Reality to retreat from ParkGeun-hye
in “The 21st Century's Largest Demo”

November 14 , 2016 鈴置高史Suzu-oki/Takabu-mi






"21 세기 최대의 시위 ' 에서 박근혜 (ParkGeun-hye) 퇴진에 3

"21 세기 최대의 시위 ' 에서 박근혜 (ParkGeun-hye) 퇴진에 2

"21 세기 최대의 시위 ' 에서 박근혜 (ParkGeun-hye) 퇴진에 1

「21世紀最大のデモ」 で朴槿恵(ParkGeun-hye,박근혜)退陣に現実味 3

「21世紀最大のデモ」 で朴槿恵(ParkGeun-hye,박근혜)退陣に現実味 2

「21世紀最大のデモ」 で朴槿恵(ParkGeun-hye,박근혜)退陣に現実味 1



Playing cards won as well

How does the left move?

Suzu-oki :

Demonstrations with an increasing number of participants have made

the situation more favorable to the left group.

It seems that they have begun to think about keeping up

with maintenance at once.

There is a sign of moving to the “early decisive battle”.

It is regarded as the next presidential candidate

of the opposition party first party "Democratic Party Together"

Former representative of Moon Jae-in ( 문재인 )

“Park should give all power”

He started to say.

It was November 10th , two days before the third demonstration.

The name is “President Donald Trump appears in the United States”.

Chosun Ilbo

" 'Deliver diplomatic and martial rights,' the sentence behaves like a presidential winner. "

( November 11 , Korean version) reported as follows.

Former representative Moon will be on Facebook on November 10

"Message about the results of the US presidential election"

A statement expressing his position was announced.

In this

“President ParkGeun-hye,

She lost trust not only in domestic affairs but also in diplomacy. ''

“Matters directly related to the national interest must be considered

by the next administration.

President Park should make a patriotic decision.


“Patriotic decision” means virtually abandoning the president's office.


From this article "Trump Winning"

It is unclear how former President Moon related

to "President Park lost trust in diplomacy."

However, there is an image that "Trump does not know what to do".

Against that background,

"Just hand over all power, including diplomacy, anyway"

Would have argued.

Not easy impeachment

The opposition party is "Shiro Shimono"

In other words, did you insist on "handing over all power"?

Suzu-oki :

In the demo, the slogan “Resign” and “Shimo” will be raised.

However, opposition parties such as "Democratic Party Together"

"You can stay in the president's position,

but in that case, reduce authority"

They have argued.

The aim is to deal with the president.

The only way to legally resign as president is impeachment.

This requires more than two- thirds of the parliamentarians

and the approval of the Constitutional Court.

The former requires about 30 members

of the ruling and Senuri parties-a quarter of the members.

The latter is not possible unless the “president's crime” is sufficient enough

for “impeachment”.

The investigation has just begun.

There is no guarantee that they can be cleared at this stage.

French type

So the opposition has advocated “reduction of authority”.

Suzu-oki :

That's right.

"Retreat to the second line"

I often say things wrapped in oblate.

"Diplomatic and national defense" is left to President Park,

The main idea of ​​“internal affairs” is that the prime minister appointed

by the Diet is responsible.

It seems that he has the authority of the French president in mind.

In addition to the diplomatic relations,

the former representative of the “Democratic Party”

He made a hard plan to pick up military power from President Park.

According to the previous Chosun Ilbo article , the details are as follows.


Former representative Moon met with a civil society

“The president ’s unique authority, military power, martial law,

And the Secretary of the National Intelligence Service, Auditorium,

Justice Department, Constitutional Court and Supreme Court

A wide range of personnel rights, including judges,

should be left to the government-neutral cabinet.

He said.

In this plan, President Park will be the head of state.

It's like a Singapore president.

President Park, who has lost power, will be struck by the left side.

It is a de facto Shimono request theory.

President has no two lines to retreat

How does the Korean Constitution stipulate presidential authority?

Suzu-oki :

Chapter 4 Section 1 Article 66

"Administrative power belongs to the government headed by the president"

There is.

So, not to mention full power delegation,

Even the reduction of authority is criticized for violating the constitution.

Cho Gap-che조갑제  is struggling here too.

“There is no ' 2- line' to retreat to the President of the Republic of Korea

( November 8 , Korean) wrote and pointed out:


The appointment of the Prime Minister

by the Diet and the retreat of the President by two lines is a coup idea.

The opposition party's “retreat of the President's two lines”

is effectively a threat to throw out the administration.

It is also a violation of the constitution.

The president has no two lines to retreat.

2- line retreat” abandoned domestic affairs,

Constitutional violations are obvious even in the sense of giving only defense

and security.

The constitution does not stipulate

that the president's constitutional authority is shared with others.

It is impossible to distinguish between domestic politics and security.

Security is the core of domestic politics.

Disapproval rate reaches 90 %

Certainly, the “ two- line retreat theory” is also unreasonable.

Suzu-oki :

Speaking from the law theory.

As pointed out by Mr. Cho Gap-che조갑제),

it is a coup – an extraordinary idea.

But in Korea, things are often determined

by feelings and personal interests rather than by law.

If more people shout, "Kill that king,"

Regardless of the law

It is a country of “rebellion” that has killed the rebellion.

By the way, in the Korean Gallup survey,

President Park ’s not approval rating for the second week of November (8-10th)

Same 5% as last week. Disapproval increased by 1 percentage point,

It ’s the highest 90 % in this regime.


Doing well Not doing well

ParkGeun-hye's approval rating, Korean Gallup