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WHO 今度は麻疹・HPVワクチン 子供がターゲットに!

Friday July 12, 2024

Embargoed press release and links to recording of embargoed press conference

Strictly embargoed to 02:01 Geneva time (CEST) on 15 July

 Press release and recording of a virtual press conference on the WHO/UNICEF estimates on national child immunization coverage

recording of embargoed press conference plus global embargoed data:



Joint News Release WHO/UNICEF

Global childhood immunization levels stalled in 2023 leaving many without life-saving protection

New data reveal nearly 3 in 4 infants live in countries where low vaccine coverage driving measles outbreaks

15 July 2024 | Geneva/New York – Global childhood immunization coverage stalled in 2023, leaving 2.7 million additional children un- and under-vaccinated compared to pre-pandemic levels in 2019, according to data published today by the World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF.

The latest WHO and UNICEF estimates of national immunization coverage (WUENIC) – which provide the world’s largest and most comprehensive dataset on immunization trends for vaccinations against 14 diseases – underscore the need for ongoing catch-up, recovery and system-strengthening efforts.

“The latest trends demonstrate that many countries continue to miss far too many children,” said UNICEF Executive Director Catherine Russell. “Closing the immunization gap requires a global effort, with governments, partners, and local leaders investing in primary healthcare and community workers to ensure every child gets vaccinated, and that overall healthcare is strengthened.”

According to the findings, the number of children who received three doses of the vaccine against diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis (DTP) in 2023 - a key marker for global immunization coverage - stalled at 84% (108 million). However, the number of children who did not receive a single dose of the vaccine increased from 13.9 million in 2022 to 14.5 million in 2023.

More than half of unvaccinated children live in the 31 countries with fragile, conflict-affected and vulnerable settings, where children are especially vulnerable to preventable diseases because of disruptions and lack of access to security, nutrition, and health services.

Additionally, 6.5 million children did not complete their third dose of the DTP vaccine, which is necessary to achieve disease protection in infancy and early childhood.

These trends, which show that global immunization coverage has remained largely unchanged since 2022 and – more alarmingly - has still not returned to 2019 levels, reflect ongoing challenges with disruptions in healthcare services, logistical challenges, vaccine hesitancy and inequities in access to services.

Low vaccine coverage already driving measles outbreaks

The data further show that vaccination rates against the deadly measles disease stalled, leaving nearly 35 million children with no or only partial protection.

In 2023, only 83% of children worldwide received their first dose of the measles vaccine through routine health services, while the number of children receiving their second dose modestly increased from the previous year, reaching 74% of children. These figures fall short of the 95% coverage needed to prevent outbreaks, avert unnecessary disease and deaths, and achieve measles elimination goals.

Over the last five years, measles outbreaks hit 103 countries – home to roughly three-quarters of the world’s infants. Low vaccine coverage (80% or less) was a major factor. In contrast, 91 countries with strong measles vaccine coverage did not experience outbreaks.

“Measles outbreaks are the canary in the coalmine, exposing and exploiting gaps in immunization and hitting the most vulnerable first,” said Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General. “This is a solvable problem. Measles vaccine is cheap and can be delivered even in the most difficult places. WHO is committed to working with all our partners to support countries to close these gaps and protect the most at-risk children as quickly as possible.”

Global HPV vaccine coverage among girls increased substantially

The new data also highlight some brighter spots in immunization coverage. The steady introduction of new and under-utilized vaccines, including for human papillomavirus (HPV), meningitis, pneumococcal, polio and rotavirus disease, continue to expand the breadth of protection, particularly in the 57 countries supported by Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance.  


For example, the share of adolescent girls globally who received at least 1 dose of the HPV vaccine, which provides protection against cervical cancer, increased from 20% in 2022 to 27% in 2023. This was largely driven by strong introductions in Gavi-supported countries, such as Bangladesh, Indonesia, and Nigeria. The use of the single-dose HPV vaccine schedule also helped boost vaccine coverage.


"The HPV vaccine is one of the most impactful vaccines in Gavi’s portfolio, and it is incredibly heartening that it is now reaching more girls than ever before,” said Dr Sania Nishtar, CEO of Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance. “With vaccines now available to over 50% of eligible girls in African countries, we have much work to be done, but today we can see we have a clear pathway to eliminating this terrible disease.”  


However, HPV vaccine coverage is well below the 90% target to eliminate cervical cancer as a public health problem, reaching only 56% of adolescent girls in high-income countries and 23% in low- and middle-income countries. 


A recent poll of over 400,000 users of UNICEF’s digital platform for young people, U-Report, revealed that over 75% are unaware or unsure of what HPV is, underscoring the need for better vaccine accessibility and public awareness. When informed about the virus, its link to cancers, and the existence of a vaccine, 52% of respondents indicated they want to receive the HPV vaccine but are hindered by financial constraints (41%) and lack of availability (34%).

