At Wuhan pneumonia virus measures
"文在寅(Moon Jae-in,문재인)" surge in popularity

"Brainwashing" the people saying "Korean is amazing!"

鈴置高史(Takabu-mi Suzu-oki

Venezuela:a day of chaos and violence after Juan Guaidó calls for militaryuprising


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Japan not tested to hide infected people

-Is it "added value"?



  Takabu-mi Suzu-oki  :
The correspondent of the newspaper, Yoon Sol-yeon,

" [Global Eye] Government's credibility to detect new coronavirus infections "

( March 20 , Japanese version) was written.
"The Japanese government has restricted testing to reduce the number of infected people," he said.


1. (in Japan) A woman in her 20s visited a hospital in late February  with fever and coughing.

He had no symptoms of pneumonia on an x-ray, and was prescribed medicine to return home.

2. However, the symptoms did not improve, and I visited the hospital twice.

If the fever in the second half of 37 degrees continued for more than 10  days, the doctor suspected Wuhan pneumonia virus (Corona 19 ) infection and called the "Returnee and Contact Center" based on the government's instructions to request an examination. .

3. However, the request for inspection was denied.

The reason was "not urgent (because there are no symptoms of pneumonia)."

According to the doctor's explanation, he is suspected of being a close contact person and is far from undergoing a test even if he reports.

4. The doctor lamented, "The explanation by the Japanese government and the scene are too different."

The absence of outbreaks does not mean that epidemics have been successful.

Even if you don't dare to conspire, many Japanese believe that the number of infected people reported today is not true.

――It's a campaign "Japan is inferior!"

  Takabu-mi Suzu-oki :

Some wrote it seriously, and others wrote, "You can't survive as a Tokyo correspondent unless you get on the campaign."

Of course, there were only a few correspondents who refused such requests from the Seoul headquarters.

However, the number of people having such a staunch spirit has decreased. 


For the sake of Korean honor, two out of eleven readers of the " Korean version of this article " (currently partly deleted) criticized this article.

It is less than.

1. The number of people infected with (Wuhan pneumonia virus (Corona 19 )) can be manipulated, but not so for the dead.

If there is an outbreak (in Japan), there should be (more) deaths.

2. How to write an article without such content while in Japan.

Can't we write an article that can explain more about Japanese society?

"South Korea is incredible! Japan is inferior!"
 Some own Korean media write without any no compelling grounds,

Some Koreans are ashamed of their home country media .


Postpone general election

-In the end, the administration has won the battle over Wuhan Pneumonia virus (Corona 19).


  Takabu-mi Suzu-oki :
The Korean election suddenly changes direction, so it cannot be determined.
But for now, the Wuhan Pneumonia virus (Corona 19 ) has been a tailwind to the left.
A conservative media representative, Chosun Ilbo's editorial adviser 姜天錫(Gang Cheonseok,강천석)is,

" On April 15 , show the difference between" patriotism of foreigners "and" patriotism of the people "( March 28 , Korean version) wrote, "The Election Law states that the election can be postponed in the event of a catastrophe or other unavoidable event."


Conservatives are likely to lose in the general election.

Elections have to be postponed due to the spread of Wuhan Pneumonia virus (Corona 19)


――And he expressed her feelings.

I can understand the conservative situation of the conservatives.

Conservatives, though not normal, will not post articles that would be more conservative before the election.

姜天錫(Gang Cheonseok,강천석)-If you were an editorial advisor, it would be different this time.

 If the conservatives do not secure a majority in the general election in April , the High Commissioner for Injustice and Investigation, an organization in which the leftists control the judiciary at will, will be launched.

This organization targets judges and prosecutors.

The leftist government also holds the judiciary, paving the way for its permanent dictatorship


(「On the day the Moon Jae-in administration broke the separation of the three powers in Korea, is the High Commissioner for Injustice and Investigation Gestapo?


