November 2012 金秀顕(김수현,Kim Soohyun)
金秀顕(김수현, Kim Soohyun, キム・スヒョン)Former General Manager of Blue House (South Korean presidential office ).

In November 2012, Mr. 金秀顕(김수현, Kim Soohyun), who was the director of the Office of Presidential Policy, gave a lecture on “Real Estate”.
Professor 金秀顕(김수현, Kim Soohyun) played a leading role in introducing a comprehensive real estate tax under the name of capturing real estate at the time of the government of 盧武鉉(Roh Moo-hyun,노무현).

However, he was criticized for causing tax resistance and soaring real estate prices.
Still, President 文在寅(문재인,Moon・Jae-in)is 盧武鉉(Roh Moo-hyun,노무현) government, and he made a policy at the presidential election camp in 2012 and 2017 with his breathing since he worked at the presidential office. Was appointed as the Chief Secretary of Social Affairs and the Director of Policy Office.

Professor 金秀顕(김수현, Kim Soohyun) effectively spearheaded popular policy policies such as non-nuclear power plants, real estate, and income-led growth by the  文在寅(문재인,Moon・Jae-in) government.

Called the "Real Estate Policy Command Tower," he was deeply involved in the planning of real estate measures twice.
However, as a result, it has led to soaring housing prices in the Soul metropolitan area.
Needless to say, the nuclear power-exit policy.

Originally it was promoted as an "energy mix" policy to reduce the ratio of nuclear power plants from an economic perspective.
However, a part of the explanation of Cheong Wa Dae is that the environmental movement was strongly reflected and social conflict was fostered, led by Professor 金秀顕(김수현, Kim Soohyun).

 Professor 金秀顕(김수현, Kim Soohyun) majors in urban engineering (master) and environmental studies (doctor).

A bi-weekly periodical publication ``World Nuclear Power Plant Market Insights'' (December 13, 2019) issued by the government-funded researcher for energy economics, 에경연(Egyeong-yeon,E contest), states `` The cost of the Moon/Jae-in government's nuclear power-off policy will increase by more than 500 trillion won.” 鄭饁訓 (정용훈,チョン・ヨンフン) (이스트KAIST (Korea's highest peak university)) professor A paper titled "Cost and revision direction>" was published.
에경연(Egyeong-yeon,E contest) It was revealed that Ekgyon's contest hid the paper without publishing it.
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鄭饁訓 (정용훈,チョン・ヨンフン)
 In January 2013 李在田(이재정,Lee Jaejeong)

李在田(이재정,Lee Jaejeong,イ・ジェジョン), Director of Education, 京畿道(Gyeonggi-do)Province. Photo
= Gyeonggi-do Office of Education

李在田(이재정,Lee Jaejeong), the superintendent of education in Gyeonggi Province, has just started the 2013 Value Special Lecture for the first time.
This superintendent of education, 李在田(이재정,Lee Jaejeong), served as 盧武鉉(Roh Moo-hyun,노무현), the minister of unification of the government.
He accepted the criticism that the rulers looking at the north and south were double.
On June 25, when asked about the responsibility of the Korean uprising (Korean War) in a hearing at the personnel hearing, he hesitated for a while and said, "It is not appropriate to speak here."

As soon as the members of the Diet sought further questions, he finally corrected and said, "The fact of the invasion to the south is already regulated."
In a written (Western) response, he said, "The evaluation of 金日成(김일성, Kim Il-sung, キム・イルソン) is a matter of history, and the history of the past has not been organized yet."

He made a ripple by claiming "Korean responsibility theory of poverty in North Korea" in the address of the Korean Chamber of Commerce on January 2, 2007 after the appointment of the Minister.

李在田(이재정,Lee Jaejeong), the superintendent of education of 李在田(이재정,Lee Jaejeong), spoke at the same Korean Chamber of Commerce on April 25 of the same year, discussing about 45 billion Korean a year's support for North Korea.
If you say that you help give less than the morning meal cost of the population, you will be accused of high jumping and eat bad words.''
he said.

At the time of the 2002 presidential election, this superintendent of education became the Roh Moo-hyun (노무현) camp, receiving a large amount of illegal political funds from the Zaibatsu as the chief of the travel research research of the candidate camp at that time in the Roh Moo-hyun (노무현) Gov.
It became clear that he had passed it, and he went to prison.

Having raised the 聖公会(성공회, Sungkonghoe, ソンゴンフェ) University at a representative “progressive university” in South Korea, he was newly established in 2000 at the request of former President 金大中(Kim Tae-jung,김대중,キム・デジュン) in 1999. He contributed to the Millennium Democratic Party, was elected to the 16th Representative Parliament, and entered the political world.

This superintendent, 李在田(이재정,Lee Jaejeong), was elected as the superintendent of the Gyeonggi Province when the superintendent-in-chief superintendent who struck for the first time in 2014 was elected.
In 2018, four years later, he won the victory and succeeded in reelection.




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