Why is 文在寅(Moon Jae-in,문재인)be impatient  ?


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The 文在寅(Moon Jae-in,문재인) administration runs a dictatorship.
青瓦台(The Blue House = Chonwade,Korea Presidential Office
(청와대;Hanja:靑瓦臺;literally"pavilion of blue tiles",
the executive office and official residence of the South Korean head of state,
on Seoul )

The prosecutors who searched for the injustice were forced to leave the office at once.

It is a runaway following the establishment of a senior official monitoring organization including prosecutors and judges.

Korean observer 鈴置高史(Takabu-mi Suzu-oki) explains.


Blue House (Chonwade, Presidential Office)

Skip the prosecutor to investigate where is bad


On January 8 , the Korean Legal Affairs Department relegated 32 executives from the Supreme Prosecutors Office to rural areas.
President 文在寅(Moon Jae-in,문재인),
All prosecutors who were investigating the wrongdoing of his aide were dismissed.
We call it a conservative newspaper, the Massacre.


Criminal Investigations for High Officials (公捜処,공수처,gongsucheo)on December 30

-In Japan, it is translated as "High Commissioner for Injustice Investigation"

It is a movement following the forced voting of the setting law of-




“Higher officials” includes prosecutors and judges.

The 文在寅(Moon Jae-in,문재인) administration first came to an end

"If the administration does an unsatisfactory investigation or ruling, you'll fall into jail."

And threatened.

And as soon as this year, he embarked on a dissatisfied with disgusting prosecutor,  to purge.


At a New Year's conference on January 14, President question for about this affair was
"The prosecution's human rights rest with the Secretary of Justice and the President."
"If prosecutors enthusiastically select only certain cases, they lose public confidence."
President  answered.

It is the shift to a defiant attitude that the prosecutor who investigates the Blue House (Chonwade) is skipped and what is wrong.


Insidious than invoking command

――It's commanding right .


It are wicked worse than that.
Disguise de facto invocation of authority by using human rights
That's why they used a shameless hand.
Indeed, the prosecutor's human rights rest with the president.


However, Article 34 of the Prosecutor's Office Law
"In regards to personnel matters, the Secretary of Justice will raise the President after hearing the opinion of the Attorney General."
Is stipulated.
Conservatives advocate the clause,
"This HR assignment is invalid because 秋美愛(Choo Miae,추미애), Chief Justice Minister of Justice issued the order without hearing the opinion of Prosecutor General 尹錫悦(Yoon Seok-ryul,윤석열)."
On the other hand, the administration side
"Secretary 秋美愛(Choo Miae,추미애) called on 尹錫悦(Yoon Seok-ryul,윤석열) to present his personnel plan, but she was rejected."
And description.
She is showing  reprimanding against 尹錫悦(Yoon Seok-ryul,윤석열).


The following day, on January 9 , Secretary 秋美愛(Choo Miae,추미애) against told subordinates

"Look for laws to discipline"

And instructed.

Smartphone at the National Assembly Plenary Hall

"Find disciplinary laws and regulations for the proper use of command and supervision."

The figure that writes
It was included in the camera of the 毎日経済新聞(Maeil Business Newspaper,매일경제신문).

" 秋美愛(Choo Miae,추미애) Instructed" Look for laws relating to disciplinary action. "… Aim for Yoon Seok-ryul, 윤석열

(January 10 , Korean version) you can see the photo.


If you are in power, you will be at the forefront of prosecution

文在寅(Moon Jae-in,문재인)administration,

  would like to quit 尹錫悦(Yoon Seok-ryul,윤석열), the attorney general who reveals the injustices of the US.

However, the term of the Attorney General is fixed at two years.

尹錫悦(Yoon Seok-ryul,윤석열)

Just took office in July 2019 and cannot be fired right away.


So he didn't respond to the call of Secretary 秋美愛(Choo Miae,추미애)C.

Considering "anti-life" and moving to disposal

――Or you showed it and checked it.


Killed prosecutors, now is dictatorship

――Mud slinging contest has come .

Conservatives will not be withdrawn .



Conservatives, of course, they are crazy at desperately.

If the prosecutors hold the left,

It is not only that the injustice of the 文在寅(Moon Jae-in,문재인)administration will not be revealed.

Because they are thrown into prison.


 At the stage of March 2018 , 10 months after the start of this administration,
Eleven people who held posts of the Secretary-General or Deputy-Secretary-level during the previous conservative government were imprisoned.
Except for the two presidents.


朝鮮日報Chosun Ilbe

`` Total 100 years in prison: deep-rooted evil

Literary purges ,, 사화, Safa) ]

(Korean version on March 22 , 2018 ).