문재인(Moon Jae-in,文在寅)이 검사를 "대학살"독재로 치닫는

文在寅(Moon Jae-in,문재인)が検事を“大虐殺”独裁へ突き進む





Doing well


Not doing it properly


Recognition of President Moon Jae-in, 遂行 for performing his duties

(From Korean Gallup survey)


Leftist dictatorship, and "Venezuela"

――Where will Korea go?

Takabu-mi Suzu-oki :

The outlook for Wuhan Pneumonia virus (Corona 19 ) is uncertain.
Outside of Daegu, the number of infected people is increasing.
The spread of infection by Western Europeans-a third wave has also begun.
Concerns about a currency crisis are increasing


한국 외환 위기 미국의 도움도 불발로 일본에 스왑 요청


The situation is extremely fluid, but if the leftists win in the April general election, it is likely that internal conflict will intensify, as in Venezuela .

There is no doubt that conservatives will resist the leftist perpetual power regime with crazy desperation.

Later Korean historians might write, "If the Wuhan pneumonia virus (Corona 19 ) did not occur, Korea would not have collapsed ."




 It's an interesting country where stock prices are going down and the approval rating of the president is going up.
This is a good trend as we want President 文在寅(Moon Jae-in,문재인) to do his best.
Even when the world is struggling with Wuhan pneumonia virus (Corona 19 ) measures

I think Korea needs to seriously consider whether Japan-Korea relations are really necessary after the end of the Wuhan Pneumonia Virus (Corona 19 ).
Approved 3167
Opposition 45

We still need 文在寅(Moon Jae-in,문재인).
I hope you win the election and break off relations with Japan.
Also, please raise the US Army.
Annexation with the North or a vassal state with China has become a reality.
Great! !
We support 文在寅(Moon Jae-in,문재인).
Approved 2809
Opposition 71

Japan has criticized that it has arbitrarily reduced the number of infected people for the Tokyo Olympics, but isn't South Korea manipulating numbers for elections?
Japan has decided to postpone the Olympics, so the restrictions are gone, but Korea will not be able to take fundamental measures until the end of the election, so it will be a big deal problem after the election?
Approved 2344

Opposition 84

aki |
It's an export of test kits to the UAE, a passage through swap with the United States, a test kit approval in the United States, just a fake news parade from the Korean government.
文在寅(Moon Jae-in,문재인) was a good ethnic group that could easily be deceived by the Korean people if they could  also an easily gullible ethnic group esteem themselves.
Approved 684
Opposition 4

> However, it is doubtful that the Chosun Ilbo counterattack is effective.
Even if it is a lie, Koreans want to hear the story "Chosun is amazing!"

On the contrary, they try to completely eliminate things that are inconvenient for their, whether true or not.
That applies to all citizens, not just governments.

This fact needs to be understood by Japan and other countries, and the response to this country needs to be revised.
Approved 650
Opposition 7

I know the administration is using it for propaganda, but do people believe so easily?
You can also see overseas news and the number of deaths online.
I feel like I'm manipulating the rating.
Approved 649
Opposition 8

The Korean Medical Association announced that 70% of physicians negatively evaluated the government's response to new types of pneumonia, and that 40% answered that "there was no correct response at all".

The general public probably believes in the Blue House and the media, but people with some knowledge cannot deceive.
Approval 642
Opposition 5

Steel |
To maintain democracy requires "right information" and "right education."
There aren't any in this country.
Approved 639
Opposition 4

It was good with short-circuit nationality.
By all means, be sure to continue to pursue 親北(Pro-North Korean,친북)・親中(Pro-Chinese,친중정책)、反日 (Anti-Japanese,바닐)・反米 (Anti-Americanism,반미)they are expecting
First of all, please default as early as one day.
Approved 566
Opposition 8

The fundamental problem in Japan and South Korea is history, and will not change much when conservatives take power.
It's better to create a period to say what you want to say thoroughly than to create friendships by tricking halfway.
The current situation should not be bad for Japan, but the problem is that some politicians and the Foreign Ministry's OB misunderstand that Japan-Korea friendship is a national interest.
Approved 560
Opposition 2