Unauthorized cultivation and plagiarism (パクリ표절) of 「Japanese agricultural products」in South Korea 
who has disguised himself as「purely made in domestic」without to paying bill for royalties
Make a lot of money in the world using the seeds that South Korea stole from Japan!
Branded crops whose outflow does not stop ...
Watched 24,116 times
• 2020/11/20

Subtitles-Settings-Subtitles (1) -Automatic translation-Language

Exported Korean Japanese varieties of sweet potatoes
To a country with technology? !!
The economic situation of the neighboring country
[Angry Three Men]First half of 306
Watanabe渡邉 x Takahashi高橋 x Kato加藤




km.mdwk |
I think it's about the Japanese side's response being too late.
Reply 78
Empathy 20298
Opposition 123

It has been well known for a long time that South Koreans group called inspections broke branches and stole at test sites in each prefecture.
Even if South Koreans wanted to decline, they couldn't decline because of the arrival from Instructions of superiors.
The prefecture where the pro-Korean prefectoral governor is located seems to have been miserable.
Empathy 376
Opposition 3

    Хироши |
    There are forces that thoroughly block the movement of "preventing Japanese technology from leaking overseas!"
The anti-spy method is so ...
You don't have to say anything about which country you are connected to.
Empathy 311
Opposition 1 You

    shouldn't cooperate or invest in such a country.
Review how you treat them at the individual level as well.
Empathy 354
Opposition 4

    Can this be suppressed?
The one who tries to steal will think of various hands.
It's best Koreans not to enter to Japan.
Empathy 327
Opposition 2

    >    I think there is a reason why the Japanese side is too slow to respond , no matter how much the country is concerned, it will not proceed unless the local government agencies and producers at the site have a sense of crisis.

    Opposition cooperation is essential to make it a national bill, and if the media makes a noise about being "unadulterated," it will either fail or be delayed.
Empathy 211
Opposition 4

    Since the Japan-Korea Parliamentary Union does not respond strongly, the national interests of Japan and the interests of the Japanese people are greatly impaired.
Empathy 237
Opposition 1

    > Previously, there were many engineers and farmers who provided free technical assistance to South Korea, a developing country.
However, even the friendly Japanese would not have understood that they would not be rewarded with gratitude.

      > Soichiro Honda is also wrote in a his book,
"I wrote Korea was kicked out as soon as the technology was licensed.
Taiwan kindly welcomes us with thanks for providing the technology for many years.

    Even if you feel unpleasant individually, that kind of information is not shared, so someone else is repeating the same thing again.
Empathy 174
opposite 2

  It  seems like correspondence of the victims are saying and slow in the perpetrator and the victims,
    of bad they'm Koreans serving as the perpetrators
empathy 245
opposite 4

    The-enabled victim of Japan in the context of a disturbing fellow're full Is it too late? 
Where do you insist on this from your perspective?
Empathy 178
Opposition 10

     That the Communist Party members have interfered with
Empathy 188
Opposition 2

    See more (68 cases)
Right-wing town |
South Korea is democratic in its predecessor,
but what it does is no different from a communist nation.
South Korea is no longer a democracy and is communist, with no freedom of speech or expression, and even the separation of powers is suspicious.
If a leftist like Moon Jae-in takes power and enforces wrong policies, it will be a good example of economic and diplomatic bankruptcy.
It is likely to have fatal consequences for South Korea.
Reply 21
Empathy 11814
Opposition 226

    orb |
    Japan should seek damages from Korean farmers under the initiative of the government.
If you are told that there is no legal problem, you can say, "It's not a legal problem. You haven't reflected on what you did wrong. You're trampling on the victim's feelings."
that? This is a story I heard somewhere.
Yes, the comfort women (慰安婦군사매춘부,Military Prostitutes, 위안부), self-proclaimed forced victim workers(自称徴用工, 자칭강 제징 용피 해자 )problem.
Empathy 103
Opposition 1