Robust local action needed to reach everyone, everywhere with vaccines

While there’s been modest progress in some regions, including the African region and low-income countries, the latest estimates highlight the need to accelerate efforts to meet the Immunization Agenda 2030 (IA2030) targets of 90% coverage, and no more than 6.5 million ‘zero-dose’ children globally by 2030.


The IA2030 Partnership Council calls for increased investment in innovation and ongoing collaboration. The council also recommends partners step up their support for country leadership to improve routine immunization as part of their integrated primary health care programmes, backed by robust political support, community leadership, and sustainable funding.   

2024 年 7 月 12 日金曜日


7 月 15 日のジュネーブ時間 02:01 (CEST) まで厳重に禁制

WHO/UNICEF による国の子供の予防接種率の推定に関するプレスリリースと仮想記者会見の録画



WHO/UNICEF 共同ニュースリリース

2023 年の世界的子供の予防接種レベルは停滞し、多くの人が命を救う保護を受けられなくなっている

新しいデータによると、4 人に 3 人近くの乳児がワクチン接種率の低さで麻疹の発生が進んでいる国に住んでいることが明らかに

2024 年 7 月 15 日 |ジュネーブ/ニューヨーク – 世界保健機関(WHO)とユニセフが本日発表したデータによると、世界の小児予防接種率は2023年に停滞し、パンデミック前の2019年と比べて270万人もの子どもが予防接種を受けていない、または十分に受けられていない状態になっている。












女子の HPV ワクチン接種率が世界的に大幅に増加

新しいデータは、予防接種率の明るい兆しも浮き彫りにしています。ヒトパピローマウイルス (HPV)、髄膜炎、肺炎球菌、ポリオ、ロタウイルス感染症などの新しいワクチンや十分に活用されていないワクチンが着実に導入され、特にワクチン同盟 Gavi が支援する 57 か国で、予防の幅が広がり続けています。

たとえば、子宮頸がんの予防に役立つ HPV ワクチンを少なくとも 1 回接種した世界中の 10 代の女子の割合は、2022 年の 20% から 2023 年には 27% に増加しました。これは主に、バングラデシュ、インドネシア、ナイジェリアなどの Gavi 支援国での導入が順調だったことが要因です。HPV ワクチンの単回接種スケジュールの使用も、ワクチン接種率の向上に貢献しました。





アフリカ地域や低所得国など一部の地域では緩やかな進歩が見られるが、最新の推定では、予防接種目標を達成するための取り組みを加速させる必要があることが浮き彫りになっている。アジェンダ 2030 (IA2030) は、2030 年までに 90% の接種率と、世界中で 650 万人を超える「ゼロドーズ」の子どもを作らないことを目標としています。

IA2030 パートナーシップ カウンシルは、イノベーションと継続的な協力への投資を増やすよう求めています。また、同カウンシルは、強力な政治的支援、コミュニティのリーダーシップ、持続可能な資金に支えられた統合プライマリ ヘルスケア プログラムの一環として、定期予防接種を改善するために、パートナーが各国のリーダーシップへの支援を強化することを推奨しています。

WHO H5N1 型鳥インフルエンザの最新情報、Mpoxも世界的な健康上の脅威

11 July 2024


11 July Virtual Press Conference

WHO Director-General's opening remarks at the media briefing – 11 July 2024


Good morning, good afternoon and good evening,

First, an update on H5N1 avian influenza.

Last week, the United States reported a fourth human case of H5N1 following exposure to infected dairy cows. Cambodia also reported two cases in children who had contact with sick or dead chickens.

For the moment, no human-to-human transmission has been reported, which is why WHO continues to assess the risk to the general public as low. However, our ability to assess and manage that risk is compromised by limited surveillance for influenza viruses in animals globally.

Understanding how these viruses are spreading and changing in animals is essential for identifying any changes that might increase the risk of outbreaks in humans, or the potential for a pandemic. WHO calls on all countries to:

Strengthen influenza surveillance and reporting in animals and humans;

To share samples of influenza viruses with WHO Collaborating Centres;

To share genetic sequences of human and animal flu viruses with publicly accessible databases;

To provide protection for farm workers who may be exposed to infected animals;

To accelerate research on avian influenza;

And to encourage closer cooperation between the animal and human health sectors.

Even as we continue to study the spread of H5N1, we also continue to study COVID-19, which still kills an average of 1700 people globally every week. However, data show that vaccine coverage has declined among health workers and people over 60, which are two of the most at-risk groups. WHO recommends that people in the highest risk groups receive a COVID-19 vaccine within 12 months of their last dose.

