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13. Juli (Samstag)

July 13th (Saturday)





































Hinweis 1


Guten Morgen allerseits.
Macht dir das Spiel Spaß?

Ranglisten vom 15. Juli (Montag) bis 18. Juli (Samstag) und in der letzten Woche gesammelte Punkte.

Letzte Woche hatten wir viele ungeplante Abwesenheiten und Stolpersteine ​​aufgrund unvorsichtiger Angriffe, aber dank der Bemühungen aller konnten wir alle Gildenkämpfe gewinnen und unseren ersten Platz in der wöchentlichen Gesamtwertung behaupten.

Vielen Dank.

Wie Sie wissen, können Gajar, Dabasugar und Mimizu aufgrund persönlicher Umstände nicht am Gildenkampf teilnehmen.

Aber selbst unter solch schwierigen Umständen haben die Ersatzmitglieder eine bessere Leistung gezeigt als alle anderen und ich bin stolz, dass wir unseren ersten Platz in der wöchentlichen Gesamtwertung behaupten konnten.

Wir hoffen, dass wir auch diese Woche zusammenkommen und das Spiel genießen können.

Ich denke, dass das dreiköpfige System „Alone100“, „Frenchies“ und „10-Dimemsions“ vorerst bestehen bleibt, also arbeiten Sie bitte weiterhin hart und genießen Sie das Spiel.

Egal, was mit anderen Gilden passiert, „Alone 100“ wird weiterhin mit unerschütterlicher Majestät voranschreiten, fest in der Erde verwurzelt, wie ein großer Baum, der in den Himmel ragt.

...Von Byakko





※Die Punkte in Rot sind die in der letzten Woche gesammelten Punkte.

Die achte Staffel von Clash of Worlds beginnt am Montag, 15. Juli, um 12:15 Uhr.

Passend dazu werden wir am Sonntag, 14. Juli, ab 23:00 Uhr eine komplette Neuorganisation unseres Verteidigungseinsatzes durchführen.

Für bereits eingestellte Teams müssen keine Änderungen vorgenommen werden.

Für Teams, die nicht adoptiert wurden, bilden Sie bitte ein
„Buff-kompatibles Verteidigungsteam“,um die Buffs der Basis maximal zu nutzen.

Wir haben nicht entschieden, wer wo eingesetzt wird, also werden wir aus den stärksten Teams rekrutieren.

Wir bitten Sie um Ihre Mitarbeit beim Aufbau eines stärkeren Verteidigungssystems.

In der 8. Staffel von Clash of Worlds hoffen wir, noch größere Höhen anzustreben und dabei Kämpfe gegen unbekannte und furchterregende Feinde zu genießen.

...Von Byakko



Notice 1


Good morning everyone.
Are you enjoying the game?

These are the rankings from Monday, July 15th to Saturday, July 18th, and the points earned last week.

Last week, we had a lot of unexpected absences and stumbled over careless attacks, but thanks to everyone's efforts, we were able to win all of our guild matches and maintain our number one spot in the weekly overall rankings.

Thank you very much.

As you know, Gajar, Dabasugar, and mimizu are unable to participate in the guild matches due to personal reasons.

However, even in such a difficult situation, the members who took their places performed just as well, and I am proud that we were able to maintain our number one spot in the weekly overall rankings.

We hope to be united and enjoy the game again this week.

I think the three strongest guilds, "Alone100", "Frenchies" and "10-Dimemsions", will continue for the time being, so please continue to work hard and enjoy the game.

No matter what happens to the other guilds, "Alone100" wants to forge ahead with an unwavering, majestic presence, with its roots firmly planted in the earth, like a large tree towering towards the heavens.






※Points in red indicate points earned last week.


Season 8 of Clash of Worlds will begin on Monday, July 15th at 12:15pm.

Accordingly, a complete reorganization of defense placement will take place from 11pm on Sunday, July 14th.

There is no need to change teams that have already been adopted.

For teams that have not yet been adopted, please organize a
"buff-compatible defense team" to make the most of base buffs.

Since it has not been decided who will be deployed where, we will start by recruiting the most powerful teams.

We ask for your cooperation in building an even stronger defense system.

In Season 8 of Clash of Worlds, we hope to aim for even greater heights while enjoying battles against unknown, formidable opponents.








①Alone100 arbeitet nach dem Motto „Eine Gilde, in der jeder Spaß an Spielen haben kann.“

②Alone100 ist ein Ritter der Tafelrunde und ein Freund, sowohl von Spielern mit hoher Leistung als auch von Spielern mit geringer Leistung.
Wir werden zum Funktionieren der Gilde beitragen, indem wir die Positionen des anderen respektieren und zusammenarbeiten.

③Alone100 überwindet Unterschiede in Nationalität, Rasse, Geschlecht, Religion und Sprache, empfindet den Schmerz anderer als unseren eigenen, diskriminiert nicht, blickt nicht auf andere herab und verzeiht denen nicht, die solche Taten begehen.

➃Alone100 reduziert keine aktiven Mitglieder.

⑤Alone100 erlaubt keinen Beitritt von Spielern, die die Ordnung der Gilde stören könnten, und wird entschieden gegen Mitglieder vorgehen, die die Ordnung der Gilde stören.



Alone100 Membership Terms

①Alone100 operates with the motto of "a guild where everyone can enjoy games."

②Alone100 is a knight of the round table and a friend, both high-power players and low-power players.
We will contribute to the operation of the guild by respecting each other's positions and cooperating.

③Alone100 overcomes differences in nationality, race, gender, religion, and language, feels the pain of others as our own, does not discriminate, does not look down on others, and does not forgive those who commit such acts.

➃Alone100 does not cut down active members.

⑤Alone100 will not allow players who are likely to disrupt the order of the guild to join, and will take firm action against members who disrupt the order of the guild.













1. Gildenregeln

① In den Einstellungen beträgt die Frist für Inaktivität und Ausschluss 30 Tage.

Dies dient dem Schutz vor einem automatischen Ausschluss aufgrund unvorhergesehener Umstände wie Unfälle oder Krankheit.

Generell gilt: Wenn Sie 7 Tage lang inaktiv sind oder sich in einem ähnlichen Zustand befinden, werden Sie leider aus dem Register ausgeschlossen.

②Die Gilde verbietet strikt Verleumdungen aufgrund von Unterschieden in Geschlecht, Nationalität, Sprache, Religion, Reichtum usw.

Abhängig vom Ergebnis der Untersuchung kann leider ein Ausschluss aus dem Register drohen.

