世界各国の政府は、ワクチン接種後5ヶ月でエイズを発症するデータを発表していた! | Journalist GalaxyUnion

Journalist GalaxyUnion




世界各国の政府は、国民に世界大戦、生活費、猿痘  (猿痘に見えるが、実は免疫破壊に伴う帯状疱疹) を心配させる一方で、コロナワクチン接種後、わずか5ヶ月でエイズ(後天性免疫不全症候群)を発症することを証明するデータを密かに発表していた!

Your Government published data confirming it can take just 5 months for the Covid-19 Vaccinated to develop Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome whilst they had you worried about World War, the Cost of Living & Monkeypox



Governments worldwide have been quietly publishing data for months on end that strongly suggests the Covid-19 injections cause extensive damage to the natural immune system, causing recipients to develop a new form of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome.
Now, new data, recently published by the UK’s Office for National Statistics, indicates that it only takes approximately 4 to 5 months after Covid-19 vaccination, for so much damage to have been done to the immune system that it can, unfortunately, lead to death, as many people have sadly already discovered.






















Many people will believe the claim Covid-19 injections are in effect causing AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) is either incredibly bold or incredibly fictitious. But that’s because many people misunderstand what AIDS actually is.
First of all, Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome is not contagious. But many people it is because of its association with the alleged HIV virus. But AIDS isn’t HIV, and HIV isn’t AIDS. They are two completely different things, it just so happens that AIDS can allegedly result as a complication of long term HIV infection.
So what is AIDS?
Well, the clues in the name, it is an acquired (or secondary) immune deficiency syndrome that affects your immune system partially or as a whole, making your body an easy target for several diseases and infections. When immunodeficiency disorders affect your immune system, your body can no longer fight bacteria and diseases (source).
Several factors in the environment can cause secondary immunodeficiency disorders (source) including radiation or chemotherapy, infections due to HIV, Leukaemia, and Malnutrition.
But some of the less common causes include drugs or medications (source), and for months on end, official statistics from Governments worldwide have suggested the Covid-19 injections should be added to the list.
It all started back in October 2021 with the discovery that data from Public Health England showed the vaccinated population were more likely to be infected with Covid-19 than the unvaccinated population, and this was something that was getting considerably worse by the week.
Public Health England (PHE) has since been disbanded and replaced by the UK Health Security Agency, but the only real difference between the two is the new sinister name. But prior to being disbanded, PHE were publishing weekly ‘Covid-19 Vaccine Surveillance Reports’, a trend that has been continued by the UKHSA.
The reports contained data on Covid-19 cases, hospitalisations and deaths by vaccination status in England, a trend that was unfortunately ended by the UKHSA on the 1st April 2022. But here’s what those reports revealed back in October 2021.
As you can see in the following table, the week 40 report revealed that Covid-19 case rates per 100,000 individuals were highest among the fully vaccinated population aged 30 and above.
This in effect meant the Covid-19 injections were proving to have a real-world negative effectiveness rather than the 95% efficacy claimed by Pfizer and friends.
The significance of this would probably be brushed aside by many under the assumption that this means the Covid-19 injections simply do not work. But if this was the case then we would be seeing either a slightly positive, slightly negative or zero-percent effectiveness.
In relation to Covid-19, a vaccine effectiveness of +50% would indicate the vaccinated are 50% more protected against Covid-19 than the unvaccinated.
A vaccine effectiveness of 0% would indicate the Covid-19 injections don’t work and the vaccinated are no more protected against Covid-19 than the unvaccinated.
But a vaccine effectiveness of minus-50% would mean the unvaccinated are 50% more protected against Covid-19 than the vaccinated, indicating the Covid-19 injections have essentially damaged the immune system.
We know a negative vaccine effectiveness indicates immune system damage because vaccine effectiveness isn’t really a measure of the effectiveness of a vaccine. It is a measure of a vaccine recipient’s immune system performance compared to the immune system performance of an unvaccinated person.
The Covid-19 vaccine is supposed to train your immune system to recognise the spike protein of the original strain of the Covid-19 virus. It does this by instructing your cells to produce the spike protein, then your immune system produces antibodies and remembers to use them later if you encounter the spike part of the Covid-19 virus again.
But the vaccine doesn’t hang around after it’s done the initial training, it leaves your immune system to take care of the rest. So when the authorities state that the effectiveness of the vaccines weakens over time, what they really mean is that the performance of your immune system weakens over time.