Mpox also remains a global health threat, with 26 countries reporting cases to WHO this month. The outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo shows no sign of slowing, with more than 11,000 cases reported this year, and 445 deaths, with children the most affected. South Africa has recently reported 20 cases of mpox to WHO, including three deaths, the first cases in that country since 2022. The cases were all men, and most self-identified as men who have sex with men. None had reported any history of international travel, which suggests the confirmed cases are a small proportion of all cases, and that community transmission is ongoing.

WHO is supporting both DRC and South Africa to respond to these outbreaks, to conduct surveillance, to engage the affected communities, and to develop immunization strategies to ensure the most effective response.


Audio: Download and listen:




Please also note that we released yesterday two packages of recent material from Gaza that might be of interest to you to illustrate this story, re. visit of the Dr Hanan Balkhy, WHO Regional Director for the Eastern Mediterranean to the West Bank and Gaza

West Bank visihttps://media.un.org/unifeed/en/asset/d323/d3234320

Gaza Visihttps://media.un.org/unifeed/en/asset/d323/d3234359


2024 年 7 月 11 日


7 月 11 日のバーチャル記者会見

WHO 事務局長による記者会見での冒頭発言 – 2024 年 7 月 11 日


まず、H5N1 型鳥インフルエンザの最新情報です。

先週、米国は、感染した乳牛との接触後に H5N1 型に感染した 4 人目の症例を報告しました。カンボジアでも、病気の鶏や死んだ鶏と接触した子供の症例が 2 件報告されました。

現時点では、人から人への感染は報告されていないため、WHO は一般市民へのリスクを低いと評価し続けています。しかし、動物におけるインフルエンザウイルスの世界的な監視が限られているため、リスクを評価して管理する能力が損なわれています。

これらのウイルスが動物でどのように広がり、変化しているかを理解することは、人間への発生リスクやパンデミックの可能性を高める可能性のある変化を特定するために不可欠です。 WHOはすべての国に次のことを呼びかけています。










Mpox(サル痘)南アフリカ 世界的な mpox の流行はまだ続いている

Tuesday 9 July 2024


Mpox - South Africa

09 July 2024

Situation at a glance

Situation at a glance

The International Health Regulations (IHR) National Focal Point (NFP) of the Republic of South Africa notified WHO of 20 confirmed mpox cases between 8 May and 2 July 2024, including three deaths (case fatality ratio (CFR) of 15%). These cases were reported in three of nine provinces: Gauteng (10 cases; 1 death), Western Cape (1 case), and KwaZulu-Natal (9 cases; 2 deaths). These are the first cases of mpox reported in South Africa since 2022 when the country had reported five cases, none of which were severe, and no deaths. The persons affected are men aged between 17 and 43 years old, and of the first 16 cases, 11 self-identified as men who have sex with men (MSM). At least 15 cases are living with HIV with unmanaged or only recently diagnosed HIV infection, and have advanced HIV disease (AHD), and one case has diabetes. The type of exposure contact reported by cases is sexual contact. Eighteen of the patients required hospitalization. Several response measures have been put in place by national health authorities with the support of WHO. The sudden appearance of these cases none of whom reported any history of international travel, the extremely high HIV prevalence among confirmed cases, and the high case-fatality ratio suggest that the confirmed cases are only a small proportion of all cases that might have occurred, and that community transmission is ongoing. The risk to human health for the general public remains low in the country. The risk for gay men, bisexual men, other men who have sex with men, trans and gender-diverse people, and sex workers is moderate. There is potential for increased health impact should wider dissemination among these and other vulnerable groups in South Africa and neighbouring countries continue. This event emphasizes that the global mpox outbreak linked to clade IIb monkeypox virus (MPXV) is still ongoing, and the risk of cross-border and international spread persists in all WHO regions.


Read more


Read more about Mpox (monkeypox)


2024 年 7 月 9 日火曜日


Mpox - 南アフリカ
2024 年 7 月 9 日
南アフリカ共和国の国際保健規則 (IHR) 国家窓口 (NFP) は、2024 年 5 月 8 日から 7 月 2 日の間に 20 件の Mpox 症例が確認され、うち 3 件が死亡 (致死率 (CFR) 15%) したことを WHO に報告しました。

これらの症例は、9 つ​​の州のうち 3 つの州で報告されました。ハウテン州 (症例 10 件、死亡 1 件)、西ケープ州 (症例 1 件)、クワズール・ナタール州 (症例 9 件、死亡 2 件) です。2022 年に南アフリカで報告された Mpox 症例は、5 件の症例 (いずれも重症ではなく死亡者なし) 以来、これが初めてです。




この出来事は、系統 IIb サル痘ウイルス (MPXV) に関連する世界的な mpox の流行がまだ続いており、国境を越えた国際的な拡散のリスクがすべての WHO 地域で続いていることを強調しています。

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