Darüber hinaus werden wir in besonders schwerwiegenden Fällen eine Nachricht an alle Gilden der Liga senden, um Unannehmlichkeiten für andere Gilden zu vermeiden.

③Wenn es darüber hinaus ein Verhalten gibt, das die Aktivitäten einer Gilde behindert, deren Ziel es ist, eine Gilde zu sein, in der jeder Spaß an Spielen haben kann, werden wir eine Untersuchung durchführen, und abhängig von den Ergebnissen der Untersuchung kann es leider zu einem Ausschluss aus der Gilde kommen Mitgliedschaft. .

➃Einige der angebotenen Produkte umfassen Pakete, die Gildenmitgliedern einen Anteil gewähren.
Selbst wenn Sie ein Geschenk von einem Mitglied erhalten, ist es verboten, über den Gildenchat eine Dankesnachricht zu senden.
Wenn Sie sich wirklich bedanken möchten, nutzen Sie bitte eine private Nachricht.

⑤Wenn es eine Quest wie „Eine Nachricht in den Chat einfügen“ oder „Dem Chat einen Stempel hinzufügen“ gibt, verwende bitte „Clash of World Chat“. (Die Nutzung des Gildenchats ist verboten)

Wenn „Für Gildenchat“ angegeben ist, verwenden Sie bitte den Gildenchat.



1.Guild rules

① In the settings, the period for inactivity and expulsion is 30 days.

This is to protect against automatic expulsion due to unforeseen circumstances such as accidents or illness.

As a general rule, if you are inactive or in a similar state for 7 days, you will unfortunately be expelled from the register.

②The Guild strongly prohibits slander based on differences in gender, nationality, language, religion, wealth, etc.

Unfortunately, depending on the results of the investigation, you may be expelled from the register.

In addition, in the case of particularly severe cases, we will send a message to all guilds in the league to avoid causing inconvenience to other guilds.

③In addition, if there is any behavior that obstructs the activities of a guild that aims to be a guild where everyone can enjoy games, we will conduct an investigation and, depending on the results of the review, we may unfortunately be able to expel you from the membership. .

➃Some of the products on sale include bundles that give guildmates a share.
Even if you receive a gift from a member, it is prohibited to send a thank you message using the guild chat.
If you really want to say thank you, please use a private message.

⑤ If there is a quest such as "insert a message in the chat" or "put a stamp on the chat", please use "Clash of World Chat". (Using guild chat is prohibited)

If "For guild chat" is specified, please use guild chat.


















 Click ⇒ アドベンチャー入門・


































Über Abenteuer


☆Abenteuer sind unverzichtbare Gegenstände für die Aufzucht von Haustieren, da Sie Tränke (zum Aufsteigen), Steine, rosafarbene Partikel (zum Färben) und Eier erhalten können.

Für die Teilnahme an Abenteuern wird jedoch normalerweise nur eine Portalgebühr pro Tag gewährt.

Daher möchten Spieler bei der Teilnahme an einem Abenteuer alle Schatztruhen erhalten.

Mit steigendem Level des Abenteuers werden auch die mitgebrachten Gegenstände luxuriöser, also versuchen Sie, ein Abenteuer mit einem höheren Level zu spielen.

Bis zum Abenteuer 5 ist es möglich, das Spiel alleine zu spielen und zu beenden (den Boss zu besiegen), aber um alle Schatztruhen zu erhalten, ist es wichtig, dass drei teilnehmende Mitglieder zusammenarbeiten und effizient spielen.

Lesen Sie die Abenteuereinführung unten.

Klicken Sie auf ⇒ Abenteuereinführung・

☆Die Gilde empfiehlt die Route auf der Karte „Abenteuereinführung“, um sicherzustellen, dass Sie das Abenteuer meistern.

Klicken Sie auf⇒Abenteuerkarte

Umgangsformen und Vorsichtsmaßnahmen

☆Benehmen und Vorsichtsmaßnahmen finden Sie unter „Einführung in das Abenteuer“.

Die Gilde bittet ihre Mitglieder, die folgenden Punkte einzuhalten.

☆Wenn Sie jemanden zu einem Abenteuer einladen, verlassen Sie nicht Ihren Platz und melden Sie sich nicht unnötig ab, nur weil keine Teilnehmer da sind oder weil Sie etwas Dringendes zu erledigen haben.

*Wenn keine Teilnehmer anwesend sind oder Sie dringend etwas zu erledigen haben und keine andere Wahl haben, als zu gehen oder sich abzumelden, schreiben Sie bitte im Chat die aktuelle Uhrzeit und wie viele Stunden später Sie zurückkehren können.

☆ Spielen Sie unbedingt den Verlauf der empfohlenen Karte durch.

*Eingeladene sollten die drei Routen im Chat schreiben und angeben, welchen Kurs die Teilnehmer belegen werden.

*Wenn Sie unterwegs stolpern, konsultieren Sie bitte die Teilnehmer und entscheiden Sie, wie Sie reagieren sollen.

*Die Gilde hat Mitglieder verschiedener Nationalitäten.
Wenn die Sprache unterschiedlich ist, unterscheidet sich je nach Zeitunterschied auch die Spielzeit.
Selbst wenn Mitglieder im selben Land leben, variieren ihre Spielzeiten je nach Lebensstil.

Wenn möglich, versammeln Sie die Mitglieder vor Beginn des Abenteuers, vereinbaren Sie einen Zeitpunkt, zu dem sie miteinander spielen können, und beginnen Sie gleichzeitig, um das Abenteuer effizienter zu meistern.

Außerdem halte ich es für eine gute Idee, vor Beginn eines Abenteuers den Gildenchat zu nutzen, um die Mitglieder anzurufen, und dann zu beginnen, sobald sich die Mitglieder versammelt haben.
Nach Beginn des Abenteuers ist es ineffizient, zur Teilnahme am Gildenchat aufzurufen, da keine Teilnehmer vorhanden sind.

☆Probieren Sie ein Abenteuer aus, das Ihrem Niveau entspricht.
Das Level, an dem Sie teilnehmen können, und die Kraft, die Sie benötigen, um die Herausforderung zu meistern, sind zwei verschiedene Dinge.

Eine grobe Richtlinie lautet: Wenn Sie den Boss in einer Runde besiegen können, können Sie sicher mit der nächsten Stufe fortfahren.

