Understanding the difference in promises will resolve the conflict between Korea and Japan
韓国経済新聞(Korea Economic Daily) /中央日報(JoongAng Ilbo) 2020.05.16 10:50

[JoongAng Ilbo Sunday] Input 2020.05.16 00:26

Promises like, other attitudes ...
" The difference between the apologies openly" / YTN

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Under the 1965 Korea-Japan Basic Treaty, South Korea and Japan resolved the issue of claims during the colonial era and, at the same time, established diplomatic relations.

Since then, with the rapid development of Korea's semiconductor and IT related industries, a close economic partnership between product production and supply of essential materials has been formed between Korea and Japan.

However, each time a difference in perception between the two countries concerning the problems of the past and the interpretation of the Korean-Japanese Treaty emerges, the relationship between Korea and Japan cools down, which hinders not only economic,
 but It have come also cultural and social exchanges between the two countries.


Of course, the root of all these problems lies in the past when Japan ruled South Korea.
It can be said that the viewpoints are large because the victim and the assailant see from different angles.
However, there are two specific factors.

First, there is room for mutual misunderstanding due to cultural differences between the two countries .

The other is that political leaders who are responsible for building trust in bilateral relations may use the bilateral relations as a means of shifting domestic political affairs, whether or not they are willing to do so.

First, there are cultural differences, one of which is the difference in recognition of promises.

Making an appointment of promises in Korea means,
There is a silent premise that you can persuade the other party if there are more important circumstances than promises, " if there are no other special circumstances ~ ".


On the other hand, making a promise in Japan means,
It is premised on prioritizing that " unless there is a natural disaster that cannot be controlled by human power ~ ".

The same applies to the problems of 慰安婦(군사매춘부Military Prostitutes위안부comfort women) and Self-proclaimed Forced workers.

I think Japan promised Korea to compensate for 500 million dollars in the 1965 Korea-Japan Claims Agreement, and erase all claims with this .

On the other hand, the situation in Korea is very different from the situation at that time, and it is the position that the perpetrator, Japan, must always consider the position of each person who was damaged at that time.

Uncertainty about each other's cultural differences with respect to these promises deepened the distrust, and Japan decided to take out even the card of economic retaliation.

The second point is that Japan-Korea relations are being used to transform domestic politics.

An example is when the president suddenly visits Dokdo (Japan name, 竹島(Takeshima,다케시마))to try to recover the approval rate of the administration at the end of his term of office.
After these issues, the 韓流(South Korean pop culture) boom has faded, and the theory of anti-Korean has become stronger.

The psychological pain and financial damage caused by this were directly inflicted on Koreans in Japan and Korean-Japanese business workers.

It cannot be denied that some Japanese politicians used the Korean-Japanese diplomatic affairs to consolidate their political position.

Former Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone, who was revered as a major Japanese politician during his tenure as a prime minister, worked hard to improve Korea-Japan relations,
"Do not mix domestic affairs and diplomacy," he stressed.
Former Prime Minister Nakasone needs to listen to the political beliefs of Korean and Japanese politicians.

Europe, with its bloody and countless history of war, has also created a community through dialogue and compromise.

Neighboring countries, which should be friendly to each other in a fierce global competition, should never hold back each other and attack each other with distrust and economic conflict.

Japan, which is an important partner that cannot be separated economically, must establish a cooperative relationship, which is different from the past.

李 秀澈(이수철,Lee Soo-cheol,イ・スチョル)
Professor, Faculty of Economics, 名城(Meijo) University
(Environmental Economics)
Professor, Faculty of Economics,
名城(Meijo) University, Japan (Environmental Economics)
1982 Graduated from Seoul National University of Agriculture
Received a PhD in environmental economics from Kyoto University in 2000.
After working as an assistant professor at the Faculty of Economics at Nagoya Gakuin University, he has been working as a professor at the Faculty of Economics at 名城(Meijo) University since 2005.
He is the author of numerous books and papers on institutional reform and policy cooperation towards a sustainable low-carbon society in East Asia, specializing in environmental economics and environmental energy policy.




