






- テーマ

- エッセイタイプ

- 文字数





下三角Expository Writing(説明型)

下三角Descriptive Writing(記述型)

下三角Narrative Writing(語り型)​​​​​






- テーマ:What is a nuclear power plant?
- エッセイタイプ:Expository Writing(説明型)

- 単語数:over 80



Nuclear Power Plant

      A nuclear power plant is one type of thermal power plant that uses nuclear reactors, which still has issues to be resolved, as its heat source.
      The world's first nuclear power plant was put into operation in 1954. From the research stage, there have been concerns about the severe damage in a nuclear accident and how to dispose of its waste. However, they have been built in many countries as a stable, inexpensive, and decarbonized energy source against global warming. Following the 2011 Fukushima nuclear accident in Japan, the costs are going up for currently operating and new nuclear power plants along with the reassessment of severe damage and safety measures. As a result of the serious damage and the reassessment of safety measures, the perception of the nuclear power plant as a cheap energy source has been shattered.
      Although nuclear power has challenges, it is one of the most important ways to produce energy.

(Word Count: 158)





Nuclear Power Plant

      A nuclear power plant is one type of thermal power plant that uses nuclear reactors as its heat source, which still have has issues to be resolved. , as its heatsource.
      The world's first nuclear power plant was successfully put into operation in 1954. From the research stage, there have been concerns about the severe damage that can occur during in a nuclear accident and questions/worries on how to dispose of its waste /...on waste disposal. However, many countries successfully/completely built a stable…/ it has they have been built in many countries as a stable, inexpensive, and decarbonized energy source against global warming. Following the 2011 Fukushima nuclear accident in Japan, the costs are going up for currently operating and new nuclear power plants are going up/extremely high currently along with the reassessment of severe damage and safety measures. As a result of strict compliance of safety measures of the serious damage and the reassessment of safety measures, the perception of the nuclear power plant as a cheap energy source has been shattered.
      Although nuclear power has challenges, it is one of the most important ways/sources to produce energy.











  1. able to answer the essay question appropriately
  2. has used relevant ideas in her essay to explain the topic of focus
  3. able to follow standard structure of writing an essay POINTS FOR IMPROVEMENT: (Grammar  : SVA/ preposition/ word order , Vocabulary Usage : word choice and precision, Coherence & Cohesion : consider logical order of ideas / avoid repetitions)
  4. needs to consider some grammatical lapses like correct placement of words, usage of preposition and so on
  5. needs to consider precision of word choice to convey a clear idea
  6. needs to practice more in expressing and arranging ideas logically

エッセイを書くための標準的な構成に従うことができる 改善点: (文法: SVA/前置詞/語順、語彙の使い方: 語句の選択と正確さ、一貫性と結束: アイデアの論理的順序を考慮する/繰り返しを避ける)




Nuclear Power Plant

      A nuclear power plant is one type of thermal power plant that uses nuclear reactors as its heat source, which still have issues to be resolved.
      The world's first nuclear power plant was successfully put into operation in 1954. From the research stage, there have been concerns about the severe damage that can occur during a nuclear accident and worries on waste disposal. However, many countries successfully/completely built a stable, inexpensive, and decarbonized energy source against global warming. Following the 2011 Fukushima nuclear accident in Japan, the costs for operating and new nuclear power plants are going extremely high currently along with the reassessment of severe damage and safety measures. As a result of strict compliance of safety measures, the perception of the nuclear power plant as a cheap energy source has been shattered.
      Although nuclear power has challenges, it is one of the most important sources to produce energy.


(Word Count: 154)









書き直したら単語数減ってるんだけど凝視(158 --> 154)