Wenn Sie den Boss von Abenteuer ⑪ in einer Runde besiegen können, werden Sie keine Probleme haben, selbst wenn Sie mit Abenteuer ⑫ fortfahren. (Es variiert auch je nach Zusammensetzung des Heldenteams und der Art des Feindes)

Egal wie stark ein Spieler ist, ein Abenteuer kann ohne die Mitarbeit anderer Mitglieder nicht vollständig abgeschlossen werden.

Wenn Sie mit Ihren drei Begleitern ein Abenteuer schnell und perfekt abschließen, werden Sie die ultimative Freude und das Erfolgserlebnis verspüren, und das gibt Ihnen ein Gefühl der Einheit.

Leider werden die meisten Probleme, die in Hero Wars auftreten, durch Abenteuer verursacht.

Um eine Gilde zu sein, in der jeder Spaß am Spiel haben kann, ist es wichtig, die Regeln und Manieren zu befolgen und mit Rücksicht zu spielen. ...Von Byakko





About adventure


☆Adventures are essential items for raising pets, as you can obtain potions (for leveling up), stones, pink particles (for coloring up), and eggs.

However, only one portal charge per day is normally granted for participating in adventures.

Therefore, players want to obtain all the treasure chests when participating in an adventure.

As the level of the adventure increases, the items brought to you also become more luxurious, so try to play an adventure with a higher level.

Up to Adventure 5, it is possible to play and clear the game alone (defeat the boss), but in order to obtain all the treasure chests, it is important that three participating members cooperate and play efficiently.

Peruse the adventure introduction below.

Click ⇒ Adventure Introduction・

☆The guild recommends the route on the "Adventure Introduction" map to ensure that you clear the adventure.

Click⇒Adventure map

Manners and precautions

☆For manners and precautions, please refer to "Adventure Introduction".

The guild asks its members to adhere to the following matters.

☆If you invite someone to an adventure, don't leave your seat or log out unnecessarily just because there are no participants or because you have something urgent to do.

*If there are no participants or if you have something urgent to do and have no choice but to leave or log out, please write in the chat the current time and how many hours later you can return.

☆ Be sure to play through the course of the recommended map.

*Invitees should write the three routes in the chat and specify which course the participants will take.

*If you stumble along the way, please consult with the participants and decide how to respond.

*The guild has members of various nationalities.
If the language is different, the playing time will also be different depending on the time difference.
Even if members live in the same country, their playing times vary depending on their lifestyles.

If possible, gather the members before starting the adventure, agree on a time when each other can play, and start at the same time to clear the adventure more efficiently.

Also, before starting an adventure, I think it's a good idea to use the guild chat to call out to the members, and then start once the members have gathered.
After starting the adventure, it is inefficient to call for participation in the guild chat because there are no participants.

☆Try an adventure that suits your level.
The level you can participate in and the strength you have to clear the challenge are two different things.

A rough guideline is that if you can defeat the boss in one turn, it's safe to proceed to the next stage.

If you can defeat the boss of Adventure ⑪ in one turn, you won't have any problems even if you proceed to Adventure ⑫. (It also varies depending on the composition of the hero team and the type of enemy)

No matter how strong a player is, an adventure cannot be completely cleared without the cooperation of other members.

When you complete an adventure quickly and perfectly with your three companions, you will feel the ultimate joy and sense of accomplishment, and that will give you a sense of unity.

Unfortunately, most of the troubles that occur in Hero Wars are caused by adventures.

In order to be a guild where everyone can enjoy the game, it is important to follow the rules and manners and play with consideration. ...From Byakko




☆ This is a standard form of Adventure.
It is quicker if you paste it into the Adventure chat from here.


参加してくれて有難う・・・Thank you for participating

招待してくれて有難う。・・・thank you for inviting me.

私は、Blueを選択します。・・・I choose Blue.

私は、Redを選択します。・・・I choose Red.

私は、Greenを選択します。・・・I choose Green.

good job for today.
...let's meet again somewhere.


Abenteuer ⑤.


Red⇒4⇒6⇒10⇒11⇒15⇒19⇒18⇒BOSS X3


Abenteuer ⑥


Red⇒5⇒7⇒8⇒11⇒14⇒17⇒20⇒23⇒BOSS X2

Green⇒3⇒6⇒9⇒12⇒15⇒18⇒21⇒26⇒BOSS X2

Abenteuer ⑦

Blue⇒11⇒10⇒14⇒17⇒13⇒19⇒20⇒24⇒BOSS X2



Abenteuer 8

Blue⇒3⇒2⇒6⇒7⇒9⇒10⇒13⇒17⇒16⇒20⇒22⇒21⇒28⇒BOSS X2


Green⇒3⇒4⇒8⇒7⇒9⇒11⇒15⇒19⇒20⇒22⇒23⇒31⇒BOSS X3

Abenteuer ⑨


Red⇒2⇒6⇒10⇒15⇒20⇒14⇒24⇒29⇒25⇒36⇒39⇒42⇒44⇒BOSS X2

Green⇒3⇒4⇒13⇒19⇒18⇒23⇒17⇒22⇒38⇒41⇒43⇒46⇒BOSS X3

Abenteuer ⑩




Abenteuer ⑪

Blue⇒2⇒3⇒6⇒7⇒12⇒11⇒15⇒21⇒27⇒36⇒34⇒33⇒35⇒BOSS X2


Green⇒2⇒5⇒6⇒9⇒13⇒14⇒20⇒26⇒32⇒38⇒41⇒40⇒39⇒BOSS X2


Adventure ⑫




Red・・・1⇒5⇒12⇒14⇒26⇒18⇒19⇒20⇒27boss (5)


※魔法チーム推奨コース・Vom Magic-Team empfohlener Kurs




※アドベンチャー⑬は、9 ・10 ・11 ・12のアルティメットバージョンです。
※Adventure⑬ is the Ultimate version of 9, 10, 11 and 12.

混沌の大渦 ・Maelstrom of Chaos・・9 10 11 12

※ アドベンチャー⑤までは、順路が単純なので、コースの指定をする必要は有りません。
※ Die Bestellung ist einfach bis zu Abenteuer ⑤, so dass es nicht notwendig ist, den Kurs zu spezifizieren.


Definition of inactivity

Clause 4 of Alone100's membership agreement clearly states that ``Alone100 will not discard active members.''

In addition, the first section of the guild rules states, ``According to the settings, the period of inactivity for which a person will be expelled from the membership is 30 days.''

This is to protect against automatic expulsion due to unforeseen circumstances such as accidents or illness.

As a general rule, if you are inactive or in an equivalent condition for 7 days, you will unfortunately be expelled from the register.''

In the past, many members have been expelled as inactive players.