    According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary Promise meas legally binding declaration. There may be cultural difference between Japanese and Korean but Korean culture differs from Anglo Saxon culture which is often times the global standard of this world. Also the issue is not Korean broke a promise but a treaty which is abviously under more strict legal binding. The author should be ashmed of himself by making such a naive excuses that no one but only Korean can understand.
Agree  04
Opposite 0

I'm supposed to be the Sutra to the ear of the ear
( those who eavesdrop on the cow ) ,
In Japan, there are Democrats who cannot use oblique bamboo.
文在寅(Moon Jae-in, 문재인) Is a healthy deduction By the way anti-Japanese, what kind of ghost do you forget about the sound of hell or hellish eating?
Lying down the report Atmosphere.
Oh, anti-Japan is against, is it anti-Japan?
Ah, there is no anti-Japan, right?

Don't make the noise shit crap like voice the summer solstice.

Agree 0
Oppose 0

In relation to Japan, what is recognized by each other
It may be good to have some conflicts with each other.
Moreover, it seems that some conflicts may be necessary in the useless garden plaza, which has been under the rule of Japan for less than 100 years.
Japan's history is a country with a history of invading the country that I learned,
It will only be a little better if Korea's national income comes before Japan.
Agree 0
Oppose 1

Calmly Under the international law of the real world, Japan's claim is one sidedly fair.
However, the law of heaven and space, which is at the top of international law, raises Korea's claims from the sky.
In the sky, Japan has already ruled on the half-ethical sins of human history that it has committed so far, and decided the fate of Japan.
For the time being, I went to court for 10 years from the pro-Japanese who died once .

李完用(Lee Wan-yong,이완용,리완용,イ・ワンヨン) was killed in the air trying to give Dokdo (竹島(Takeshima,다케시마)to Japan even after his death.
Japan in the future, in a variety of earthquake and volcanic activity 15 within the year, the Japanese archipelago in the Pacific Ocean sea 3 of minutes 2 will sink.
This is not a pure three- dimensional natural disaster.
After reading this article, if the readers are still alive 15 years later, you will witness the scene of its history.
What kind of nonsense fantasy you don't talk about?

Now, 『習近平(Xi Jinping,시진핑,习近平) virus (corona 19)』
I heard that it sounded crazy even when it warned Korean society about the situation three years ago.

Deadly infectious diseases such as these will continue to be connected one after another in the future.
In particular, smallpox will be placed by completely changing the hegemony of the regime of the world economy.
Agree 0

Object 5

In the midst of this world-historical epidemic, some history prophets predicted that Korea would break through this difficult nation and become the world's teacher country.
( 19 century, Jeong-yeog Pa 정역파(正易派, Seiekiha ) giants of , 金一夫(김일부,KimIl-bu,キム・イルブ) : 1909 years religious thinkers 姜甑山(강증산,GangIl-sun,ガンジュンサン) : 1980 of years Buddhist community 呑虛(탄허스,Tanhurs, Ho monks ) like, etc.)
Agree 0
Oppose 3



Dokdo (竹島(Takeshima,다케시마)
What is "normal Japan-Korea relationship"1



韓国と国交断絶 日韓会談を見送り 韓国の日本侵略未遂



Until the 李承晩(Syngman Rhee) line is abolished

13 years, Japanese detainees by Korea 3,929 people, seized a ship number 328 vessels, casualties 44 people .

The detainees were pushed between the 6 tatami mats by 30 people, a little food and 30 people

Put 1 in a glass of water 1 poor detention life such as it must spend the day .

When he was identified as a Communist, his detention period extended to several years.

In this WEB , in order not to forget the responsibility of infection spread,
『習近平(Xi Jinping,시진핑,习近平) virus (corona 19)』
Is used after changing its name.
Because the Wuhan virus may change the city name itself.