



下三角Expository Writing(説明型)

下三角Descriptive Writing(記述型)

下三角Narrative Writing(語り型)​​​​​















- テーマ:In what ways is gender equality improving in your country?
- エッセイタイプ:Expository Writing(説明型)

- 単語数:over 150 words



Advancements in Gender Equality in Japan


      The Japanese government has been improving the gender equality problem step by step since the 1980s. In recent years, the government's commitment to nurturing a more inclusive society is obvious through various initiatives. One significant advancement is the increasing participation of women in the workforce.
      To address the challenges faced by working mothers, there have been efforts to improve access to childcare services. This is crucial in enabling women to balance work and family responsibilities. Additionally, this not only facilitates women's participation in the workforce but also promotes a healthier work-life balance. Moreover, measures have been launched to promote the inclusion of women in leadership positions across various sectors. This involves encouraging companies to set targets for women in leadership roles and providing support for women's career development.
      In addition, thanks to the educational equality that was corrected in the early years, social attitudes in companies are evolving as more and more of the working-age population now take gender equality for granted.
      Whereas challenges still persist the pace of change is slower than in other countries, Japan's commitment to fostering gender equality is unquestionably making an impact. Japan is becoming more equitable and diverse.

(Word Count: 200)




Advancements in Gender Equality in Japan


      The Japanese government has been improving the gender equality problem step by step since the 1980s. In recent years, the government's commitment to nurturing a more inclusive society is has been obvious through various initiatives. One significant advancement is the increasing participation of women in the workforce.
      To address the challenges faced by working mothers, there have been efforts to improve access to childcare services. This is crucial in enabling women to balance work and family responsibilities. Additionally, this not only facilitates women's participation in the workforce but also promotes a healthier work-life balance. Moreover, measures have been launched to promote the inclusion of women in leadership positions across various sectors. This involves encouraging companies to set targets for women in leadership roles and providing support for women's career development.

      In addition, thanks to the educational equality that was corrected in the early years, social attitudes in companies are evolving as more and more of the working-age population now take accede to gender equality for granted and women’s empowerment.
      Whereas challenges still persist the pace of change is slower than in other countries, Japan's commitment to fostering gender equality is unquestionably making an impact. Japan is becoming more equitable and diverse.





- thanks to は口語的なのでエッセイに使わない

- take for granted = fail to appreciate なので誤使用

- persist にはstilの意味をすでに含んでいるため不要


Points Achieved:

  1. Writes summary following guidelines; however, requires careful apprehension of the content

  2. Constructs sentences and organizes ideas mindful with the transitions

Points for Improvement:


Vocabulary: decent word choices, however, suggest familiarizing some phrases and other expressions suitable for given topics; refrain redundancy Grammar: be conscious with verb tenses use


  1. ガイドラインに沿って要約を書くことができるが、内容を注意深く理解する必要がある。
  1. トランジションを意識して文章を構成し、考えを整理することができる。





Advancements in Gender Equality in Japan


      The Japanese government has been improving the gender equality problem step by step since the 1980s. In recent years, the government's commitment to nurturing a more inclusive society has been obvious through various initiatives. One significant advancement is the increasing participation of women in the workforce.
      To address the challenges faced by working mothers, there have been efforts to improve access to childcare services. This is crucial in enabling women to balance work and family responsibilities. Additionally, this not only facilitates women's participation in the workforce but also promotes a healthier work-life balance. Moreover, measures have been launched to promote the inclusion of women in leadership positions across various sectors. This involves encouraging companies to set targets for women in leadership roles and providing support for women's career development.

      In addition, to the educational equality that was corrected in the early years, social attitudes in companies are evolving as more and more of the working-age population accede to gender equality and women’s empowerment.
      Whereas challenges persist the pace of change is slower than in other countries, Japan's commitment to fostering gender equality is unquestionably making an impact. Japan is becoming more equitable and diverse.

(Word Count: 200)











フィリピンは男女平等度がかなり高く、2021年度版の調査では世界17位だったそうです。ちなみに日本は120位 ... ちょっと不満















