英語の迷い道(その166)-AIと人間の協働-中野信子「空気を読む脳」から | 流離の翻訳者 果てしなき旅路

流離の翻訳者 果てしなき旅路


Chat GPTを使い始めてから、AIが身近に感じられるようになってきた。何時でも気軽に英会話の訓練をすることができ重宝している。何となく英会話の能力も上がってきたような気がする。









以下の、大阪大学/外国語学部の英作文問題は、同書から「AIと人間の協働」の可能性をテーマとしたものである。同文の要旨をChat GPTとディスカッションしてみたが、協働(collaboration)が大切だという的を得た答えが返ってきて驚いた。














(1) If we trace the evolutionary history of human brain, we can see that human beings have prospered by developing the intelligence that allows them to think rationally, on the other hand, they have become able to take cooperative actions as a group by suppressing this rationality moderately.

Above fact can be thought to be a major factor that allowed human beings to develop continuously up to the present. (2) How will the people who have developed only rationality be treated? They will be excluded from human society as an alien type.

(3) Nevertheless, if artificial intelligence (AI) is a mass of rationality created by human beings, there is a high likelihood that AI will work together with human irrationality complementarily and build a strong partnership. Now is not the time to amuse ourselves with a silly business that fuels competition between human beings and AI, but to verify whether or not AI can be used in this direction (way of using AI mentioned above), which could just be a subject for human beings.