   There are even some communist nations that are a little more than matomo(マトモlooks normal, proper, honesty).
It is close to a dictatorship by the dark prince.
But since the people are also foolish, it should be called a foolish nation that transcends democracy and communism.
    What's more, it's not good to do dictatorship domestically, but to do whatever you want overseas.
Empathy 97
Opposition 0

    Good luck Japan! | I
   Koreans stole the Buddha statue, stole strawberries and grapes, and this time even sweet potatoes.
   Koreans do steal the Buddha statue or 竹島(Takeshima,다케시마) and not return them, as long as you bother to reflect on them and apologize.
Isn't it time to break diplomatic relations?
Empathy 139
Opposition 0

    Isn't it the Japan-Korea Parliamentary Union that originally discusses such issues so as not to cause each other?
    The Japanese side is always unilaterally demanding it.
Empathy 91


    This problem, which may be rude to communist China and Russia , is not due to the ideology of the state, but to the temperament of the Korean people.
So whether Koreans go to democracy or communism,   they had disliked Koreans
sympathy 91
opposition 1

    whether leftwings or rightwings, South Korea is South Korea.
    Until now, the Japanese prime minister has pretended not to see
That is why South Korea's wrongdoing has been tolerated.
    However, the Abe administration's taking up bad deeds as bad deeds has brought about the end of South Korea.
    YES NO If a person who can say YES becomes the prime minister, the wrongdoing that kept Japan saying YES will not come to fruition in the future, and there is no choice but to return to a country that has no merits.
Empathy 30
Opposition 0

I am to advise strongly to the Korean government reaffirms the importance of the world's strongest Japanese electronic materials! LaiDaiHan |
The government-led boycotts of Japanese products by South Korea is an unfair trade and a WTO deal violation.
    Since the conclusion of the Japan-Korea Basic Treaty, Japan-Korea trade has been in the black on the Japanese side.
However, looking only at agricultural products, the Japanese side has a deficit of 270 billion yen (about 2,601,900,000 US dollars) annually.
    Japanese electronic parts / automobile parts, chemical materials / materials have to be bought by Korean companies, and the Korean side cannot make them overnight, because of their own industry to make it.
    On the other hand, consumer goods, mainly for consumers, such as agricultural and fishery products, are being actively rejected, and Japan should eventually raise and discuss such unfair trade on the South Korean side at the WTO.
    Most recently, the WTO has lost functionality
Therefore, we should take effective measures such as raising tariffs on Korea before raising the issue at the WTO.
    The Korean side has already spread the non-buying of Japanese consumer goods
Therefore, even in the retaliatory battle, the extent of the decrease in Japan's exports to South Korea is limited, which is advantageous for the Japanese side.
Sympathy 10
Opposition 0

   The Japan-Korea Parliamentary Union is still unable to resolve this.
No, I have no intention of solving it from the beginning.
    There is no value in an organization that only drinks their'sKoreans request.
Empathy 57
Opposition 1

    Dame Oyaji |
    Before that, South Korea will be absorbed by China.
    The concern is that the Senkaku will be absorbed next to South Korea.
Empathy 76
Opposition 0

   It's a sad country that has been endless since the past.
Empathy 93
Opposition        0

    See more (11)

> It seems that Korean farmers brought back seed potatoes without permission when they visited the production areas in Japan.

This is because they don't face the reality that they are thieves.
The theory of sexuality does not work for their Koreans,
In the future, I would like you to deal coldly with sexual misconduct, and if you find any illegal activity, mercilessly impose sanctions.
I look forward to working with you.
Reply 24
Empathy 9056
Opposition 93

isz ***** |
> The director of the Korean Strawberry Agricultural Experiment Station thought that some varieties would surpass 「雪香(Sol Hyang, 설향)」and Koreans want went on a business trip to Japan to get Japanese help in cultivar research.
However, he said that he was forced to pay in advance when the cultivation greenhouse was closed shut out, saying, "You can look only at the outside of the greenhouse."

