Two songs from South Korea to be performed at BTS『Japan Record Awards』 Special prizes NiziU, Seiko Matsuda, and Uru also sing








레코 대『BTS 한국에서 2 곡 선보였다』특별상 NiziU, 마츠다 세이코, Uru

레코 대『BTS 한국에서 2 곡 선보였다』특별상 NiziU, 마츠다 세이코, Uru 2

레코 대『BTS 한국에서 2 곡 선보였다』특별상 NiziU, 마츠다 세이코, Uru 3

레코 대『BTS 한국에서 2 곡 선보였다』특별상 NiziU, 마츠다 세이코, Uru 4

레코 대『BTS 한국에서 2 곡 선보였다』특별상 NiziU, 마츠다 세이코, Uru 5

레코 대『BTS 한국에서 2 곡 선보였다』특별상 NiziU, 마츠다 세이코, Uru 6

레코 대『BTS 한국에서 2 곡 선보였다』특별상 NiziU, 마츠다 세이코, Uru 7

レコ大『BTS韓国から2曲披露』 特別賞、NiziU、松田聖子、Uru

レコ大『BTS韓国から2曲披露』 特別賞、NiziU、松田聖子、Uru 2

レコ大『BTS韓国から2曲披露』 特別賞、NiziU、松田聖子、Uru 3

レコ大『BTS韓国から2曲披露』 特別賞、NiziU、松田聖子、Uru 4

일본 방송국 TBS가 일본에 사는 한국인에 납치 된 경위

실명 보도되지 않는 한국인 범죄










 my1 ***** |
It may be said that it is old, but I get the impression that it has changed a lot compared to the past.
I don't mean to convey music to the world or society, but rather to send it to the entertainment industry and each office, I feel that it has a very strong sense of sontaku (忖度 손탁).
Reply 11
Empathy 4051
Opposition 128

   enn ***** |
    Stupid programs, authority has fallen to zero.
   In the past, the Record Awards and Kouhaku Uta Gassen were the highest authority of singers, and if they participated, they could eat rice as a first-class singer for the rest of their lives,
but nowadays, a singer (?) Who makes a young hit with the current trend After taking and participating many times, it became something that wasn't worth being told "it's okay".
   If you really want to give authority, try making a program that raises the award even if you don't come to the venue, such as the grand prize of the number of sales of ガチンコ(Gachinko) or the singing award of the true evaluation of singing ability only by domestic singers.
   At this rate, if the value of the prize declines, you may not even want to pay for it.
   It's too late, but I don't think BTS will come out at all.
Empathy 33
Opposition 0

It is a jargon that means "serious game" in sumo wrestling and professional wrestling. Synonyms are apt, shoot, cement, pistol

    den ***** |
    Doesn't it feel like the sontaku inner circle is very strong, but that's it?
   When I look at the nominated singers, I often ask "who?", And unlike in the past, it's because the absolute mega-hits that all ages have heard are gone, but I sympathize with them
Empathy 19
Opposition 0

    spa ***** |
   It's been famous in the industry for a long time, but it's a big mistake that it used to be authoritative.
In the end, such a misunderstanding gave authority that was not possible, and it continues to the present day.
Empathy 1
Opposition 0

    sak ***** |
I used to say that it was good, but when 近藤真彦(Masahiko Kondo) won the grand prize, I was wondering, "Why is this a bad person?"
Eventually I found out the mechanism and stopped seeing it.
Empathy 14
Opposition 0

    all ***** |
It's like a TBS year-end wide show, and Japanese people wouldn't be so happy to win the award.
Empathy 8
Opposition 0

    kk0 ***** |
Old- fashioned adults just don't take down the sign.
   Even though it's just the appearance.
Empathy 51
Opposition 1

    Ko-chan |
   After all, TV is オワコン(Owakon). They just don't realize it.
Empathy 11
Opposition 1

Mainly tired of general users or individual users, it was prosperous at one time, but now it is abandoned, the boom has passed and it has become out of fashion, and manga / animation that is out of date Internet slang, which means products and services

    koh ***** |
    Sontaku(忖度, 손탁), or BTS, the audience rating will increase,
so just ask from here Japan was want.
   If it does not appear, the audience rating will change significantly.
Empathy 9

