Bloombergにカカオ醤掲載!醤油の市場規模は10年後2倍になる!? | 世界一の醤油をつくりたい 湯浅醤油有限会社 社長 新古敏朗のブログ

世界一の醤油をつくりたい 湯浅醤油有限会社 社長 新古敏朗のブログ


湯浅醤油有限会社 丸新本家の新古敏朗です。












チョコレートしょうゆで切り開く新たな販路、和歌山の企業が開発 - Bloomberg





  • ハンバーガー店やカフェのしらす丼でも採用、4年をかけて開発

  • 2032年のしょうゆの市場規模は22年比2倍の予想も-調査会社












 新古氏は、カカオ醤以外の取り組みとして、海外市場にも挑戦する。昨年、フランスのボルドーにワイン製造業者と協力したレストラン「Pavillon Yuasa(湯浅のはなれ)」を開き、ワインだるから出る独特の木の香りがするしょうゆを提供した。「しょうゆを使ったらこんな料理がおいしくなる」と、世界中の人に知ってもらいたいと新古氏は話す。







Chocolate Soy Sauce Dares 800-Year-Old Industry in Japan to Change - Bloomberg


Chocolate Soy Sauce Dares 800-Year-Old Industry to Change

  • 150-year-old soy sauce brewery bets on broader and global use
  • The brewery also makes the condiment using French wine barrels

It’s sweet and salty, and can be added to steak or ice cream. Chocolate-infused soy sauce is challenging the norms of a traditional industry that’s been slow to change.

Packed into a small jar is the story of Toshio Shinko, the chief executive officer of Yuasa Soy Sauce Co., who created the concoction to broaden the appeal of the condiment. Called Cacao Jang, it gives out an aroma of rich chocolate that’s met with a unique umami flavor distinct from traditional soy sauce.

“I thought they might be surprisingly compatible because they’re both fermented,” said Shinko, who grew up in Yuasa, considered the birthplace of soy sauce in Japan. He helped out with his family’s brewery since he was in middle school.


At stake is a global industry projected to almost double to $83.8 billion in 2032 from the prior decade, according to researcher Spherical Insights, due to the growing popularity of Asian cuisine and demand for natural, healthy food products. This has also led to terms such as umami becoming a global foodie concept of deepening flavor with a pleasant, savory taste.


“The soy sauce category could grow at a faster pace in the medium term than the other cooking and table sauces such as mayonnaise and ketchup, as consumers across the globe become more experimental with their food choices,” Bloomberg Intelligence analyst Ada Li said. “The competitive pressure in the soy sauce industry is likely to stay elevated.”

Cacao Jang is available as a paste, in a grainy version with cacao bits or another with a smoother texture. Shinko said he tested various combinations of cacao and soy sauce for four years before arriving at the right formula. The final product fuses cacao beans shipped from Vietnam with a specific type of soy sauce extracted from miso after sitting in large wooden barrels to ferment.

The quiet, narrow streets of Yuasa are lined with traditional wooden buildings, with the aroma of soy sauce wafting near breweries and restaurants. There’s a museum dedicated to the product in what’s now nationally recognized as the Preservation District of Yuasa.

Yuasa Soy Sauce, which has been around for 150 years, is one of few remaining in Japan that still uses the traditional method of brewing in wooden barrels rather than steel vats. While the standard aging time is about six months, Shinko notes that his product can sit in barrels for as long as two years, bringing out a more intense umami flavor.

Cacao Jang has expanded Yuasa’s reach into restaurants other than the usual sushi or dumpling eateries. ICON, a burger joint in Tokyo’s Shibuya area, serves a teriyaki burger that features Cacao Jang, honey and butter cream on a savory patty.

“I know so much about chocolate now,” said Shinko, who turned down an offer to collaborate with Meiji Holdings Co., Japan’s biggest chocolate maker, because he preferred the taste from the cacao fermentation facility in Vietnam.


Shinko also experimented with making soy sauce in wine barrels when he traveled to France. He opened a restaurant called Pavillon Yuasa in Bordeaux last year in collaboration with the Château Coutet vineyard, serving the soy sauce that has a unique woody flavor from the wine barrels.


“I want to show people around the world that using soy sauce can make food so delicious,” Shinko said. “It doesn’t even have to be Japanese food. It can make French, German or American food taste better too.”




CACAO JANG(カカオ醤・チョコレート醤油) | 湯浅醤油・金山寺味噌・生米麹の丸新本家 (