However, most of them were expelled because they hardly logged in or played for a week or two.

Because the decision was made based on the general situation rather than clear numbers, it was vague and difficult to understand, which led to the members becoming anxious.

Therefore, we decided to clearly state the standard for inactive players as a numerical value, set a borderline based on this standard, and judge whether or not a player should be expelled as an inactive player.

Judgment will be based on three factors: "Guild activity points", "Number of titanium stones", and "Number of adventures played" earned in a week.

"Guild activity points"

In order to derive the standard values, I played the game for a day without using emeralds or energy bottles.

In order to clear the quest, I exchanged IM for guild points and ended up with 1632 points.

Considering that I still had some energy left, I'll roughly set the daily guild activity points at 1000 points, and the borderline will be 7000 points for these 7 days.

Regardless of the number of active days, if you have earned 7000 points within a week, we will judge that you are over the borderline.


"Titanium stone count"

If you receive "Valkyrie's Favor", you will receive 150 titanium stones every day, so in one week you will receive 1050 titanium stones.

For this reason, most guilds make receiving "Valkyrie's Favor" a prerequisite, but in Alone100, it is left to the discretion of the members as it may lead to forcing them to pay.

However, even if you don't receive "Valkyrie's Favor", if you play normally, you can easily get 1050 pieces in one week.

Using a much more lenient standard, half of this number, 500, will be the borderline for the number of titanium stones you need to acquire in a week.


"Number of adventures played"

The portal charges required to play the adventure will be given one per day and seven per week.

I want you to play using everything, but I think you should play at least 4 times, which is more than half of the games.

If you play an adventure more than 4 times in a week, we will consider you to have crossed the borderline.

"Participating in the Asgard Boss Battle"

Boss battles are given 5 turns.

Participate in Asgard boss battles according to the terms specified for that week.

Only when all five turns are used up will it be determined that the condition has been cleared.

"Participating in the Clash of Worlds"

In the Clash of Worlds battle, the hero team is given three attacks and the titan team is given two attacks.

Only when all five turns are used up will it be determined that the condition has been cleared.


"Removal of inactive players"

Any one of "Guild activity points", "Number of titanium stones", "Number of adventures played", "Participation in Asgard's boss battle", "Participation in Clash of World battle" does not cross the border line. If so, it is considered an "inactive player".

If we determine that the player is an "inactive player," we will notify the player and encourage them to improve.

After that, if no improvements are made, the student will be expelled from the register after being informed that the student will be expelled from the register.

At first glance, it may seem difficult, but if you play normally, you can easily reach this number without even thinking about it, and a skilled and active player can achieve this in one day. It's a number.

Alone100 operates with the motto of "a guild where everyone can enjoy games."

We will not do anything unreasonable such as cutting off weak members in order to recruit strong players.

However, it is not a charity organization that feeds players who do not make any effort or have no desire to improve.

Having players who don't make an effort or have no desire to improve leads to a big loss for the members and the guild.

We don't want players with 800,000 power at level 130 to join, but we do want active players who can enjoy the game while cooperating with other members to join.

I would appreciate it if you would think of the borderline for determining inactive players as a goal to strive for as a member of Alone 100, rather than a standard that forces members to be active. ...From Byakko
















































































































































































報告の形式は、日本在住で、ギルド戦に参加可能な時間が、日本時間の20時から24時の場合、「GMT+9 2-4」となります。


ギルド戦に参加可能な時間が、日本時間の18時から21時の場合、「GMT+9 0-3」となります。

























































A fortress used in leagues below the Silver League

Flow of Guild War

The Guild War will start at 18:00 Japan time.
After 18:00, look at the enemy's position and plan your strategy.

➀ Usually, a designated member attacks the bridge first to open it.

➁ Next, the designated member attacks the weakest base among the Fire Fort, Nature Gate, and Ice Fort, creates a passage, and makes all bases attackable.

➂ After that, specify the attack points of each member.
This takes time, so don't attack until you get the signal to start attacking.  

④ At this point, there are members who have not been assigned attack points.
This member plays an important role in the pursuit if the initial attack fails.

*Depending on the development of the game, you may have to wait for a long time before closing.
Members who cannot wait due to their business may request an appropriate attack point and attack immediately.

"Flow of Guild War II"

➀ At around 17:50, we will announce that the guild battle will be held, and tell them that we will not attack until we receive instructions.

➁At 18:00, tell your opponents and members who have logged in since the guild war started that they will report.

The full-scale attack will start around 19:00.

➂ Depending on the strategy of the day, if a member with appropriate power logs in, they will give instructions to attack.

If a member with adequate power does not log in, wait until 20:00.

④If a member with appropriate power does not log in after 20:00, change the strategy and attack with a member who is logged in and can attack.

Although it depends on the battle situation and the member's login status, all attack points are generally designated by 21:00.

⑤ Although it depends on the battle situation and the member's login status, we will give instructions to members who have not logged in by 22:00 by private message.

Take this with you to finish the Guild War instructions.

[About Guild War]

Guild battles are league battles with other guilds to determine the guild's ranking, but it is also a place to test the abilities of the hero team and titan team that have been trained on a daily basis in actual battles.

[Preliminary League Guild Battle]

Since the number of guilds belonging to the guild battle in the qualifying league is uncertain, there is a special matching system, and opponents are randomly selected.

The league ranking is different from the bronze and above in the scoring system itself, and is made up of detailed score distribution.

Guild Champions register their own Hero and Titan teams.

Guild masters and generals select 15 guild champions from within the guild to participate in guild battles, and deploy hero teams and titan teams at 30 locations within the fortress to defend the fortress. .

Guild champion registration and placement changes are possible until 17:00 Japan time.

Guild battles will take place between 18:00 Japan time and 5:00 the next day.

The points earned determine the winner, and the points earned determine the provisional ranking within the league.

It is held every day from Monday to Friday, and the top 6 guilds with the most total points can advance to the promotion match against the Bronze League on Saturday.

If you win the promotion match, you will be promoted to the Bronze League.


Bronze League Guild War


bronze league fixtures

The main matters are the same as the qualifying league, so I will omit them.

In the Bronze League, which consists of 30 guilds, guild battles will be held according to the schedule above. (Based on Monday's ranking)

A maximum of 1200 points can be acquired, and it is held every day from Monday to Friday, and the top 3 guilds with the most total points can advance to the promotion match against the Silver League on Saturday.

If you win the promotion match, you will be promoted to the Silver League.