Opposition 77


     fuj **** |
    I will never see the Record Awards.
   I decided not to see it.
   Not good for children's emotional education.
   I want to hear Japanese songs because I'm more Japanese than foreign music shouted by anti-Japanese.
Sympathy 22
Opposition 8

    par ***** |
Because of this, his bandit country rises.
   It's a national bandit broadcasting station!
Empathy 31
Opposition 3

   See more (1)
kur ***** |
It 's a matter of taste, but I'm not really interested in the performers.
If you like it, please support us.
I would like to hear if the theme of Mr. 服部克久(Katsuhisa Hattori)'s humiliation of Canossa flows.
Reply 10
Empathy 3805
Opposition 222

The Sunset
• 2015/06/04


服部克久(Katsuhisa Hattori)
Japanese composer and arranger.

   m ***** |  
I would like to see  the rebroadcast
of Canossa's humiliationor the new version of Canossa's humiliation.
   Also, if you set up a record award, a CD award, a download award, a PV playback award, a handshake event award, and a newcomer award for each, I think you don't have to make special awards or irregular ones.
Empathy 25
Opposition 2

    pxj ***** |
    If you don't want to see it, you shouldn't see it    .
Empathy 74
Opposition 15

    X ***** |
    > Hattori Somehow doesn't know. Who is it?

   It's who a disappointing now  the time.
why do no you know him?
Empathy 29
Opposition 4

    shm ***** |
    I think it's interesting because there are 3 really hit songs this year.
Empathy 6
Opposition 25

    kaz ***** |
    I should not comment to people who are not interested.
Empathy 19
Opposition 14

    chi ***** |
    Life is finite. If you're not interested, don't comment.
Empathy 15
Opposition 38

    **** |
    If you're not interested, you should not comment,
Empathy 29
Opposition 73

    koh ***** |
    Hattori Somehow doesn't know. Who is it?
Empathy 20
Opposition 157

    tak ***** |
    I don't even see it, but I pray that the 炎(honō, flame), 香水(Kōsui, Perfume)or 猫(neko, Cat)   will win the award.
 Empathy 37
 Opposition 14

LiSA --炎(honō, flame) / THE FIRST TAKE
Watched 30,329,556 times
• 2020/10/16




香水(Kōsui, Perfume) / 瑛人(Eito) (Official Music Video)
Watched 131,515,249 times
• 2019/05/28



DISH //北村匠海 (Takumi Kitamura)
猫(neko, Cat) / THE FIRST TAKE
Watched 83,370,963 times
• 2020/03/20



 amy **** |
DA PUMP's USA is an American song, so it's a tacit understanding that I couldn't win the grand prize, so why bother to release a Korean song, a Korean group?
Reply 12
Sympathy 3336
Opposition 94

• 2018/05/17 


santa |
Hideki Saijo "Young Man" and also DA PUMP "U.S.A." also because the song (original song) is not Japanese] and they didn't get any prize,
 isn't it?
Why BTS has can a special prize? strange that is
I don't know why AKB is a candidate.
Reply 8
Empathy 2486
Opposition 64

西城秀樹(Hideki Saijo)「ヤングマン(Youngman)」
• 2015/07/10



願いごとの持ち腐れ(Negaigoto no mochigusare , Rotten wishes)  /
AKB48 [Official]
Viewed 5,928,403 times
• 2017/05/02


This is the 9th AKB48 Excellent Work Award.
This year, he is aiming for the third record award for the first time in five years with "Negaigoto no Mochigoro", which was also the theme song of the junior high school section of the "84th NHK National School Music Contest".

s81 ***** |
You had better stop that program.
Reply 4
Sympathy 2203
Opposition 45

Yes |
I talked about the record award that the big money was moving behind the scenes a few years ago, but it has come to this day with there trouble is no progress.
How becoming it?
Reply 4
Empathy 1882
Opposition 35

sil ***** |
The naming is old.
If it's natural for BTS to win the Record Awards? 
but since there are no singers selling any more than them, it will be inevitably become BTS.
It would be strange if they didn't take it.
This award is unique
to Japan, so you can award it according to the ranking in Japan.
But I don't understand why they have foreign singers to compete ...
Reply 4
Empathy 1855
Opposition 91



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