In South Korea, the “example of epidemics” is a cluster behind the scenes, but it is still a autogynephilia that “leads the world”

May 19, 2020 鈴置高史(방울두어 높문,Takabu-mi Suzu-oki)

South Korean entry ban countries in the visa stop/ YTN
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Korea wants to be fraud cheated

: Even so, it is said that "Japan is fraud cheating" .


When Koreans say "Japan is fraud cheating", it is when they are fraud cheating or when they want to.
Around this time, there was a voice in South Korea saying, "Reduce the number of tests so as not to increase the number of infected people."

By the end of February, Korea had the second highest number of infected people after China.
Along with that, the number of countries that restrict entry from South Korea has increased rapidly.

So there was growing public opinion-maybe even from within the administration-that inspections should be reduced to reduce the number of apparent infections.



문 대통령 "방역 당국 의료진 국민 모두가 잘 하신다"

문 대통령 "방역 당국 의료진, 국민 모두가 잘 해주고 계시다"



 Union news

Early detection efforts of up to 10,000 patients each day lead to a large number of confirmed cases

(Korean version, March 4th), with the voice of 鄭銀敬(Jung Eunkyung,정은경,チョン・ウンギョン)
"It is correct for our country to carry out a large amount of inspections."

he have reported a counterargument with.

 Only Koreans wanted to  fraud cheat.
Then they shouted, "Japan is  fraud cheating.

However, the quarantine authorities did not yield to pressure and continued to carry out the necessary inspections-composition.

 The "massive inspection" that became a problem.
Even if you say "a large amount", you can inspect concentrated contacts, such as infected family members and colleagues.

It is the same method as in Japan.
Because of the outbreak of infection in 大邱 (Daegu), the result was only a large amount.

As It pointed out on (May 11).


Back to developing countries


--Isn't it more important to prevent the spread of infection than to limit entry?


That is also related to "developed countries".
Koreans consider that the number of countries that can enter without a visa is a testimony to developed countries.
Successive governments have urged governments to "impress Koreans without visas."

 In newspapers all year long,
"Where there is a visa-free entry for Koreans.
Later, if some country does not have a visa, it will catch up with Japan. ''
Articles such as are posted.

 『習近平( Xi Jinping,시진핑,习近平)virus (corona 19)』is also a reason, you The more countries that restrict the entry from South Korea Korean as "revert to developing countries" is discouraged.

 Yonhap News is March 20,

" Entry restrictions / action restrictions from Japan to 209 countries / regions beyond Korea "

Japanese version) has been delivered.

 As the headline says, the article is "Korea beat Japan."
Until this time, Korean media are looking around for the story that “Korea is above Japan”.

 Recently, the South Korean government is pressing Japan to stop export controls.
This is also a reflection of the discomfort of being removed from the so-called "White Country" and dropped into "developing country treatment."

Because of the large number of inspections,
South Korea became developed countries

-In the end, the quarantine authorities did not respond to public opinion and did not reduce inspections.
What happened to the 文在寅(Moon Jae-in,문재인)administration in the face of the rapid increase in the number of infected people


They have developed a contrarian logic that "Korea is an advanced country because of the large number of inspections" and sent it to the world.

 Minister of Foreign Affairs 康京和(Kang Kyung-wha,강경화,カン・ギョンファ) said, "Beginning with[
BBC appearance ]on March 15th, the world's media and foreign ministers" suppressed the spread of infection by mass inspection " I started to brag.

 March 15, 2009 South Korea of 『習近平( Xi Jinping,시진핑,习近平)virus (corona 19)』75 people killed by".
The number of people per 1 million was 1.45, which was the second largest in Asia at that time, after China.

However, the Korean government did not mention the death toll.
If you know it, you won't get it.

 The uncertainties of impudently Koreans are amazing.
It's not based on the facts, but "what you say wins."

But this worked, and Western media blindly swallowed publicity.
As a result, "Korean is amazing!" Has become a common sense in the world.


Western media chorus


-Why did Europe and the United States blindly take "Korea is amazing"?


Around that time, the spread of infection became a big problem in Europe and America.
South Korea was a good place to cite as a “model” for the media, which wanted to attack its own administration, saying it was “missing inspections”.


" Health and Human Services Chief says 'we don't know' how many Americans have been tested for corona virus ''

The discussion (March 10) is typical.
Please watch from 40 seconds after the start.

 CNN reporter to US Secretary of State for Health and Welfare (Alex Azar)
“Why Korea can carry out mass inspections and the US cannot do it,” he urged.

 "It's not a matter of ability. It's a question of what to do."
In South Korea, an explosive infection occurred and a cluster (group of infected people) was found.
But the situation is different in the United States. "
However, it seems that Americans were not satisfied.

 Citizens of developed countries with advanced medical care tend to fall into the "most-inspection principle."

Moreover, in the United States, as in South Korea, an outbreak of infection occurred, necessitating a large amount of inspection.

 The Koreans who got “approved” from the world were ecstatic.
Of course, I did not forget the contempt for Japan.


中央日報(JoongAng Ilbo)of 윤설영(Yoon Seolyoung,ユン・ソルヨン)Tokyo correspondent

" Stupid, the problem is inspection. "

(April 24, Japanese version) I abused "Japan that cannot carry out a large amount of tests".

 Prime Minister Abe ordered to increase the number of PCR tests to 20,000 a day on April 7. On the other hand
Also 徐台教(Daegyo Seo,서 대 교,ソ・テギョ), who came to call himself "New Stance Editor-in-Chief," , he
tweeted "Is it finally working?" promoting on Japanese .



This responsibility in order to not forget the WEB in accountability)
習近平( Xi Jinping,시진핑,习近平)virus (corona 19)
and are used to change the name of.
Because the Wuhan virus may change the city name itself.