Also, the bottom 6 guilds will have to participate in the relegation match against the qualifying league on Saturday.

Winning the relegation will keep you in the Bronze League, while losing will demote you to the Preliminary League.


Silver League Guild War


silver league table

In the Silver League, which consists of 10 guilds, guild battles will be held according to the schedule above. (Based on Monday's ranking)

A maximum of 1200 points can be acquired, and it is held every day from Monday to Friday, and the top 3 guilds with the most total points can advance to the promotion match against the Gold League on Saturday.

If you win the promotion match, you will be promoted to the Gold League.

The bottom three guilds will also have to participate in Saturday's relegation match against the Bronze League.

If you win the relegation match, you stay in the Silver League, and if you lose, you will be demoted to the Bronze League.


Gold League Guild War


gold league table

In the Gold League, which consists of 6 guilds, guild battles will be held according to a randomly selected schedule from the 120 patterns in the above matchup table.

The Gold League Guild Wars will feature 20 Guild Champions who will deploy Hero and Titan Teams to defend 40 strongholds in the Gold League-only Fortress.

A maximum of 1400 points can be acquired, and it is held every day from Monday to Friday and competes for the total points acquired.

Since it consists of 6 guilds, we will play against all guilds within the week.

The bottom three guilds will have to participate in the relegation match against the Bronze League on Saturday.

If you win the relegation match, you stay in the Gold League, and if you lose, you will be demoted to the Silver League.

[Gold League Relegation Battle]

Gold League relegation battles are played using Silver League Fortresses.

Silver League guilds play regular matches.

Gold League guilds can have 20 Guild Champions, and 15 Hero Teams and 15 Titan Teams owned by the 20 Guild Champions will be deployed in 30 bases to defend themselves.

At this time, you can select and deploy a strong team from the hero teams and titan teams owned by the 20 guild champions, which is advantageous.

Even when attacking, you can choose a strong team from the 20 guild champions' hero teams and titan teams to attack, which is advantageous.

This gives Gold League guilds an advantage in relegation battles.


Notes on Guild War

[About registration]

The Guild War starts at 18:00 Japan time and ends at 5:00 the next day.

Registration and changes will be closed one hour before, at 17:00 Japan time.

The hero team and titan team registered at this point will be reflected and fixed in the defense.

For this reason, even if you level up after 17:00 Japan time, it will not be reflected in the defending Hero Team and Titan Team.

However, if the attacking team levels up after 17:00 Japan time, the level at the time of attack will be reflected, and the hero and titan can be replaced according to the opponent to attack, so the attacking side can It is overwhelmingly advantageous.

Members who wish to participate in Guild Wars register their Hero Team and Titan Team in the Guild War "Defenders" section.

[How to select a Guild Champion]

Guild champions will be selected based on the guild champion ranking table.

For members ranked before and after the borderline, priority may be given to members with higher Titan Team power, regardless of rank.

[If unable to participate]

If you are scheduled to participate in a guild battle, but are unable to participate due to work or other circumstances, please report this to the guild master or general in advance for confirmation.

It is necessary to get the report as early as possible, but it will take time to register and prepare the substitute, so please do so by 15:00 Japan time on the day.

If you are unable to participate in the guild battle due to sudden business trip, illness or accident, please report the reason to the guild master or general at a later date. (Since it's a game, please prioritize real life)

If you miss the guild battle without permission, you may be absent for a long time due to illness or accident, so you will be temporarily removed from the guild champion.

I will register as a guild champion again after I receive the notification and confirm that I can participate.

If you cross the guild champion borderline, you will be selected as the guild champion to participate in the guild war.

Separately, register with the guild master in advance by reporting your time zone (you can check it by clicking your handle name in the upper left corner of the screen) and the times when you can participate in guild wars.

If you live in Japan and the time you can participate in the Guild War is from 20:00 to 24:00 Japan time, the report format will be "GMT + 9 2-4".

If the time you can participate in the Guild War is from 18:00 to 21:00 Japan time, it will be "GMT + 9 0-3".

Since this is only used as a guideline, it does not matter if it is rough, and it can be done earlier or later depending on the circumstances of the day.


Notes on Guild War

In Guild War, if members are logged in at the start time, it will be easier to plan a strategy.

No matter how strong a member is, if you can only participate in the battle after 8 or 10 hours have passed, you will have to wait for the other members, so participating as a main member in the actual battle will make a strategy. It becomes difficult on the top.

For that reason, we ask that the more powerful members are, the sooner they can log in.


[Regarding Guild War Instructions]

Use guild chat to issue guild war instructions.

At 6:00 p.m. Japan time, I first announced today's opponents and gave instructions, ``Please wait a moment while we decide on strategy and placement. increase.

For English-speaking members, we will also post translated sentences.

Before announcing, stick a ginger sticker and start announcing.

This will take time, so it will be difficult for the announcement to get through, so it's an unspoken rule of the guild not to use the guild chat until it's over.

As a rule,

① Do not attack until the strategy and placement are decided and the signal to start attacking is given.

➁ Always attack the designated point.

➂ If you fail an attack and stumble, be sure to report it in the guild chat, and if you have an attack turn left, wait for instructions without doing the next attack.

➃Members who do not have an attack point specified have the role of having them follow up in case the attack fails, so they wait until an instruction is given.

⑤ Members who do not have time to spare do not hesitate to ask to designate attack points.

⑥ If you have your own opinion about your opponent, feel free to offer your opinion or change it.

⑦ In guild battles, guild master gifts may be given as rewards to guild champions who have made particularly meritorious achievements in terms of wins and losses and points.

⑧ If you are absent from the guild battle for no particular reason or do not follow the instructions, you may be suspended from participating in the guild battle.

The guild champions who participate in the guild war will be determined by the ranking of the day.

Participating members will not be announced except in promotion or relegation matches, or when a member is absent and a substitute participates, so please be sure to check the members registered as guild champions. To do.








「Alone100」の最終結果はは、侯爵リーグ(Marquis League)2の690位にランキングされ、スコアボードは、10999ポイントでした。








クリック ⇒ クラッシュ・オブ・ワールドの詳細














※クラッシュ・オブ・ワールドでの対戦を「cb」と表記し、通常のギルド戦と区別します。(clash of worlds battleの略)



































About 'Crash of Worlds'

The first season of Clash of Worlds began at 12.15pm GMT on 3 October 2022 and ended at 10.59pm GMT on 12 December.

The leagues are ranked into five categories: the Duke League, the Marquis League, the Earl League, the Vicount League and the Barons League.

