled by a newly formed charitable foundation.







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