以下の表は、第3週、第7週、第13週のワクチンサーベイランス報告書にある症例率表をつなぎ合わせたもので、英国におけるワクチン未接種者と3回接種者の10万人当たりのCovid-19症例率を示している - 。

















スコットランド公衆衛生局  ワクチン接種状況

The problem we’re seeing in the official data is that the immune system isn’t returning to its original and natural state, as is evident from more recent data published by Public Health England’s replacement, the UK Health Security Agency.
The following table has been stitched together from the case-rate tables found in the Week 3, Week 7 and Week 13 Vaccine Surveillance Reports and it shows the Covid-19 case rates per 100,000 among the unvaccinated and triple vaccinated population in England –
As you can see from the above, by the beginning of 2022, things were significantly worse than they were in October in terms of effectiveness; and disastrously worse by the end of March.
Data shows that vaccine effectiveness fell month on month, with the lowest effectiveness recorded among 60-69-year-olds at a shocking minus-391%. This age group also experienced the sharpest decline, falling from minus-104.69% in week 3.
But one of the more concerning declines in vaccine effectiveness has been recorded among 18-29-year-olds, falling to minus-231% by Week 12 of 2022 from +10.19% in Week 3.
But as we told you previously, vaccine effectiveness isn’t a measure of the effectiveness of a vaccine, it’s really a measure of the performance of the immune system. The problem with those figures though is that you can’t lose more than 100% of your immune system capability.
So to calculate the immune system performance we have to alter Pfizer’s vaccine efficacy formula slightly. For a positive immune system performance, it remains the same. But for a negative immune system performance, we change it to: Unvaccinated Case Rate – Vaccinated Case Rate / Vaccinated Case Rate x 100.
The following chart shows the immune system performance of the triple vaccinated population in England by age group in four week periods, compared to the natural immune system of the unvaccinated population –
By the end of March 2022, the lowest immune system performance was among 60-69-year-olds at a shocking minus-80%, but all triple vaccinated people aged 30 to 59 were not far behind, with an immune system performance ranging from minus-75% to minus-76%.
Even the 18 to 29-year-olds were within this region at minus-70%, falling from an immune system performance of +11.35% between week 51 and week 2, meaning they had suffered the fastest decline in immune system performance.
The official data from Public Health England and the UK Health Security Agency is of course only suggestive of a serious problem though, and on its own, it isn’t enough to prove that the Covid-19 injections are causing Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome.
Anyone could just claim that perhaps the UKHSA are doing something different to other countries in the way they collate or present their data, and other countries’ data will dispute what the UKHSA data suggests.
But unfortunately, the official data published by other countries suggests the exact same thing.
Here’s the data on case rates per 100,000 by vaccination status published by Public Health Scotland between 15th Jan and 11th Feb 22 –



カナダ ワクチン接種状況


ニュージーランド   ワクチン接種状況
'Covid-19' Case Demographics」レポート 2022年2月25日発表。

'Covid-19: 2022年2月12日発行の「Case Demographics」レポート。

'Covid-19: 2022年1月6日発行の「Case Demographics」レポート。



アメリカ疾病予防管理センター(CDC)は、ワクチン有害事象報告システムのVAERS(Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System)を主催し、ワクチンの有害反応を報告することができます。データベースの全容はこちらでご覧になれます。







