Hirofumi Arai (40) "Park-Kiyonbei"
At the time of arrest, from Arai himself
(weekly journalist)

"Arai was a third-generation resident in Japan,
so he was North Korean national living in Japan ,
but in 2005 she acquired South Korean national living in Japan with his family.

The nationalities of the radio and other countries are already open.
Also, instead of becoming naturalized in Japan, I dare to choose that path
"When we have pride as a Korean and work in Korea,"
Responding to local interviews "(weekly journalist)

The real name coverage of celebrities in Japan,
which can be said to be unusual, is
It may be that the judgment worked
"beyond being scooped his roots on the net and being mockery".


Hot spring ball 8 years old shoplifting "I wish I made a Japanese name! The thief is not bad, but the Korean name has failed" The autobiographical of the hot ball "Schan's feast" Japan Broadcasting Publishing Association (2006/03)

At the age of eight years, shoplifting "I wish it had been a Japanese name! The thief is not bad, but the Korean name has failed."


Shoppers at 8 years old

"I wish it was a Japanese name! The thief is not bad,

but the Korean name has failed."


The next day, I watched that there is no shop owner,

I stuffed candy in my pants pocket.
Then, I was caught by the customer, "Where is your child!"

I thought of running away,

but I grabbed the key and pass of the house that was on my neck.
(I ended up, I wish I had made it a Japanese name).
In the commuter pass, the Korean name is written辛淑玉.
(Here that action, Everyone  Chosen (Korean or North Korean)

seems to be think is Thief!!).


I hurried back and ran away.
I didn't think that it was bad that I had dropped out,

I regretted that the Korean name was a failure.

" I think that the name of the Shin Su-gok(辛 淑玉) is a kill,

and next time I will do it, I will make it a Japanese name. "
I got home with the spoils.

Hot spring ball autobiography "Setuchan's feast"

Japan Broadcasting and Publishing Association ( March 2006 )

Korean Star Star Seung Won

"When I do bad things, I will say Japanese name."




" Japanese female college student players also suffered "

Korean physical education world "( sexual ) violence chronicle '



Uncut news 2019-01-20 airjr @ cbs.co.kr


At that time there were not a lot of sexual scandals on ice.

Lee Kyuh-yuk, who is selected as a speed skating legend,
is a high school national representative in December 1994

He participated in the Obihiro Speed ​​Skating World Cup in Japan.

Lee Kyu-hyuk is a member of the team
who returned to the camp after finishing the party after the tournament.


After the party, after the tournament,

all the teams returned to their lodgings
Lee Kyuh-yuk did do much bad work (rape)

to Japanese female college students in drunken condition.

It did not know the national team coaching staff, but after several months
In order for Japanese officials to protest against this
It was an incident that came to Korea
and came to know the Korea Skating Union.

At that time,
Korea Skating Union, which was the chairman of Chang Myung Hee,

It turned out that the case was covered by receiving a statement

from Lee Kyuh-yuk without special disciplinary measures.


Lee Kyu-hyuk was

" very young at the time of November 2016 CBS uncut news and calls "


Lee Kyuh Hyuk
November 2016 CBS uncut news and call
"I was very young and I got up while I was drinking at a party.

It was not to be a problem (like sexual assault)
in relation to the female college student player

He have explained that.

Lee Kyu-hyuk was appointed by the Sports TOTO Hikudan in 2016
With Mr. Chang Siho of Choi Seungsyl, the center of national affairs

As soon as it became obvious that the entangled facts became clear,
he declined.


Korean physical education is a priest in the remnants
of Japanese imperialism and military dictatorship
Strict discipline has led to the name
of tradition among the former and the junior.


Aiko Kaito " If you take a taxi in Korea "

Subtitle setting-Subtitle (1)-Automatic translation-Language


Newsweek Japan Edition

Buried history

"Korean person residing in Japan Brotherhood students spy case" in Korea
Korean person residence in Japan being dug up now Koreans

are made into spies in Korea,
Tortured and detained for many years
Articles that feel very strange.
Misleading readers.

