A fortress used in leagues below the Silver League

Flow of Guild War

The Guild War will start at 18:00 Japan time.
After 18:00, look at the enemy's position and plan your strategy.

➀ Usually, a designated member attacks the bridge first to open it.

➁ Next, the designated member attacks the weakest base among the Fire Fort, Nature Gate, and Ice Fort, creates a passage, and makes all bases attackable.

➂ After that, specify the attack points of each member.
This takes time, so don't attack until you get the signal to start attacking.  

④ At this point, there are members who have not been assigned attack points.
This member plays an important role in the pursuit if the initial attack fails.

*Depending on the development of the game, you may have to wait for a long time before closing.
Members who cannot wait due to their business may request an appropriate attack point and attack immediately.

"Flow of Guild War II"

➀ At around 17:50, we will announce that the guild battle will be held, and tell them that we will not attack until we receive instructions.

➁At 18:00, tell your opponents and members who have logged in since the guild war started that they will report.

The full-scale attack will start around 19:00.

➂ Depending on the strategy of the day, if a member with appropriate power logs in, they will give instructions to attack.

If a member with adequate power does not log in, wait until 20:00.

④If a member with appropriate power does not log in after 20:00, change the strategy and attack with a member who is logged in and can attack.

Although it depends on the battle situation and the member's login status, all attack points are generally designated by 21:00.

⑤ Although it depends on the battle situation and the member's login status, we will give instructions to members who have not logged in by 22:00 by private message.

Take this with you to finish the Guild War instructions.

[About Guild War]

Guild battles are league battles with other guilds to determine the guild's ranking, but it is also a place to test the abilities of the hero team and titan team that have been trained on a daily basis in actual battles.

[Preliminary League Guild Battle]

Since the number of guilds belonging to the guild battle in the qualifying league is uncertain, there is a special matching system, and opponents are randomly selected.

The league ranking is different from the bronze and above in the scoring system itself, and is made up of detailed score distribution.

Guild Champions register their own Hero and Titan teams.

Guild masters and generals select 15 guild champions from within the guild to participate in guild battles, and deploy hero teams and titan teams at 30 locations within the fortress to defend the fortress. .

Guild champion registration and placement changes are possible until 17:00 Japan time.

Guild battles will take place between 18:00 Japan time and 5:00 the next day.

The points earned determine the winner, and the points earned determine the provisional ranking within the league.

It is held every day from Monday to Friday, and the top 6 guilds with the most total points can advance to the promotion match against the Bronze League on Saturday.

If you win the promotion match, you will be promoted to the Bronze League.


Bronze League Guild War


bronze league fixtures

The main matters are the same as the qualifying league, so I will omit them.

In the Bronze League, which consists of 30 guilds, guild battles will be held according to the schedule above. (Based on Monday's ranking)

A maximum of 1200 points can be acquired, and it is held every day from Monday to Friday, and the top 3 guilds with the most total points can advance to the promotion match against the Silver League on Saturday.

If you win the promotion match, you will be promoted to the Silver League.

Also, the bottom 6 guilds will have to participate in the relegation match against the qualifying league on Saturday.

Winning the relegation will keep you in the Bronze League, while losing will demote you to the Preliminary League.


Silver League Guild War


silver league table

In the Silver League, which consists of 10 guilds, guild battles will be held according to the schedule above. (Based on Monday's ranking)

A maximum of 1200 points can be acquired, and it is held every day from Monday to Friday, and the top 3 guilds with the most total points can advance to the promotion match against the Gold League on Saturday.

If you win the promotion match, you will be promoted to the Gold League.

The bottom three guilds will also have to participate in Saturday's relegation match against the Bronze League.

If you win the relegation match, you stay in the Silver League, and if you lose, you will be demoted to the Bronze League.


Gold League Guild War


gold league table

In the Gold League, which consists of 6 guilds, guild battles will be held according to a randomly selected schedule from the 120 patterns in the above matchup table.

The Gold League Guild Wars will feature 20 Guild Champions who will deploy Hero and Titan Teams to defend 40 strongholds in the Gold League-only Fortress.

A maximum of 1400 points can be acquired, and it is held every day from Monday to Friday and competes for the total points acquired.

Since it consists of 6 guilds, we will play against all guilds within the week.

The bottom three guilds will have to participate in the relegation match against the Bronze League on Saturday.

If you win the relegation match, you stay in the Gold League, and if you lose, you will be demoted to the Silver League.