スコットランド公共保健省 コロナ死亡率

Public Health Scotland conveniently decided to stop publishing these figures shortly after they had revealed the double vaccinated and triple vaccinated were more likely to be infected with Covid-19, meaning the Covid-19 injections had a negative effectiveness, in turn meaning they were decimating the vaccinated population’s immune system.
Here’s the data published by the Government of Canada on case rates per 100,000 by vaccination status across Canada between 21st Feb and 17th April 2022 –
Here’s the data published by the New Zealand Ministry of Health on case rates per 100,000 by vaccination status across New Zealand between 6th Jan and 24th Feb 2022 –
‘Covid-19: Case Demographics‘ report published 25th Feb 2022,
‘Covid-19: Case Demographics‘ report published 12th Feb 2022,
‘Covid-19: Case Demographics‘ report published 6th Jan 2022.
In both periods the fully vaccinated population had a higher case rate per 100,000, and it was getting worse by the week.
So as you can see the data from the UKHSA is not an anomaly, and we have been seeing this trend all around the world for quite a while now, and unfortunately, the consequences of this are now being realised.
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) hosts a Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System where adverse reactions to vaccines can be reported. The full database can be found here.
The database contains adverse reactions reported to all available vaccines in the USA, stretching as far back as 1950. So, we ran a search of the database to check for common diseases and infections associated with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, and this is what we found.
The following chart shows the percentage of AIDS-associated adverse reactions reported to VAERS to all vaccines by year –
The data shows that fifty-one percent of all adverse reactions associated with AIDS reported since the year 2000 were reported in 2021, and a further 16% have been reported in 2022 so far.
You can read a more in-depth investigation of this VAERS data here, but the summary of it is that AIDS-related diseases and cancers reported to VAERS increased between 1,145% and 33,715% in 2021 following the introduction of the Covid-19 injections to the general population.
The following chart shows the Covid-19 death rates per 100,000 by vaccination status across Scotland based on data published by Public Health Scotland –


次の図は、カナダ政府が発表したデータに基づき、2022年3月21日から4月10日の間に、カナダ全土のワクチン接種状況別の10万人当たりのCovid-19コロナ患者率、入院率、死亡率を示しています -。

カナダ政府  ワクチン接種状況別コロナ患者及び死亡率

この3つの割合は、ワクチン未接種者において最も低いものでした。これが現実のワクチン効果にどのような意味を持つのか、ご紹介します -。


以下の図は、英国健康安全保障局(UKHSA)が発表したデータに基づき、2022年3月の英国全域におけるワクチン接種状況別の10万人当たりのCovid-19コロナ死亡率を示しています -。

