



下三角Expository Writing(説明型)

下三角Descriptive Writing(記述型)

下三角Narrative Writing(語り型)​​​​​








- テーマ:What is the most difficult thing you have ever had to learn?
- エッセイタイプ:Expository Writing(説明型)

- 単語数:80 - 250 words



Leadership That Works For Me


      The hardest thing I have ever done was learning about the Scrum Master role that supports, coaches and facilitates the team in software development.
      In the team where I used to work as a developer, the Scrum Master at the time suddenly quit. Therefore, I had to take it as I was the only one who spoke the same language as our client, Japanese. Since I had only experience on the support side, it seemed very difficult to lead the team. Also since I was not the most skilled or experienced developer in the team, I was under pressure.
      During learning about the Scrum Master, I learned the word "servant leader”. It is a way of taking leadership by serving the team and helping members to self-organize. It is also a way of thinking that instead of negotiating with our clients, they are part of the team members whom I should assist. This approach actually matches me as an introvert. I was able to continue to serve as both Scrum Master and developer in the team for about three years.
      This experience gave me the confidence to lead a team without being a specialist or an extrovert. However, it does not mean that I became better at public presentations or resolving conflicts between team members, but now I have learned a better way to handle them.

(Word Count: 231)





Leadership That Works For Me


      The hardest thing/most challenging endeavor I have ever done/undertaken was learning about the Scrum Master role that supports, coaches and facilitates the team in software development.
      In the team where I used to work as a developer, the Scrum Master at the time suddenly quit. Therefore, I had to take it over the role as I was the only one who spoke the same language as our client, Japanese. Since I had only experience on the support side, it seemed very difficult/daunting to lead the team. Also/Additionally, since I was not the most skilled or experienced developer in the team, I was under pressure.
      During While learning about the Scrum Master role, I learned/came across the word "servant leader”. It is a way of taking leadership by serving the team and helping members to self-organize. It is also a way of thinking that instead of negotiating with our clients, they are part of the team members whom I should assist, rather than individuals I need to negotiate or argue with. This approach actually matches me as an introvert/aligns with my introverted nature. I was able to continue to serve as both Scrum Master and developer in the team for about three years.
      In conclusion/ To sum up, this experience has gave given me/has equipped me with the confidence to lead a team without being a specialist or an extrovert. However, Although it does not mean that I became better did not make me a master at public presentations speaking, facilitating meetings and team events or resolving conflicts between team members, but now I have learned a better way to handle them.


(new vocab)

- daunting: (adj) making you feel slightly frightened or worried about your ability to achieve something




同じ型の文章が多いので、いろんな型の文章を書ける様にしましょう。また、Vocabが弱いと ...




  1. Able to give a comprehensive summary for the article
  2. Able to answer the essay question appropriately
  3. Can organize her essay logically using the suggested structure
  4. Capable of using transition words and phrases effectively



  1. Can still shorten her summary by combining sentences into a compound or complex sentence.
  2. Advised to review different sentence structures in English
  3. Encouraged to continue broadening her vocabulary to express her thoughts more accurately
  1. 記事の包括的な要約ができる。
  2. エッセイの質問に適切に答えることができる
  3. 提案された構成を使って論理的にエッセイをまとめることができる
  4. トランジションワードやフレーズを効果的に使うことができる

  1. 文章を複合文や複文にまとめることで、要約を短くすることができる。
  2. 英語のさまざまな文の構造を復習するようアドバイスされる。
  3. 自分の考えをより正確に表現するために、語彙を増やし続けるよう勧められる。




Leadership That Works For Me


      The most challenging endeavor I have ever undertaken was learning about the Scrum Master role that supports, coaches and facilitates the team in software development.
      In the team where I used to work as a developer, the Scrum Master at the time suddenly quit. Therefore, I had to take over the role as I was the only one who spoke the same language as our client, Japanese. Since I had only experience on the support side, it seemed very daunting to lead the team. Additionally, since I was not the most skilled or experienced developer in the team, I was under pressure.
     While learning about the Scrum Master role, I came across the word "servant leader”. It is a way of taking leadership by serving the team and helping members to self-organize. It is also a way of thinking that our clients are part of the team whom I should assist, rather than individuals I need to negotiate or argue with. This approach actually aligns with my introverted nature. I was able to continue to serve as both Scrum Master and developer in the team for about three years.
      To sum up, this experience has equipped me with the confidence to lead a team without being a specialist or an extrovert. Although it did not make me a master at public speaking, facilitating meetings and team events or resolving conflicts between team members, I have learned a better way to handle them.


(Word Count: 247)


