Conservatives' largest letter, Chosun Ilbe, is an editorial

"Return to dictatorship"

Was blamed.

" " I left the search for Chonwade , "

All prosecutors are demoted, is it now dictatorship? ''

(Jan. 9 , Korean version) The last sentence of the preamble is as follows.


 As soon as Prosecution investigated the president's alleged suspicion and the wrongdoing of his president,
They circumvented human rights, added retaliation, and forced them out of the investigation.
What happens only in dictatorships is under way in the Democratization Movement.


Personalization of power,

Returned to Joseon Dynasty era


The Chosun Ilbo continued to attack the political power Privatize with editorials twice a day, one day after another
. Translate and summarize Korean version.
・ They are investigating the injustice of the 文在寅(Moon Jae-in,문재인), 
do it, they  "large genocide" of the staff members of Attorney General 尹錫悦(Yoon Seok-ryul,윤석열),
administration, will be held
On the other hand, prosecutors close to the government have occupied important positions.
Seoul Prosecutor's Office
A junior college student who has worked with President 文在寅(Moon Jae-in,문재인) has been appointed
(" Even if you skip the prosecution investigators,

"The Chonwade Fraud" is not going away. "

 = January 10 )

・ Judicial obstruction that hinders investigations aimed at power is
This is the most important requirement for US impeachment.
President Richard Nixon
Dismissed a special prosecutor who was investigating the Watergate case
He was in danger of impeachment and was forced to resign.

尹錫悦(Yoon Seok-ryul,윤석열)slaughtered a criminal investigation squad

(" Return to sanity, a government that has done things that never happen in a dream. "

= January 10)

・ Government side for “protest”
It is pressing on 尹錫悦(Yoon Seok-ryul,윤석열) to resign.
For committing sin against the king's life,
During the Joseon Dynasty era
It's the same as being taken to Uigeumbu(의금부), an investigative agency.
Prosecutors have lost their public trust because they have succumbed to power.
So the prosecution reform started with independence from power.
However, the administration has said that the prosecution did not subjugate power but "protested."
The thief breaks the prosecution's investigative crew in the air trying to catch himself
They're trying to replace the prosecution's protest

(" " Do you oppose the king's life? "

The resentment of the democratization regime returning to the Joseon Dynasty era. ' '

 = January 11)

While the same conservative newspaper,
Compared to the 朝鮮日報(Chosun Ilbo), the 東亜日報(Dong-a Ilbo)
Temporarily approached the 文在寅(Moon Jae-in,문재인)administration,
is now considered "neutral paper"
The 中央日報(JoongAng Ilbo),
The editorial criticism of this prosecution was severely criticized.

The editorial headline of 東亜日報(Dong-a Ilbo) is

`` The prosecutor's personnel violence takes all the limbs of the public prosecutor who is investigating the current power ' '

 ( Jan. 9 , Korean version).
He said, "Rage."

The editorial headline of the 中央日報(JoongAng Ilbo) was as intense as the editorial headline.

"The violent prosecutor's affairs have killed justice "

( Jan. 9 , Korean version).


Hankyore not writing "Collapse of the separation of the three powers"

――Left-wing newspaper ?



Hankyore also editorial

"The prosecution's" extraordinary personnel "and" fair investigation "must be guaranteed. "

 (January 8 , Korean version)

"This HR should not affect the investigation."
Korea 曺国(Cho Kuk,조국)former Secretary of Justice
alleged exploded public anger

(" 2020PossibilityOfNorth-SouthKoreanCoupNotReturn3



Nevertheless, The Hankyoreh reported little suspicion

So, from the people

It was ridiculed as "Your Newspaper of 文在寅(Moon Jae-in,문재인).

Angry the Hankyoreh young reporter demands removal of editorial executive

And so on.


So even this editorial helps conceal the crime of the Chonwade

You would have avoided the alleged claim.

However, it is strange to require a watered-down prosecutor to do it well.



"Prosecutor's investigation is inadequate."

And when the people exploded anger

"We wanted a fair investigation"

It would be "Alibi editorial".


On the contrary, the Hankyoreh,

"A prosecutor close to General 尹錫悦(Yoon Seok-ryul,윤석열)

Prosecutors also criticized the monopoly of key positions. ''

"Power not elected requires democratic control."

He explained that the HR was justified.

President 文在寅(Moon Jae-in,문재인) Description 's explanation is exactly as it is.


The Hankyoreh, who recognizes the flag of democracy,

He did not point out any reality that the separation of powers was at stake and democratization was receding.


In the first place, the Hankyoreh's reporters may not have that awareness.

The Koreans are in a party struggle.

That's how Korean People destroyed the country themself.