英国健康安全保障局(UKHSA)   ワクチン接種状況別 コロナ死亡率





5月17日、英国国家統計局 (ONS)は、英国におけるワクチン接種状況別の死亡に関する最新のデータセットを発表し、衝撃的な発見の数々を明らかにした。

英国国家統計局 (ONS)  ワクチン接種状況による死亡

例えば、英国国家統計局 (ONS)によると、英国ではCovid-19の接種後28日以内に7万人が、60日以内には17万9千人が死亡していることがわかりました。

英国国家統計局 (ONS)    ワクチン接種後60日以内に179,000人が死亡






英国国家統計局 (ONS)  ワクチン接種後4ヶ月間の接種状況別死亡率

The fully vaccinated were more likely to die of Covid-19 than the unvaccinated every single week between 8th Jan and 4th Feb 2022.
The following chart shows the Covid-19 case, hospitalisation and death rates per 100,000 by vaccination status across Canada between 21st March and 10th April 2022, based on data published by the Government of Canada –
All three rates were the lowest among the unvaccinated population. Here’s what that meant in terms of real-world vaccine effectiveness –
And here’s what it meant in terms of immune system performance –
The following chart shows the Covid-19 death rates per 100,000 by vaccination status across England in March 2022 based on data published by the UKHSA –
Here’s what that meant in terms of real-world vaccine effectiveness against death –
These are just a few of the consequences that have so far been realised due to the damage caused by the Covid-19 injections to the natural immune system. But now, new figures published by the UK’s Office for National Statistics on the 16th May 2022, confirm precisely how long it actually takes for the Covid-19 injections to completely decimate the immune system of some of the recipients.
Just 5 short months.
On the 17th May, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) published its latest dataset on deaths by vaccination status in England, and it has revealed a whole host of shocking findings.
For example we now know that according to the ONS, 70,000 people have died within 28 days of Covid-19 vaccination in England, and 179,000 people have died within 60 days.
We also now know that Covid-19 vaccination increases children’s risk of death between 8,100% and 30,200%.
But it turns out once you dig a little deeper into data, that Covid-19 vaccination actually increases the mortality rate of everyone within approximately 5 months.
Table 1 of the ONS dataset contains figures on the monthly age-standardised mortality rates by vaccination status for deaths between 1st Jan 21 and 31st March 22. The first Covid-19 injection was administered in England on 8th December 2021, and here are the figures on mortality rates by vaccination status in the following 4 months –
















The unvaccinated were substantially more likely to die of any cause other than Covid-19 than the vaccinated population in both January and February 2021, before the rates seemed to normalise by the end of April.
But look at what happened from May 2021 onwards –
All of a sudden, the vaccinated population as a whole were more likely to die than the unvaccinated of any cause other than Covid-19, and this trend has continued month after month since. It also turns out this trend tally’s up with those who received the Covid-19 injections first.
People in England were vaccinated by order of age, with the eldest being offered the Covid-19 injection first.
The following chart shows the age-standardised mortality rates per 100,000 person-years by vaccination status and age-group for the month of May 2021
The figures show that in May the three age groups who had a ahigher mortality-rate among the vaccinated were the 70-79, 80-89, and 90+-year-olds. The trend then continues into June with vaccinated 60-69-year-olds joining the highest mortality rate club.
It then continues into July with the 50-59-year-olds joining the highest mortality rate club.
This data indicates that the Covid-19 injections take approximately 5 months to completely decimate the immune system to the point where a persons chances of dying of any cause are significantly increased.
All the evidence points to the first assesment made in October 2021 concluding the Covid-19 vaccinated are developing Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome courtesy of Public Health England data, as being correct.
Government data world-wide shows the vaccinated population are more likely to be infected with Covid-19, proving the Covid-19 injections have a real-world negative effectiveness, meaning they are therefore damaging the immune system.
Government data world-wide shows the vaccinated population are more likely to die of Covid-19, proving the Covid-19 injections have a real-world negative effectiveness against death, meaning they are therefore damaging the immune system a tremendous amount.
U.S. CDC data shows AIDS-related infections, disease and cancers reported to VAERS increased between 1,145% and 33,715% in 2021 following the introduction of the Covid-19 injections.
UK Office for National Statistics data now shows the vaccinated are far more likely to die of any cause than the unvaccinated population. And the same data shows these consequences are realised approximately 5 months after vaccination.
So in effect, Government data world-wide strongly suggests the Covid-19 vaccinated are developing Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. All of the pieces of the puzzle to come to this conclusion are there, and your Government most likely knows it. They just weren’t counting on anybody putting all the pieces of this devastating puzzle together.



Chris Sky: ‘Monkeypox?… No! It’s called Shingles and its a known adverse reaction to the Covid Jab’
Sunday, May 22, 2022











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ワクチン接種者死体の83%の血管内から「長いゴムひも状の血栓が摘出されている!」 その証拠映像を遺体保存処理士が公開した。






海外ニュース記事の一部 (上記データを含みます)




 (シェディング・スパイク蛋白質の障害・酸化グラフェン障害の症状緩和方法) 当ブログ紹介チラシなら↓↓↓

女性ジャーナリストが世界ニュース (コロナ関連情報) を紹介.pdf



~~~~~  過去記事の一部です  (ここから) ~~~~~~













全米の70%がコロナワクチン未接種者である! アメリカ国民は、ワクチンの嘘を見抜いている






































