2019, heavy Anti-Korean atmosphere
If you tell the facts,
all of them are certified as “dislike Korea” !
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It ’s okay to put an anti-Japanese rally every Wednesday on the shelf ...
It is your own country that suddenly changed the interpretation of the Japan-Korea Agreement.
I changed to the presiding judge who can be manipulated by the Korean government
What is the difference in interpretation by bringing out the decision of the Korean Grand Court?
Should be a shame as a newspaper reporter ...
Agree 6662 Opposed 181

> The logic is simple and the explanation becomes longer when you argue that it is "difference in the interpretation of the agreement".

Talk about the pot calling the kettle black, yeah right ...
It is your own country that suddenly changed the interpretation of the Japan-Korea Agreement.
South Korea Grand Court changed to the presiding judge who can be manipulated by the Korean government
What is the difference in interpretation by bringing out the decision of the Korean Grand Court?
Should be a shame as a newspaper reporter ...
Agree 5291 Opposition 46

Ishida Impure one
Steel-like spirit that penetrates what you believe
If you come up with a headlong, push forward to be by far the best
Amazing imagination
Intuition better than fact
Transcendent optimistic thinking that reopens even in desperate life
I do n’t know what he talking about,
Just come out and laugh,
The comedy sense
Outstanding leadership in Korean domestic affairs and diplomacy
The overwhelming aspirations and presence that are trusted by the leaders of each country
I think 文在寅(Moon Jae-in문재인) is really amazing.
Agree 3557 Opposition 61

Do you hate Korea all Hate? ?
[If you've ever heard the right-wing eloquence in Japan, you can understand.
Discomfort that makes goose bumps stand. ]
It seems that there is no awareness, but this is the same.
That “outrageous and insolence anti-Japan”
It is an explode in anger.
Agree 2362 Opposition 11

It is a premise that Korea is not wrong.
The arrogance to say that the truth is wrong even though Korea accumulates lies.
If you don’t like Japan, you leave Japan.
Agree 2293 Opposition 8

I think it's only natural that the number of disgusting Koreans increases against the usual anti-Japan sentiment beyond the usual one.
Agree 2246 Opposition 11

If you feel uncomfortable, you should return to Korea as soon as possible.
Agree 2130 Opposite 6

Not only the problems of the past year, such as “application workers from the Korean Peninsula”.
For the anti-Japan attitude and desperation that continued after the war
The Japanese can't stand it anymore.
Agree 2070 Opposite 5

> I removed my seat to see if my daughter could hear me.

That's right, so to the next generation
It hides the inconvenient part of Korea, so there is no progress.
Agree 1963 Opposition 7

If it is an international law,
Is it unthinkable how the other party interprets it?
It is not a problem that only the Korean side of the country should interpret it.
Agree 1664 Opposite 2
I think so 603
In Japan, we don't give education to give up other countries in history education.
There will be no regular meetings in front of embassies in other countries.
I feel the Japanese atmosphere is distorted and exclusive.
It ’s a technique that Koreans can distort.

I think so 588
It ’s a Korean labeling that has been going on for more than a year.
It's not very good for Korean anti-Japan activities.
Which mouth can say this?
I'm amazed.
I think so 542
“I felt depressed on a leisurely holiday day!”
What makes you do that
What is the newspaper company you belong to?
Anti-Japan demonstration in Seoul
Tearing the rising-sunflag and burning the portrait of Prime Minister Abe
I can't even imagine what the Japanese think about it?

I think so 373
Violation of international law against Japan is not only the “applicant worker from the Korean Peninsula” issue.
The relationship between the two countries is already
It was a level where we had to start from building trust from scratch.

I think so 365
Right and left wing and media in Korea
And if you've ever heard eloquence all over Korea, you know.
Unpleasantness and creepyness that makes goosebumps stand ...
All the causes are in Korea and it is a strict fact.

I think so 361
It's a non-study that you can't think of as a member of the media.
Before the Anti-Korean in Japan, Korea has been educating Anti-Japan since the war.
“The worst country in the world is Japan, not North Korea.”
A Korean friend said that he had been taught.
You know this correspondent.
If the year goes by, there will be another turbulence due to the issue of “application workers from the Korean Peninsula”.

I think so 345
Do you think that Japanese people in Korea don't feel the air of anti-Japan?
Parent-day liquidation, Wednesday gathering, newspaper headlines, textbooks, TV dramas, movies, non-buying movements,
Did you think, what Japanese people in Korea, looked feel at these everyday?
Articles where you are the victim are clearly disqualified as journalists.

I think so 304
Many Japanese do not go to Korea,
Through the press, Japanese people have been continuously unpleasant.

I think so 298
I'm in Tokyo. How about quitting the paranoid and seeing the reality?

I think so 280
The world is not just composed of Japan and the Korean Peninsula.
The “interpretation” of the Korean peninsula
Is that universally acceptable?
The “interpretation” without verification is just self-reliance.
It is not “difference in interpretation”.