Of course, I should have taken action sooner.
He always steals wisely without any effort.
All products are packed with the steady results of Japan's long-standing breeding.
All should be suspicious.
Reply 20
Empathy 4976
Opposition 21

Hanakara Udon Nose Udon |
I think it is very good that the correct recognition of what kind of country this Korea is is spread and the parasite elements are cut off one by one.
Reply 4
Empathy 3632
Opposition 21

ji1 ***** | An
unpleasant double standard that the Korean government is taking the lead in refusing to buy Japanese products, but the unauthorized cultivation of Japanese crops is becoming the mainstay of Korean agriculture.
The Japanese government should appeal to the international community about the current situation.
Even if there is no problem under international law, the legitimacy of the other side will be broken.
Reply 9
Sympathy 3376
Opposition 16

gen *** | The
Japanese government's response is too slow, but better than not doing it.
It couldn't be a retroactive method, but it could reduce future technology theft.
After that, do we need to gradually expand the scope of the law and provide penalties that can wipe out the forces that participate in or defend the theft?
Reply 5
Empathy 2859
Opposition 19

mom ***** |
I couldn't understand what kind of country that country was and what kind of national character it was
So this happens.
The immeasurable loss is irreparable.
Many people say that the Japanese government's measures are too late, but the biggest measure is break off relations.
Reply 12
Empathy 2734
Opposition 19

m88 ***** | Sly,
cunning, liar, unsanitary and proud, a race that condenses only the inferior parts of humanity,
too terrible,
It's a good place for Japanese people in the past to educate these people and make them serious people.
After all, Japanese should teach the words of Professor Fukuzawa Yukichi(福沢諭吉) in more detail in textbooks.
Reply 4
Empathy 1569
Opposition 9

Fukuzawa Yukichi(福沢諭吉)
Japanese samurai, Nakatsu clan(中津藩士) after Hatamoto(旗本), Dutch scholar(蘭学者), writer, Enlightenment thinker, educator

Does TBS like BTS so much that it makes you hallucinate? !!
Watched 43,298 times
• 2018/11/26
(True story) I tried to make a manga about the actual situation of anti-Japanese education in South Korea ( Understood by manga)


Haruma Miura(三浦春馬)
a Japanese actor and singer. He made his acting debut in the television drama Agri (1997) and rose to popularity after starring in the film Koizora (2007), winning Newcomer of the Year at the 31st Japan Academy Prize. In the following years, Miura notably starred in the third season of Gokusen (2009), Bloody Monday (2009), Naoko (2009), Kimi ni Todoke (2010), Last Cinderella (2013), Boku no Ita Jikan (2013), The Eternal Zero (2013), Attack on Titan (2015), Gintama 2 (2018), and Two Weeks (2019). He also starred as Lola in the Japanese production of Kinky Boots (2016), winning Best New Actor and the Haruko Sugimura Award at the 24th Yomiuri Theater Awards. In addition to his acting career, Miura debuted as a singer in 2019 with the single "Fight for Your Heart", which was followed by "Night Diver" in 2020.
jgto *** |
Why doesn't Japan protect its own country?
The NO JAPAN campaign is also neglected,
The anti-Japanese movement is reflected in the domestic mass media, and TBS calls Takeshima (竹島다케시마) say  Dokdo (독도, 独島), and even in the news, BTS goes to the world with telop without any attention. Let me advertise.
Haruma Miura(三浦春馬), an actor who loved Japan, died while shooting a drama.
Obviously human rights violations and content that insults Japanese people.
 No explanation from TBS.
He was worried that Japanese strawberries were sold in South Korea without permission.
Japan is clearly losing in the information warfare.
TBS is openly admitted to have been hijacked by South Korea for some reason
However, the violation of the Broadcasting Law is obvious.
There is news that the South Korean government will spend 1.3 trillion yen (US $ 124.4 billion, about 14 trillion Korean won) to control information and will spend a considerable amount of money next year.
If South Korea has so much money, it should get the money lent by Japan refunded.
Japan must not allow South Korean exploitation or espionage!
Reply 2
Empathy 1215
Opposition 14