At the start of the competition on 3 October, Alone100 was in the Barons' League and ranked 867th.

The final result for Alone100 was a ranking of 690th in the Marquis League 2, with a scoreboard of 10999 points.

The second season of Clash of Worlds will begin at 12.15pm on 16 January 2023.

A total of 2,464 guilds will be participating, including 924 guilds from the Gold League and 1,540 guilds from the Silver League, from Server 1 'Founder of the World' to Server 156 'Race of History'.

Whereas in the first season there were three matches per week, in the second season there will be two matches per week.

The first match of the week will start at 12.15pm on Monday and end at 10.59pm on Thursday.

The second match of the week starts at 12:15 pm on Thursday and ends at 10:59 pm on Sunday.

Naturally, the older servers are more mature, so they are ranked higher and will not be able to catch up for the foreseeable future.

For more information on Clash of Worlds, please read the following description from the operator.

Click ⇒ 「Clash of Worlds.」

A Clash of Worlds season lasts 120 days, during which time two matches will be played each week.

The first match starts at 12:15 pm on Monday and ends at 10:59 pm on Thursday.

※The first match ends at 10.59pm on Thursday, which means there is only 1 hour and 16 minutes until the start of the second match.

 Due to the need for time to prepare for the match, all attacks in the first match must be completed by 24:00 (Japan time) on Wednesday.

The second match will start at 12:15 pm on Thursday and end at 10:59 pm on Sunday.

Naturally, regular guild battles on server 100 will also take place alongside this.

※There are two teams of Titans, so if you give a command and try to attack with another team, a message will appear telling you to attack with the team you have specified.
However, you can also ignore this message and attack, so use the team formation you think is appropriate.

The procedure for the Clash of Worlds matches.

①WhenWhen the match starts at 12.15pm (Japan time), the guildmasters and executives will gather information on their opponents, examine their forces and defensive positions, and plan their strategies.

※Once the match has started, it is possible to attack, but it is forbidden to attack until the order to begin the attack has been given.

➁The strategy for the day will be announced at around 17:00 GMT.

➂Competition in Clash of Worlds will take place alongside regular guild matches.

※Clash of worlds battles are referred to as "cb" to distinguish them from regular guild battles. (Abbreviation for crash of worlds battle.)

④The command for the Clash of Worlds battle is written with "cb, Byakko-san, attack Flame Fortress 1", with "cb" at the beginning of the sentence, to distinguish it from the normal guild battle command.


⑤ First of all, the command is given to the high-powered player to occupy the bridge.

If the bridge is deemed unoccupiable, aim to occupy the Magic School, the Barracks and the Lighthouse in front of it.

⑥If the bridge is successfully occupied, attack and occupy the most vulnerable of the Nature's Gate, the Fortress of Fire and the Fortress of Ice. (These three locations are collectively referred to as 'the Wall'.)

If the Wall cannot be occupied, aim to occupy the Foundry, Engineer and Elemental Fountain in front of it.

⑦If you succeed in occupying the Wall, occupy the Hero's Bridge.

If you decide that you cannot occupy the Hero's Bridge, aim to occupy the fort, shooting range, altar of life and ether prism in front of you.

⑧If you succeed in occupying the Hero's Bridge, occupy the Temple of the Moon and the Temple of the Sun.

If it is deemed impossible to occupy the Temple of the Moon and the Temple of the Sun, aim to occupy the Alchemy Tower and the City Hall in the foreground.

⑨ Aim to occupy the fortress.

※If you decide that you cannot occupy a fortress, go on to occupy the base where you can most efficiently gain occupation points and earn more occupation points.

Which stage you advance to depends on the strength of your opponents and the defence arrangement.

On the first day, each player will be given orders to occupy bridges and walls.

※It is forbidden to attack on your own without instructions.

When you decide that you cannot go any further, you will be given a free attack order.

Clash of Worlds is a long-term battle lasting over 70 hours.

There is no need to attack in a hurry.

Even if a Free Attack order is issued, do not use up all your attack turns, but rather play against opponents you are sure to defeat on the first day to conserve your forces.

※If you are unable to participate before the end of the day due to work or personal reasons, you may use up all your turns.

On the first day, if you force yourself to fight a strong enemy, you may die in vain, so please do not force yourself as much as possible.

On the second and third days, it is easier to defeat the weaker enemy Hero and Titan teams, as some of them stumble in their attacks.

By the end, use up all your turns to finish the cb.

If you finish the cb with no turns left, you may be punished in the same way as if you had been absent from a guild war.

In Clash of Worlds, each member of the Hero Team has three turns to attack and each member of the Titan Team has two turns to attack, so the key to victory is for everyone to complete their attacks without giving up and without wasting time.

In guild battles, in the Gold League, each of the 20 guild champions is given two attack turns to attack 40 strongholds.

With 40 locations to attack in 40 turns, each stumble results in the loss of one location.

However, in Clash of Worlds, 100 strongholds are attacked in a maximum of 150 turns, so there are 50 turns left over, and even if you stumble a few times, you can still capture all the strongholds.

This is the biggest difference from guild warfare, and because of this, a different strategy is adopted.

Defeating a player in a Clash of Worlds match will only reduce your rewards, but will not affect your ranking on the server.

Enjoy the game and show the results of your daily training against players from other servers, who usually don't have the chance to play against you. ... from byakko


※Titan teams in the defence of the Clash of Worlds must be organised as 4+1.
 However, this does not apply to organisations using Titans of Light or Titans of Darkness.

※If a bridge or wall cannot be occupied, the Hero Team or Titan Team may remain unable to use their attack turn because they cannot advance.
In this case, it is not a violation of the rules.


































































Über das Verteidigungsteam

Zeigt den Buff-Wert jeder Basis sowie die Titanen und Helden an, auf die der Buff abzielt.

①Über das Titan-Team

„Tor der Natur“...Maximaler Buff-Wert: 32 %

Jeder Erdtitan hat einen Schadenserhöhungs-Buff von 2 %.

„Festung des Feuers“...Maximaler Buff-Wert: 128 %

Jeder Feuertitan erhält einen HP-Erhöhungs-Buff von 8 %.

„Eisfestung“...Maximaler Buff-Wert: 48 %

Jeder Wassertitan gewährt einen Energieerhöhungs-Buff von 3 %.

„Mondtempel“...Maximaler Buff-Wert: 70 %

Für jeden Dunklen Titanen wird ein HP-Erhöhungs-Buff von 7 % gewährt.

