2019, heavy Anti-Korean atmosphere
Dislike Korea Question Corner
I'll answer Bang Bang
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Anti-Japanese bamboo bamboo street shit order

Isn't it different from an interesting laugh that expecting a good Japanese atmosphere ?

Korean entrepreneurs who suffer are supposed to be very painful because their blood is dry

Kiregi isn't the same hard work?

Agree 11 Disagree 0


기자 (Kijya / Reporter) + 쓰레기 (Sregi / Trash) compound word,

A slang term that calls reporters writing low-level articles


Every Wednesday ...

A country, that teaches takes a child in front of the Girl statue,

that Abe is a bad guy

However, isn't it natural that there are people who hate Korea in Japan !!!

Agree 10 Disagree 0


Yoon reporter has become a best seller

I hope to read the book on “Anti-Japanese” and establish a correct view of history.

That ’s why it ’s a balanced view.

It could play a role in establishing Korea-Japan relations.

Agree 8 Disagree 1


Koreans who can wash left

Anti-American slaps and cheeks are thrown away.

Behind it is always a frame of laundry gangs.

Washable gang these poor poor

For comfort women ( SexSlaves = Prostitute ) grandmother and Sewol students,

It ’s such a sunny day, but it seems to have a Hangul day. ?

Approval 8 Opposition 0


It can be seen by analogy that Taiwan's feelings of dislike Korea were also serious.

It is because Korea has restored diplomatic relations with China for 92 years,

Knowing that it is because of break off relations with Taiwan

Korean people have long been sorry for Taiwan ...

But in fact it is not,

Taiwan recognized that they were better than China and Korea

But as soon as it was reversed, the pride was capped.

In fact, until the mid- 1990s , Taiwan's average income exceeded that of Korea.

Taiwan is now a country that cannot keep up with Korea.

The Taiwanese acknowledged the reality, and the disliked Korea disappeared.

Rather, South Korean pop culture is overflowing.

Japanese elderly senior citizen people,
Korea that ownselfs annexed

decided to use the annex

Korea can't stand to jump over Japan.

Young women seem to like Korean culture.

Then what about the men?

To have jealousy about it

It can also be a development of Korea.

In the first place, what is wrong with us in Korea?

It is an unavoidable process of passing through the development process.

Approval 6 Opposition 7



If you think, Japanese like Korean culture,

you have a lot of misunderstanding and oily illusion !!!

Agree 1 Disagree 0


Case , you are saying emotional and emotional.

If you read my text,

Please refute rationally and rationally.

Build logic based on the facts.

I comment with my real name.

I don't say much emotional.

However, Korea's agreement violation, promise violation, trust destruction

South Koreans used tough words about from the past 30 years, Korea

Rough words, unfounded accusations, slander, stigma that do not conform to foreign facts

Every day was stunned and stunned.

Let ’s stop that.

The Japanese people are getting farther away.

I do not look up and down with national power.

There is no line of sight from above.

You are higher, lower, higher, lower than other countries,

Say better than any country, etc.

Why compare that way ???

It would be meaningless to compare.

There is a way of life in each person and country.

So, laughing at Japan, congratulating, kicking off,

Miserable, miserable.

I hope to have more productive, value-generating discussions, disputes and debates.

From the perspective of Japan, you are just

Looks like “to pick a fight” to Japan.

Is fun?

Approval 5 Opposition 1


In Korea, many dislikes including you Korea

To insult neighboring nations like

There is no compassionate person who wastes a lot of time and effort.

You shall retire and live the rest of your life more meaningfully.

Agree 0 Disagree 0


Even in Japan where Anti-Korea is said to be at its peak,

Stepping on the president's photo, breaking the national flag,

There is no non-buying campaign across the country.

In Japan, many Korean idols appear on TV.

In Korea, you don't allow Japanese to flow on TV.

Korean “Immorality if others do, Romance if I do”

It ’s better to solve such thoughts first.

Approval 3 Opposition 1


Most of the signs in Japan are written in English.

Next is Hangul.

Hangul is also on most signs.

You have never been to Japan. you don't know the reality.

Approval 2 Opposition 0