[Gold League Relegation Battle]

Gold League relegation battles are played using Silver League Fortresses.

Silver League guilds play regular matches.

Gold League guilds can have 20 Guild Champions, and 15 Hero Teams and 15 Titan Teams owned by the 20 Guild Champions will be deployed in 30 bases to defend themselves.

At this time, you can select and deploy a strong team from the hero teams and titan teams owned by the 20 guild champions, which is advantageous.

Even when attacking, you can choose a strong team from the 20 guild champions' hero teams and titan teams to attack, which is advantageous.

This gives Gold League guilds an advantage in relegation battles.


Notes on Guild War

[About registration]

The Guild War starts at 18:00 Japan time and ends at 5:00 the next day.

Registration and changes will be closed one hour before, at 17:00 Japan time.

The hero team and titan team registered at this point will be reflected and fixed in the defense.

For this reason, even if you level up after 17:00 Japan time, it will not be reflected in the defending Hero Team and Titan Team.

However, if the attacking team levels up after 17:00 Japan time, the level at the time of attack will be reflected, and the hero and titan can be replaced according to the opponent to attack, so the attacking side can It is overwhelmingly advantageous.

Members who wish to participate in Guild Wars register their Hero Team and Titan Team in the Guild War "Defenders" section.

[How to select a Guild Champion]

Guild champions will be selected based on the guild champion ranking table.

For members ranked before and after the borderline, priority may be given to members with higher Titan Team power, regardless of rank.

[If unable to participate]

If you are scheduled to participate in a guild battle, but are unable to participate due to work or other circumstances, please report this to the guild master or general in advance for confirmation.

It is necessary to get the report as early as possible, but it will take time to register and prepare the substitute, so please do so by 15:00 Japan time on the day.

If you are unable to participate in the guild battle due to sudden business trip, illness or accident, please report the reason to the guild master or general at a later date. (Since it's a game, please prioritize real life)

If you miss the guild battle without permission, you may be absent for a long time due to illness or accident, so you will be temporarily removed from the guild champion.

I will register as a guild champion again after I receive the notification and confirm that I can participate.

If you cross the guild champion borderline, you will be selected as the guild champion to participate in the guild war.

Separately, register with the guild master in advance by reporting your time zone (you can check it by clicking your handle name in the upper left corner of the screen) and the times when you can participate in guild wars.

If you live in Japan and the time you can participate in the Guild War is from 20:00 to 24:00 Japan time, the report format will be "GMT + 9 2-4".

If the time you can participate in the Guild War is from 18:00 to 21:00 Japan time, it will be "GMT + 9 0-3".

Since this is only used as a guideline, it does not matter if it is rough, and it can be done earlier or later depending on the circumstances of the day.


Notes on Guild War

In Guild War, if members are logged in at the start time, it will be easier to plan a strategy.

No matter how strong a member is, if you can only participate in the battle after 8 or 10 hours have passed, you will have to wait for the other members, so participating as a main member in the actual battle will make a strategy. It becomes difficult on the top.

For that reason, we ask that the more powerful members are, the sooner they can log in.


[Regarding Guild War Instructions]

Use guild chat to issue guild war instructions.

At 6:00 p.m. Japan time, I first announced today's opponents and gave instructions, ``Please wait a moment while we decide on strategy and placement. increase.

For English-speaking members, we will also post translated sentences.

Before announcing, stick a ginger sticker and start announcing.

This will take time, so it will be difficult for the announcement to get through, so it's an unspoken rule of the guild not to use the guild chat until it's over.

As a rule,

① Do not attack until the strategy and placement are decided and the signal to start attacking is given.

➁ Always attack the designated point.

➂ If you fail an attack and stumble, be sure to report it in the guild chat, and if you have an attack turn left, wait for instructions without doing the next attack.

➃Members who do not have an attack point specified have the role of having them follow up in case the attack fails, so they wait until an instruction is given.

⑤ Members who do not have time to spare do not hesitate to ask to designate attack points.

⑥ If you have your own opinion about your opponent, feel free to offer your opinion or change it.

⑦ In guild battles, guild master gifts may be given as rewards to guild champions who have made particularly meritorious achievements in terms of wins and losses and points.

⑧ If you are absent from the guild battle for no particular reason or do not follow the instructions, you may be suspended from participating in the guild battle.

The guild champions who participate in the guild war will be determined by the ranking of the day.

Participating members will not be announced except in promotion or relegation matches, or when a member is absent and a substitute participates, so please be sure to check the members registered as guild champions. To do.