University students who were arrested at an intelligence agency during

the 80's and died during torture,
It is true that there was a college student

who died in the head of a teardrop bullet on his head.

But do you hide that there were four civilians who abducted,

lynched and killed university students?
In addition, are people coming and going to North Korea

and making up people who refused to turn until the end?

People who became a topic in the spy case,
It is interesting if you check what you are doing in the book today ~
I did not even know that there was a connection

with the comfort women issue until recently.
Seo (Xu) 3 brothers and so on are probably representatives

of Ritsumeikan University




Karaoke shooting and killing of Shinjuku Kabukicho. Report on the dead.

Korea KBS "Korean Yakuza"

Japan NHK "Korean-born former gangster"

Japan Asahi Shimbun may be the intention of "former gangster" consideration,

Thank you bothers for Korean people.


It can not say what KBS can say is a very strange feeling.

Mitsuhiro Suganuma, former director of the Second Public Security Research Agency

[ October 19 , 2006 Foreign Press Club Lecture]


"One of the main elements that make up Japan's back society ... is Yakuza.

Then one more is the same.

And this is the problem of Koreans and Koreans

who are said to be third in Japan. "





(Unification Daily Report 2017/01/12)

Dissolved by a Constitutional Court decision

before the Japanese consulate in Busan


A "girl image" was set up by the remnants of the "Shinshin Party".


It is a statement that pressure was given to the Busan Dong-gu Office

for these ruling remnants Moon Jae-in.
In other words, what all of this comes from


It is a figure of the close solidarity of the suburbs

in South Korea, North Korea, and Japan.


"If you were a genuine Japanese, I wanted to kill many people."

Ikuno ward street devil case Korean nationality man is not prosecuted .

.. not being recognized criminal responsibility ability for loss of mind


ttps: //dic.nicovideo.jp/a/%E7%94%9F%E9%87%8E%E5%8C%BA%E9%80%9A%E3%82%8A%E9%AD%94%E4 % BA% 8B% E4% BB% B6


He waited for the man (61) of the newspaper delivery man who was distributing the newspaper on the first floor
of the home apartment and attacked.
He stabbed in front of the elevator
and went outside to follow the man who escaped.


Then, in front of the convenience store
in the shopping street about 150 meters away, to the cleaning lady (63)
Asked twice, "Is it a genuine Japanese?"
And answered "Yes", the suspect attacked.
In the meantime,
the suspects confirmed that they were Japanese even
if the residents passed each other.

Real Name  康桂善 Kankye-seon (강 계선)
Common name Katsuyoshi Tanaka 田仲桂善

As a result of psychiatric examination,
he is not prosecuted for not being recognized
as a criminal accountability due to loss of mind


About deletion of Wikipedia.
"Ikuno Ward continuation street magic case"

Deleted because it is only a case, not a news site.


BTS members famous for atomic bomb T-shirts 
are crazy inside the bus
Videos leaked!

Overseas fans seem to be exactly the same

Suddenly overflowing with compliments of English praise. Creepy





A song called BTS "run". Members are suffering in waters in the water.
MV release date, March 11, It is the day of the Great East Japan Earthquake.
I can not forgive as a Japanese citizen.
BTS wearing a comfort Woman wear
Dokdo is also doing anti-Japanese act of singing our territory

The capital flight started
World stock price / Korea KOSPI
Do not move, government intervention,
Trading suspension, circuit breaker activation,

power off of server,

Koria have a proven track record.


Yuzuru Sato
Korea attacks Japan by combining hands with North Korea and China
Propaganda neglect affects the recreation of the comfort women problem,

the activities of Japanese companies around the world
Possibility of losing in the image strategy at the US jury trial.








한국인의 재해 정리

Lai đại hàn Korean slaughter





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