



下三角Expository Writing(説明型)

下三角Descriptive Writing(記述型)

下三角Narrative Writing(語り型)​​​​​














- テーマ:Narrate an experience that made you appreciate nature more. 
- エッセイタイプ:Expository Writing(説明型)

- 単語数:80 - 250 words



Thank the Mountains


      Nature always shows me a different look and makes me feel fresh.
When I want to refresh myself, I often go hiking. So I have climbed a mountain in my neighborhood many times. Even if the same mountain I hike, each season presents a completely different view. In spring, there are the vivid colors of the natural cherry blossoms and wisteria flowers with the spring green. The green becomes darker in summer. Then the entire mountain turns yellowish and mixed with red autumn leaves in some places. In winter, most trees lose their leaves. They are covered in snow as soon as it snows.
Every time I hike a mountain, I discover something new. I also feel something has updated in myself when I take a deep breath in the smell of the mountain.
I am always grateful to the mountains for giving me a fresh feeling every time I visit. 

(Word Count: 154)





Thank the Mountains


      Nature always shows / offers me various magnificent sceneries, a different look and which makes me feel fresh.
      When I want to refresh myself, I often go hiking. So / In fact, I have climbed a mountain in my neighborhood many times. Even if I hike the same mountain / Though I have explored the same mountain I hike, each season presents I witness / experience a completely different view each time in each season. In spring, there are the vivid colors of the natural cherry blossoms and wisteria flowers with the spring green. The green color becomes darker in summer. Then the entire mountain turns into mixed yellowish and mixed with red autumn leaves in some places. In winter, most trees lose their leaves. They are and covered with in snow as soon as it snows.
      Every time I hike a mountain, I discover something new. I also feel a certain positive energy something has updated in myself when I take a deep breath in the smell of the mountain.
      I am always grateful to the mountains for giving me a fresh feeling every time I visit.



今回もテーマに苦しみました。自分でも何が書きたかったのかわからない ... 泣き笑い

自然に感謝とは ...?みたいな。





とすごく聞かれました ... 若干イラつかれてたかも泣き笑い



  1. improves significantly in terms of her summary output
  2. showd eagerness to learn about grammar points or ways to improve her output
  3. able to understand discussions


  1. can still improve in making a concise summary
  2. needs to consider priority of ideas and where to place them in the sentence
  3. needs to learn more vocabulary and consider precision to context
  1. 要約のアウトプットが大幅に向上した。
  2. 文法のポイントや、アウトプットを向上させる方法を学ぼうとする意欲がある。
  3. ディスカッションを理解できる

  1. 簡潔な要約ができるようになる
  2. アイデアの優先順位や、文中のどこに配置するかを考慮する必要がある。
  3. より多くの語彙を学び、文脈に対する正確さを考慮する必要がある。





Thank the Mountains


      Nature always offers me various magnificent sceneries, which makes me feel fresh.
      When I want to refresh myself, I often go hiking. In fact, I have climbed a mountain in my neighborhood many times. Though I have explored the same mountain  I experience a completely different view each time in each season. In spring, there are the vivid colors of the natural cherry blossoms and wisteria flowers with the spring green. The green color becomes darker in summer. Then the entire mountain turns into mixed yellowish and mixed with red autumn leaves in some places. In winter, most trees lose their leaves and covered with snow.
      Every time I hike a mountain, I discover something new. I also feel a certain positive energy in myself when I take a deep breath in the smell of the mountain.
      I am always grateful to the mountains for giving me a fresh feeling every time I visit.

(Word Count: 157)