„Tempel der Sonne“...Maximaler Buff-Wert: 20 %

Jeder Titan des Lichts gewährt einen HP-Schadensresistenz-Buff von 2 %.

②Über das Heldenteam

Es gibt sieben Stützpunkte, die Buffs haben: „Alchemieturm“, „Rathaus“, „Festung“, „Schießstand“, „Ingenieur“, „Gießerei“ und „ Leuchtturm''.

„Alchemieturm“...Maximaler Buff-Wert: 100 %

Jeder Zauberer erhält einen Rüstungserhöhungs-Buff von 4 %.

Celeste Helios Orion Maya Phobos Amira Rian Iris Gesichtsloser Mojo Cornelius Heidi Kai Peppy Christa Lars Lilith Satori Albanor Polaris

„Rathaus“...Maximaler Buff-Wert: 175 %

Jeder Heiler erhält einen Erholungs-Buff von 7 %.

Celeste Martha Thea Nebel Marcus Dorian Morrigan Jett

„Festung“...Maximaler Buff-Wert: 75 %

Jeder Krieger erhält eine 3 %ige Verbesserung der magischen Verteidigung.

Arachne Astrid Chinmao Ishmal Hermy Kirk Tristan Yasmin

„Schießstand“...Maximaler Buff-Wert: 75 %

Für jede Schussart wird eine Schadensresistenz-Verstärkung von 3 % gewährt.

Ginger Artemis Astrid Kayla Dante Hermy Daredevil Darkstar Fox Jude

„Ingenieur“...Maximaler Buff-Wert: 100 %

Für jede Kontrolle wird ein 4 %iger Energiegewinn-Erhöhungs-Buff gewährt.

Jorgan Andvari Isaac Richter Arachne Fahmir Lian Polaris

„Gießerei“...Maximaler Buff-Wert: 200 %

Jeder Tank erhält eine 8 % HP-Schadensresistenz-Verstärkung.

Creeper, Astaroth, Rufus, Aurora, Galahad, Luthor, Chava, Corbus, Jiri, Massy und Shroom Julius

„Leuchtturm“...Maximaler Buff-Wert: 25 %

Jeder unterstützende Held erhält einen Skill-Cooldown-Buff von 1 %.

Helios Astaroth Jorgan Martha Andvari Isaac Amira Thea Sebastian Nebula Richter Fafnir Marcus Dorian Mojo Cornelius Morrigan Jett Peppy Albanor

※Bitte beachten Sie, dass einige Helden mehrere Werte haben, die von Verbesserungen abhängig sind.

Bezüglich der Bildung eines buffkompatiblen Verteidigungsteams

Schon bevor Clash of Worlds begann, wollte ich Basen mit Buffs verteidigen, indem ich ein Team zusammenstellte, das sie voll ausnutzen würde.

In Gilden mit älteren Servern gibt es kaum Unterschiede in der Macht zwischen den Mitgliedern und es gibt keinen Unterschied in der Macht zwischen den Helden, die die Spieler von der Spitze bis zum 90. Helden trainieren.

In einem so ausgereiften Zustand wird die Kraft des Teams selbst, abgesehen von der Offensivkraft, nicht minderwertig sein, egal welche Art von Mannschaftsformation man hat.

Aber ich denke, es wird schwierig sein, auf „Alone100“ zu laufen, wo der Server nicht ausgereift ist

In der ersten Staffel von Clash of Worlds haben wir ein „Buff-kompatibles Verteidigungsteam“ eingesetzt, um gegen Clash of Worlds zu kämpfen.

Wir haben Daten von Konten gesammelt, die auf anderen Servern aktiv sind, und von Konten, die an Freunde weitergegeben wurden, haben umfangreiche Analysen durchgeführt und die Daten zusammengestellt.

Daher ist es in „Alone 100“ in Ordnung, in Basen mit Buffs eine geringe Stärke zu haben, sodass ein Team bestehend aus 5 Buff-kompatiblen Helden in 3 oder 4 Teambasen eingesetzt wird und ein Buff-kompatibler Held vorhanden ist hat berechnet, dass der Einsatz von ein oder zwei leistungsstarken Teams mit einem oder zwei Charakteren die größte Wirkung erzielen wird. (Eigentlich hat es mir mein Freund auf Server 6 geschickt)

Wenn es gut passt, wird es eine starke Verteidigungskraft zeigen, wie das Team von DabaSugar, das „Foundry“ 3 verteidigt, also planen wir, es weiter zu verbessern.

In Vorbereitung auf die sechste Staffel von Clash of Worlds, die am 15. Januar beginnt, haben wir ein „Clash of Worlds-Buff-kompatibles Verteidigungsteam“ eingesetzt.

Nur ich oder der General können das Layout ändern.

Allerdings kann jeder den „Gefechtsverteidigungsplan“ in Clash of Worlds sehen und nur Sie können Änderungen an Ihrem Team vornehmen.

Der Einsatz des „Clash of Worlds Buff-kompatiblen Verteidigungsteams“ ist beendet. Probieren Sie es also bitte selbst aus, verstärken Sie das eingesetzte Team, oder wenn Sie gute Meinungen haben, können Sie diese gerne mitteilen. Bitte geben Sie sie mir .

„Clash of Worlds Buff-kompatibles Verteidigungsteam“ ist derzeit ein Team, das durch gewaltsames Sammeln von 5 Buff-kompatiblen Helden gebildet wird. Die Stärke des Teams ist mit etwa 500.000 niedrig und das Hauptteam unterstützt die Verteidigung. Die Verteidigungsfähigkeit des Teams ist jedoch gering.

Durch die schrittweise Erhöhung der Stärke des „Buff-kompatiblen Verteidigungsteams“ von 500.000 auf 600.000 und von 600.000 auf 700.000 wird jedoch die Verteidigungskraft des „Buff-kompatiblen Verteidigungsteams“ selbst stärker. Wenn Sie dies tun, erhöht sich die Verteidigungsfähigkeit der gesamten Gilde wird sich erheblich verbessern.

Ich denke, das wird sechs Monate, ein Jahr oder zwei Jahre dauern.

Umgekehrt kann man sagen, dass das „Clash of Worlds Buff-kompatible Verteidigungsteam“ ein Verteidigungssystem ist, das auf einer langfristigen Perspektive basiert und ein oder zwei Jahre in die Zukunft blickt.

Es ist notwendig, effizient zu kämpfen und regelmäßig Punkte zu sammeln. Ich weiß, dass es mühsam ist, aber ich schätze Ihre Zusammenarbeit. ...Von Byakko





O obrambni ekipi

Prikaže vrednost izboljšanja, dodeljeno vsaki bazi ter Titane in junake, na katere cilja izboljšanje.

