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A 700 billion won scammer # Value Invest Korea official,

After renaming, he was working in the civil society chief room of 青瓦台(the Blue House) 文在寅(문재인,Moon・Jae-in)Civil Society
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2012 years 9 金昌浩(김창호,Kim Changho)


盧武鉉(Roh Moo-hyun,노무현,ノ・ムヒョン)Spent government secretary-general at the government, 金昌浩(김창호,Kim Changho,キム・チャンホ), 東国(동국,Dongguk,トングク)Visiting Professor at the University

Looking at the photos, in September 2012, Professor 盧武鉉(Roh Moo-hyun,노무현), Director of National Affairs and Public Relations of the government, professor of university studies, gave a lecture.

The theme was "Republic of Korea's politics, economy and society."

Around the student movement in college, he received his doctorate in 1995 from the University of Seoul Philosophy in the thesis "On human status in the formation of Marx's private materialism", after which he specialized in academic studies at 《中央日報(JoongAng Ilbo)》. As a reporter, he started activities in the field of speech.

In March 2005, Professor 金昌浩(김창호,Kim Changho) liquidated 10 years of press life and became Dean of 明智(명지,Myongji,ミョンジ)University, Department of Digital Media Science.

Within a month of becoming a professor, Professor 金昌浩(김창호,Kim Changho) was "elected" by the Deputy Secretary-General of National Affairs and Public Relations.

盧武鉉(Roh Moo-hyun,노무현), who has become the Director of National Affairs and Public Relations for the government, led a de facto oppression policy centered on the abolition of briefing rooms.

As opposed to the irony of "盧武鉉(Roh Moo-hyun,노무현)'s Göbels," said 金昌浩(김창호,Kim Changho),「Let's ask history whether we are a treachous retainer or a loyal retainer.」 .


2012 years 10 金鉉宗(김현종,Kim Hyun-chong)


金鉉宗(김현종,Kim Hyun-chong,キム・ヒョンジョン) presidential national security room 2 Deputy Director

It was the first time in six months since he became the Director of Public Affairs and Public Relations, and when President 盧武鉉(Roh Moo-hyun,노무현)received a report on government affairs, he gathered his remarks in his own name, "盧武鉉(Roh Moo-hyun,노무현)Chasing'' was published and "I made it with regret to see the statement alone."

And 金昌浩(김창호,Kim Changho) Professor, the effect that "Do not be criticized media coverage circle Cooperation" at the time, was caused a controversy by sending coverage guidelines to ministries and agencies.

Leave 2012 years 19 generationsin the general election 京畿(Gyeonggi) 城南市(성남시,Seongnam City,ソンナム), Astonishment (palpitations, competition, game , economy ) 盆党区甲(Seongnam Bundang Gap) , 2014 year 1 of January At the time of the local election, he tried to enter the political world by appearing as a candidate for Governor of 京畿道(Gyeonggi-do) Province on the opposition side.

2012 years 10 金鉉宗(김현종,Kim Hyun-chong)


金鉉宗(김현종,Kim Hyun-chong) country national security room 2 deputy director, 2012 year 10 went on a special lecturer of May.

He said he gave a lecture on "The Korea-US Free Trade Agreement ( FTA ) Behind Story and the Future Direction of the Korean Economy".

Deputy Director Kim is a trade expert with a US lawyer qualification.

盧武鉉(Roh Moo-hyun,노무현)when the government 3 years ( 2004 year 7 Jan- 2007 years 8 has a trade negotiation General Manager between January).

He was the party who promoted the Korea-US FTA at that time .

文在寅(문재인,Moon・Jae-in)was appointed to the government invited trade negotiations Division, national security room after 2 was appointed deputy director.

金鉉宗(김현종,Kim Hyun-chong) Deputy General Manager is often subject to criticism there is a problem in print (human sum) side

However, the confidence of President 文在寅(문재인,Moon・Jae-in)is strong.

「박면피(Park MyunPee,パクミョンピ」Unlike existing diplomatic bureaucrats who are worried first, he said that he highly valued his cock fighting traits and propulsive power, which inevitably held a job.

박면피(Park Myun Pee,パクミョンピ,パク面皮)
In the sense of removing the leather of the face, it is a word that says to shame and shame a shameless person.

He was 文在寅(문재인,Moon・Jae-in)on the basis of an intimate relationship with the president, Blue House (South Korean presidential office ) have the role of "voluntary par (green onions) ideology" of.

It is not possible with the conventional grammar of foreign bureaucrats to abolish the Korea-Japan Military Information Protection Agreement ( GSOMIA ) or to protest by calling the US Ambassador to the opposition of the United States and release it to the media.

In fact actually, the hard-line measures against the US led by Deputy Director 金鉉宗(김현종,Kim Hyun-chong)showed side effects here and there.

After the government ended GSOMIA , when it went to large-scale defense training in 独島(독도,Dogdo)(竹島(다케시마,Takeshima), there was an open criticism that the US side was "unproductive."
It found out, when the Ministry of Foreign Affairs called out to the U.S. Ambassador to South Korea to protest in accordance with the instructions of Blue House (South Korean presidential office ), Ambassador Harris said, "The United States will not intervene in the original territorial dispute, but this time it was beyond this problem," he said.


김병연 교수 | 서울대학교 아시아연구소


金炳蓮(김병연,Kim Byungyeon,キム・ビョンヨン)
金鉉宗(김현종,Kim Hyun-chong) Deputy Director, spent his childhood in Japan along with his father ( 金炳蓮(김병연,Kim Byungyeon,キム・ビョンヨン) ) who worked as a third-class clerk (1963-1971) at the Embassy in Japan.

After that, junior high and high schools, colleges, and graduate schools were all finished in the United States.