Claimed Korea 強制徴用工(Forced workers,자칭강제동원 징용공)
(Self-proclaimed forced victim workers, 자칭강제징용피해자)」
『朝鮮半島出身応募労働者(Applicant Workers From the Korean Peninsula)』

[In the first place of the Self-proclaimed forced victim workers problem]
Reverse billing from Japan to South Korea 8 trillion yen (about 76,238 million dollars, about 86,992.4 billion Korean won) !?
Watched 436,148 times
• 2019/06/13


In the mid- 1950s , Japanese photographer Koichi Saito (斎藤康一) filmed a scene of stealing coal from an abandoned mine in the Chikuho (筑豊) coalfield for the purpose of living the lives of poor Japanese people.




In September 1926 , when the Asahikawa (旭川) newspaper in Hokkaido reported the death-causing event of Japanese worker abuse at a road construction site.


A commemorative photo taken by Jung Sung-duk(チョン・ソンドゥク), who worked at the Shakubetsu (尺別) coal mine in Hokkaido, in 1941 with his colleagues.

In Korea and China under Japanese rule during World War II
Proceedings by former workers and their bereaved families who worked by recruiting Japanese companies or applying for them.
South Korea claims that former workers were treated like slaves
Many people litigate against multiple local Japanese companies
In the wage system for recruitment, the salary increases or decreases depending on the skill level.
At that time most of the cash delivery wages are around 110 yen, which is around 200,000 yen when converted to the current amount.


(尹美香,윤미향, Yoon Mi-hyang, ユン・ミヒャン)
Representative Yoon Mee-hwan leading the installation of the statue of a girl
補償(Hoshō, compensation, 보상, bosang)
賠償(baishō, indemnification, 배상, baesang)
KOREAN Comfort women (慰安婦,p군사 매춘부, Military pProstitutes, 위안부) FESTIVAL 2011
• 2011/07/12



Korea claimed 慰安婦(p군사매춘부 Military pProstitutes, 위안부, Comfort women)



Korea claims to be a sex slave forcibly taken by the government and the military
A woman who used to be a soldier's sex partner mainly in the battlefield.
Generally speaking, the comfort women often refer to the Japanese military comfort women.
The name "comfort women" is also used by the South Korean army after the disappearance of the Japanese army after World War II.
During the Korean War, it was also called「Special Comfort Corps (特殊慰安隊, 특수위안대(Special comfort zone) )」or「Class V Supplies (제5종보급품,第5種補給品)」
In additive on, women with synonyms also exist in the German and French troops.、
The comfort women were legal prostitutes at the time and were paid by private companies.
Mediators widely recruited through newspaper advertisements and hired Japanese women in the mainland as comfort women
Most of the mediators were Chosun people(조선 사람, Joseon salam, 朝鮮人, Koreans of Japan-Korea merger era)

mochi thinking: South Korean Prostitutes, Pimps Rally Against ...


Demonstration of South Korean pprostitute "Let's we will can pprostitute"
The7th anniversary of the enactment of a special law on sexual transactions in May 2011.
In South Korea, more than 1,000 prostitutes demonstrated legalizing prostitution.

コリアン hashtag on Twitter

JoongAng Ilbo(中央日報, 중앙일보)2006.06.21
Los Angeles Police Department officials
"90%of the 70-80 prostitutes arrested each month are South Koreans."

Girl statue(少女像, 소녀상, sonyeosang) in front of the Japanese Consulate
A bronze statue that is said to imitate the comfort women of the former Japanese army, which are mainly installed in the Republic of Korea.
慰安婦 (p군사매춘부, Military pProstitutes, 위안부, Comfort women)
The comfort women were legal prostitutes at the time and were paid by private companies.
Korea claims to be a sex slave forcibly taken by the government and the military