January 2014  都鍾煥(도종환,Do Do-Hwan)


The former Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism, 都鍾煥(도종환,Do Do-Hwan,ト・ジョンファン), a poet who is a former member of the National Assembly, gave a special lecture at Value on the theme of poetry and humanities.
The picture is a screen capture of Value promotion.

The former Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism, 都鍾煥(도종환,Do Do-Hwan), a poet who is a former member of the National Assembly, was given a special lecture on the theme of poetry and humanities.

Assemblyman 都鍾煥(도종환,Do Do-Hwan) is famous for his poem 《Dish flower You》 about 8th anniversary of 盧武鉉(Roh Moo-hyun,노무현,ノ・ムヒョン)death.

In 2012, he entered the National Assembly as a proportional representative of the Democratic United Party during the 19th general election,
and was elected in 興徳(흥덕, Heungdeok,フンドク), 清州(청주,Cheongju,チョンジュ), 忠北(충북,Chungbuk,チュンブク), during the 20th general election.
During the last presidential election, 文在寅(문재인,Moon・Jae-in, ムン・ジェイン) served as the permanent chairman of the Camp Culture and Arts Policy Committee, leading the cultural commitment.

On May 23, 2017, during the eighth cycle of former President 盧武鉉(Roh Moo-hyun,노무현,ノ・ムヒョン), he also read Tribute Poetry sentence the 「운명(運命fate)」of Heonsi in 烽下(봉하, Bongha, ボンハ) village. During the 2015 National Audit, the suspicion of the 「문화계 블랙리스트文化系ブラックリストcultural blacklist」 was raised.

Born in 清州(청주,Cheongju,チョンジュ), 忠北(충북,Chungbuk,チュンブク), graduated from the Department of Korean Language Education at 忠北(충북,Chungbuk)university,
 and received a doctorate in literature from  忠南(충남,Chungnam,チュンナム)national University.
In 1989, while teaching, he was dismissed as a member of the South Korean National Teachers' Union and was reinstated in 1998.

Assemblyman 都鍾煥(도종환,Do Do-Hwan) has a close relationship with President 文在寅(문재인,Moon・Jae-in).
At the time of the 18th presidential election, the name of the presidential election camp, 「담쟁이(ivy,蔦) Camp」 , comes from the poet 「담쟁이(ivy,蔦)」.

He was the representative of the New Political Democratic Union and helped the party take over when President 文在寅(문재인,Moon・Jae-in)'s leadership was in crisis.

Even during the 19th presidential election, President
文在寅(문재인,Moon・Jae-in) put up the poem "Water in the distance" at the time of Representative 都鍾煥(도종환,Do Do-Hwan)  on his social media to bypass political criticism of the "mammoth class" camp structure he also argued.
April 2014,
directed by 楊宇碩(양우석,Yang Woo-suk),
the movie 〈Advocate〉

Attorney's Famous Scene-1
Subtitles-Settings-Subtitles (1)-Automatic translation-Language
Yang Woo-suk 양우석.png
楊宇碩(양우석,Yang Woo-suk,ヤン・ウソク)

In 2014, director 楊宇碩(양우석,Yang Woo-suk), the director of the movie 〈Attorney〉, which greeted 11 million viewers in the new year, also gave a lecture at Value.

〈Attorney〉 is a film about 盧武鉉(Roh Moo-hyun,노무현), former lawyer.

In May 2014, just after the lecture, Yang received a new director award in the film section at the 50th Baeksang Arts Awards Ceremony held at the Peace Hall in Seoul, 慶煕(경희,Kyung Hee,キョンヒ) University.

He said, “A lot of misunderstandings and prejudices awaited the release of <Attorney>.
I thank the audience for shaking it and watching the movie with understanding and sympathy,” he said.
“As one of the people, It sincerely thank President 盧武鉉(Roh Moo-hyun,노무현) for his courage and dedication.”

Coincidentally, Value invested heavily in both directors. When both directors worked for a company called Locus, in November 2014, Value illegally raised 12.5 billion won and invested 10 billion won in Locus.

In February 2015, Locus created 10 billion won for the investment in the Korean animation <빨간구두와 일곱난장이,真っ赤な口頭(靴)と七小人(Completely red Shoes and the Seven Dwarfs)>, and deposited 5 billion of them into the ‘Locus Extreme Disorder’ account.

Value invested 8.5 billion won in “Head Play,” a webtoon/filmmaker, in 2016, after 李哲(이철은,I Cheol-eun) was arrested on charges of fraud and secured a 33.2% stake.
The company's third largest shareholder,「게니우스,Genius,エフゲニーウス」is a filmmaker with 100% stake in both directors.
The movie「I am 盧武鉉(Roh Moo-hyun,노무현) main trailer


Headplay invested in the movie ‘I Am 盧武鉉(Roh Moo-hyun,노무현)’, which was released on May 25, 2017.

This film is a documentary about dramas of reversal and reversal, where 盧武鉉(Roh Moo-hyun,노무현), who was the last candidate in the local elections, won a 2% approval rating in 2002 through the National Participation Competition.

The film, which was released ahead of the local elections in 2018, is thought to have influenced the gathering of pro-盧武鉉(Roh Moo-hyun,노무현)and pro-文在寅(문재인,Moon・Jae-in), community.
[강철비(Steel rain,鋼鉄の雨)]North Korean coup breaks out

Value also invested in the movie  <강철비(Steel rain,鋼鉄の雨)>, which attracted 4.45 million viewers.
<강철비(Steel rain,鋼鉄の雨)>is Yang's second film.
<강철비(Steel rain,鋼鉄の雨)> was a film that assumed the situation of the crisis on the Korean Peninsula when North Korea's top leader was hiding in Korea during the regime change in Korea.
▲Dense political color inclusion
▲ Encouraging anti-American sentiment
▲ False recognition of the North Korean nuclear program
▲ Ideological bias
The back was pointed out.

The Ministry of National Defense refused to support filming for this reason, but immediately changed its attitude immediately after the inauguration of President Moon Jae-in (May 10, 2017).

In the military, there was a saying that "The scenario is a movie that should never be supported by the military because it contains rebel content, but the Ministry of Defense noticed the regime."
The ending credit for this film is the name of 李哲(이철은,I Cheol-eun) Value.
In an annual review written for the company's publicity, Value said that they led the planning and production of <강철비(Steel rain,鋼鉄の雨)>.