In South Korea, the “example of epidemics” is a cluster behind the scenes, but it is still a autogynephilia that “leads the world”
May 19, 2020 鈴置高史(방울두어 높문,Takabu-mi Suzu-oki)
What does the Nobel Prize mean to South Koreans?
Japan "South Korea,s  Nobel disease and illness the suffering that ? "
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When did this article clearly shows why TV Asahi and the Constitutional Democratic Party praised South Korea.

"K Quarantine" propaganda begin? 
I think that it was the word from April the media began to use,
this administration is 『習近平( Xi Jinping,시진핑,习近平)virus (corona 19)』 outbreak later, consistently, "South Korea's quarantine system is amazing ",
Said the point is tout" K Quarantine. "
Approval 2877
opposite 54

South Korea will not become a developed country
refused to free under the cruise ship, if the developed countries there is a responsibility to the world
probably is not a democracy
K control of epidemic human rights of the individual national personal information with It
's interesting to throw away democracy that puts the first thing in
mind.Apple didn't pass personal information to the government, but Korean companies gave it easily.Does South Korea's smartphone do a backdoor if requested by the government? President Moon's face is more confident as a dictator
Approval 2772
Disagree 58


 Even if you remove the quarantine without having some antibody, it will become a fashion again if there is one infected person. Unlike SARS, there are no symptoms, so it is difficult to tell if you are infected, and you may not know how long you can be infected.
A PCR test may be negative or false-negative, and even if it is negative because it may be transmitted on the way home, a suspect remains the same.
If you say PCR test and quarantine, you inspect every day, quarantine every few months, immigration ban from abroad forever.
Even if an isolation facility can be prepared, the number of medical staff will not change, so just lock it in a private room.
It's not very realistic and doesn't make sense.
It couldn't even medically administer a hotel, but it was something that appealed to.
For the purpose of confining a fool who goes on a trip when the infection is confirmed, Korea's GPS and surveillance camera can be used for tracking and penalties.
Approval 1398
Opposition 91

I knew it, but we realized again that it was a troublesome neighboring country.
If at least you can stop getting entangled here ...
Approval 842
Opposition 3

Beauty of Satsuma Kiriko |
It seems that you can't keep your peace of mind if you don't keep singing the title "The world's leading model country for epidemics."
Approval 724
Opposition 2


No , Isn't it usually nice to hear from others?
Although there was an election, the blow one's own horn was too severe.
You shall Do learn K in 謙虚(Kenkyo、Humility).
Approval 704
Opposition 3
Blindly believing that there was something that was not possible, getting 毀誉褒貶(Kiyo hōhen), or dangle after the opponent who could be attacked forever (dangle after) is a traditional means of that country, It's not what started recentl.
It was so obvious that we was tired of being amazed.
Approval 628
Against 2
Historically, there is no reason that Korea has independently won against the world!
The world's largest semiconductor market and the liquid crystal panel is not unique to Korea, but the raw materials are stopped and foam is consumed ... (laughs) The
Koreans who are hungry for victory ... However, because they lack the ability to win and are not used to winning, they always expose the ugliness here ...
Expect a disappointing ending this time too!
Approval 582
Opposition 7

It is a tragic comedy of a race that cannot live without thinking so.
It's called ビビンバ寄席(Bibimbap vaudeville), and I've been working hard for 20 years, but it's like sprinkling water on a sandy plant and planting flowers.
With no soil, it will die immediately.
繁昌亭(Hanshōtei) / 輪茶輪茶庵(Ranchawa Chaan) Lobby 寄席(audeville)
"Dream 夢子(Yumeko)" isn't "Dream South Korea" they want to be at the top of the world at all times, but they can never be.
Please do your best to win the Nobel disease.
Approval 437
Opposition 1

☆ Glossary
毀誉褒貶(Kiyo hōhen)
"Praise and not Praise"
"Say Praise or evil-speaking"
ビビンバ寄席(Bibimbap vaudeville)
笑福亭 銀瓶(Gingpei Shofu Kutei)
沈鐘一(심종일,Sim Jong-il,シム・ジョンイル
A rakugo artist from Kobe, Hyogo Prefecture.
The affiliated office is Shochiku Performing Arts.
Nobel disease
"Nobel Prize Week"
All over the world pay attention to announcements such as the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.
The same applies to South Korea, but since there is no award from its own people,
It is said to be the "season of nobel disease".
Koreans get depressed every time the Japanese win the Nobel Prize,
Recently many people, seem to give up pursuing .
Very few columns claim the sour grape theory that the Nobel Prize is worthless.
The Korean Nobel Prize craving is so overwhelming that no one accepts the denial of the Nobel Prize itself.

From the "Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei" (Koji Kumeta), this issue's theme is,

Despair teacher 20080603.jpg
"Do not you wrong comparison!?
 It is your ruler!?"

Or easy to understand as the story is, "the United States of justice ruler" Hey.

The excellent story is this.

Despair teacher 20080601.jpg
"This looks like a ruler unit is foreign ruler unit."
"That unit is Japanese ruler unit"
Despair teacher 20080602.jpg
"It's a simple ruler that can be measured only above or below compared to Japan."

Yes, it have a ruler of South Korea .

This responsibility in order to not forget the WEB in accountability)
習近平( Xi Jinping,시진핑,习近平)virus (corona 19)
and are used to change the name of.
Because the Wuhan virus may change the city name itself.