「What is Kotodama ?」




Kotodama was usually the spiritual power believed to be contained within words in Japan.




Kotodama is the idea that the words you speak have a spirit (or soul).



There is Kotodama in a Japanese myth.



Kotodama or kototama (言霊, lit. "word spirit/soul") refers to the Japanese belief that mystical powers dwell in words and names. 


English translations include "soul of language", "spirit of language", "power of language", "power word", "magic word", and "sacred sound".


 The notion of kotodama presupposes that sounds can magically affect objects, and that ritual word usages can influence our environment, body, mind, and soul.


Wikipedia Kotodama



「What is Kotodama Appraisal?」





Do you think that names will influence your characters?




I think that names will influence your characters.



Your name is the best gift in your life. 


You can use your ability of your name for yourself, your family, your friend and the society.





We believe everybody's name has a meaning from the Japanese gods.



So in Kotodama appraisal, we read the name by sound.



Since the ancient times, Japanese have been good at feeling the sounds of nature and have changed invisible power into words.


Japanese believe that what they say become real. So there are some tabooed words that should not be used at weddings or receptions.


·At the wedding, they use the word, "openning" when they close the ceremony, in stead of using the word, "closing" Also, we usually use the word "uniting" not "closing".


Any peaple not believe kotodama in Japaneses.


They are not care of word.


But many Japaneses believe in kotodama. 



I'll tell you important rules in Kotodama appraisal. The first, reading your name by sound. 




There are three languages in Japanese such as Hiragana, Katakana and Chinese characters.




 Also there are fifty sounds in Hiragana and each sound has its own meaning. 




For example, "ひ" means number one, the sun ,fire and so on.



Every sound have its own meaning.





By being called your name, you remember your own mission by the vibration of sound.



Kotodama is Japanese culture, but the meaning of sound is universal.



Many people around you gives your name. It is like giving a positive energy to someone.



Your name has a wonderful meaning.


I’d like to tell as many people as possible that your names are the best gifts you've ever had. 


I hope everyone becomes aware of their missions and charms and this world will be filled with love and harmony. 



In order to realize that, let me tell you about how wonderful your name is!




Click here for the Kotodama Japanese syllabary





自宅学習用 ことだま鑑定初級DVD