①O ekipi Titan

"Gate of Nature"...Največja vrednost izboljšanja: 32%

Vsak zemeljski titan ima 2 % povečanje škode.

"Ognjena trdnjava" ... Največja vrednost izboljšanja: 128 %

Vsak Fire Titan prejme 8-odstotno povečanje HP.

"Ice Fortress" ... Najvišja vrednost izboljšanja: 48 %

Vsak vodni titan daje 3-odstotno povečanje energije.

"Moon Temple" ... Največja vrednost izboljšanja: 70 %

Za vsakega Temnega Titana je podan 7-odstotni učinek povečanja HP.

"Temple of the Sun"...Največja vrednost izboljšanja: 20%

Vsak Titan of Light podeljuje 2 % povečanja odpornosti proti poškodbam HP.

②O ekipi junakov

Obstaja sedem baz, ki imajo izboljšave: ``Alchemy Tower``, ``City Hall``, ``Trdnjava``, ``Shooting Range``, ``Inženir``, ``Livarna`` in `` Svetilnik''.

"Alchemy Tower" ... Največja vrednost izboljšanja: 100 %

Vsak čarovnik bo prejel 4 % povečanje oklepa.

Celeste Helios Orion Maya Phobos Amira Rian Iris Faceless Mojo Cornelius Heidi Kai Peppy Christa Lars Lilith Satori Albanor Polaris

"Mestna hiša" ... Največja vrednost izboljšanja: 175 %

Vsak zdravilec prejme 7 % okrevanje.

Meglica Celeste Martha Thea Marcus Dorian Morrigan Jett

"Trdnjava" ... Največja vrednost izboljšanja: 75 %

Vsak bojevnik prejme 3 % čarobno obrambo.

Arachne Astrid Chinmao Ishmal Hermy Kirk Tristan Yasmin

"Shooting Range" ... Največja vrednost izboljšanja: 75 %

Za vsako vrsto streljanja je podan 3-odstotni učinek odpornosti proti poškodbam.

Ginger Artemis Astrid Kayla Dante Hermy Daredevil Darkstar Fox Jud

"Inženir" ... Največja vrednost izboljšanja: 100 %

Za vsako kontrolo je na voljo 4-odstotno povečanje povečanja energije.

Jorgan Andvari Isaac sodnik Arachne Fahmir Lian Polaris

"Livarna" ... Največja vrednost izboljšanja: 200 %

Vsak tank prejme 8 % HP odpornost proti poškodbam.

Creeper, Astaroth, Rufus, Aurora, Galahad, Luthor, Chava, Corbus, Jiri, Massy in Shroom Julius

"Lighthouse"...Največja vrednost izboljšanja: 25%

Vsak podporni junak prejme 1 % ohlajevalni učinek spretnosti.

Helios Astaroth Jorgan Martha Andvari Isaac Amira Thea Sebastian Nebula Sodnik Fafnir Marcus Dorian Mojo Cornelius Morrigan Jett Peppy Albanor

※Upoštevajte, da imajo nekateri junaki več statistik, ki so predmet izboljšav.

Glede oblikovanja obrambne ekipe, ki je združljiva z buffom

Še preden se je Clash of Worlds začel, sem želel braniti baze, ki so imele navdušence, tako da sem oblikoval ekipo, ki bi jih v celoti izkoristila.

V cehih s starejšimi strežniki je med člani majhna razlika v moči in ni razlike v moči med junaki, ki jih igralci urijo od vrha do 90. junaka.

V tako zrelem stanju, ne glede na to, kakšno sestavo ekipe imate, moč same ekipe ne bo manjvredna, razen moči napada.

Ampak mislim, da bo težko delovati na "Alone100", kjer strežnik ni zrel

V prvi sezoni Clash of Worlds smo za boj proti Clash of Worlds namestili ``buff-kompatibilno obrambno ekipo``.

Zbrali smo podatke iz računov, aktivnih na drugih strežnikih, in računov, danih prijateljem, opravili ogromno analiz in zbrali podatke.

Posledično je v "Alone 100" v redu imeti nizko moč v bazah z buff-i, tako da je ekipa, ki jo sestavlja 5 z buff-kompatibilnimi junaki, razporejena v 3 ali 4 timske baze, in buff-kompatibilen junak. izračunal, da bo imelo največji učinek namestitev ene ali dveh močnih ekip, ki vključujeta enega ali dva lika. (Pravzaprav mi ga je poslal prijatelj na strežniku 6)

Če se dobro prilega, bo pokazal močno obrambno moč, kot ekipa DabaSugar, ki brani "Livarno" 3, zato ga nameravamo še naprej izboljševati.

V pripravah na šesto sezono Clash of Worlds, ki se začne 15. januarja, smo namestili obrambno ekipo »Clash of Worlds, ki je združljiva z buff-om«.

Samo jaz ali general lahko spremenimo postavitev.

Vendar pa lahko kdorkoli vidi "načrt bojne obrambe" v Clash of Worlds in samo vi lahko spreminjate svojo ekipo.

Uvedba »obrambne ekipe, ki je združljiva z buffom«, se je končala, zato jo prosim preverite sami, okrepite razporejeno ekipo ali če imate kakšno dobro mnenje, ga ponudite. Prosim, dajte mi ga .

»Clash of World's buff-compatible obrambna ekipa« je trenutno ekipa, sestavljena s prisilnim zbiranjem 5 buff-kompatibilnih junakov, moč ekipe pa je nizka pri približno 500.000, glavna ekipa pa podpira. Vendar pa je obrambna sposobnost ekipe nizka.

Vendar pa bo s postopnim povečevanjem moči "buff-kompatibilne obrambne ekipe" s 500.000 na 600.000 in s 600.000 na 700.000 obrambna moč "buff-kompatibilne obrambne ekipe" postala močnejša. Če to storite, bo obrambna sposobnost celotnega ceha se bo znatno izboljšalo.

Mislim, da bo to trajalo šest mesecev, leto ali dve leti.

Nasprotno pa lahko rečemo, da je obrambna ekipa ``Clash of Worlds, združljiva z buff-kompatibilnostjo`` obrambni sistem, ki temelji na dolgoročnih obetih in gleda eno ali dve leti v prihodnost.

Treba se je učinkovito boriti in dosledno pridobivati ​​točke, zato vem, da je to težava, vendar cenim vaše sodelovanje. ...Iz Byakka