2008年のThomascook European Rail Timetable April の What's New This month のまとめです。













通関上の問題により一時運行を中止していたベルリン〜カリーニングラード間(Table51)の7/8列車が運行を再開した。マドリッド〜リスボン間のホテル列車 ルシタニア号(Table48)は、脱線事故とその後の線路状態の影響で、追って通知があるまでサラマンカ、フエンテス・デ・オニョーロ、ヴィラル・フォルモーゾ経由と迂回運転する。このため、スペインとポルトガルを結ぶバレンシア・デ・アルカンタラ/マルバン・ベイラ国境を利用する列車は現在運休。ミュンヘン、インスブルック、ブレンネロ/ブレンナー(Table70および71)間の昼行ユーロシティ列車の大半は、2008年5月10日〜25日でミュンヘン〜ローゼンハイム間が運休となる。代替便による乗り継ぎは可能であると理解している。夜行列車およびICE108/9列車には影響はないと思われるが、遅延が発生する可能性がある。












Bus Éireann(国有バス会社)の追加サービスを表示するため、Table235を修正した。ベルファスト〜ロンドンデリー間のアルスターバス急行212系統に新しい時刻表が導入され、それに伴いTable231が更新された。




 2008年3月号で伝えたように、Chemin de Fer de la Mure 観光鉄道(Table397)は、改修工事のため、2008年度の運行期間が7月1日〜8月31日までと短縮されたスケジュールでの運行となる。





トゥア 〜 ミランデラ支線(Table694)では、ダイヤ改正が行われ、片道3本から2本に減便された。これは2008年1月28日から行われたものだが、残念ながら3月号には間に合わず告知が遅すぎた。




3月号のNewslinesに掲載した工事の詳細が明らかになった。2008年3月30日〜7月4日の期間で、いくつかのTableが再作成された。 具体的には、フレデリシア〜オーフス間の運行本数が減少し(Table700)、所要時間が延びる。この工事期間中、ベルリン発着の国際列車 EC 380/381およびハンブルク発着の国際列車 EC 386/387(6月29日運行開始)は、フレデリシア以南に限定して運行される。そして、オーフス以北で運行される列車も影響を受けるため、臨時の時刻はTable701に示されている。Skjern〜Herning〜オーフス間のアリーヴァ・トーグ(Arriva Tog、Table713)を利用する乗客は、ほとんどの旅程でスカナボー〜オーフル間のデンマーク国鉄による接続列車を利用する必要がある。












可能な限り、2008年4月6日からの制定後ダイヤ案を反映した。主な変更点はジュラ発着列車(Table1280) に影響し、ギュラ〜ベーケーシュチャバ (Békéscsaba) 間が増発され、一部はブダペストまでそのまま直通運転される。











Table10 ユーロスターは2008年12月13日まで表示され、パリ行きの夏の最繁忙期に運転される便が追加された。


Table17a 今年の新サービスは、ロンドン・セントパンクラス駅発、ユーロ・ディズニーランドのあるマルヌ・ラ・ヴァレ・シェシー行きの昼行便だ。これは夏の最繁忙期に週4日運行され、既存のロンドン発8:53の便では早すぎるというロンドン郊外に住む乗客を呼び込むために設定された便だ。復路は既存の通年運行列車よりも早くロンドンに到着する。夏の土曜日に運行されるロンドン発アヴィニョン行きは、すでに予約可能。タリスのダイヤは2008年10月5日まで有効。アントウェルペンからスキポール空港経由アムステルダムの高速鉄道HSL Zuidが2008年末に開通予定と判明。タリスがこの高速新線を経由すると所要時間が約1時間短縮されるほか、NS Hispeed社が運行するブリュッセル〜アムステルダム間の列車やその他のサービスも1時間1本運行予定である。



Table60 プラハ〜テッサロニキ間の夏のクシェット車連結は週2便から毎日連結に増便され(6月初旬〜9月下旬)、経由地もルーマニアからセルビア/マケドニアに変更される。プラハ発バール行きの直通クシェット車の連結が週2回となる。


Table96 週2回のプラハ〜オデッサ間の寝台車連結は、週4回に倍増する。


Table99 夏限定の381/380列車 クラコヴィア号(クラクフ~コシツェ~レーケーシュハーザ~ブクレシュティ間)は、クラクフからブダペスト、さらにシオフォーク経由バラトン湖のケストヘイ行きの編成が連結される。ケストヘイ編成はクシェット車と座席車、食堂車が連結されている。




The Summer International Supplement at the back of this edition has been expanded this month to include summer versions of all our International tables, valid from June 15. These tables will be further updated next month as information is received from the railways. The information is mostly valid to December 13, when there will be a major timetable change affecting most of Europe. 



We understand that train 7/8 Berlin - Kaliningrad (Table 51), which had previously been temporarily withdrawn due to customs difficulties, is now running again. Due to a derailment and the state of the track, the Hotel Train Lusitania between Madrid and Lisboa (Table 48) has been diverted via Salamanca, Fuentes d'Oñoro and Vilar Formoso until further notice. As a result, there are currently no trains using the Valencia de Alcántara / Marvão Beira border crossing between Spain and Portugal. Most daytime EC services between München, Innsbruck and Brennero/Brenner (Tables 70 and 71) will be suspended between München and Rosenheim from May 10 to 25. We understand that connections will be available by alternative services. Overnight trains are believed to be unaffected, as are trains ICE 108/9, but may be subject to delay. 



The opening of Terminal 5 at London's Heathrow Airport from March 27 will see local rail services extended to the new terminal. After calling at Terminal 1/2/3, all Heathrow Express trains from Paddington will extend to Terminal 5, whereas Heathrow Connect trains will serve Terminal 4. The latter will continue to run half-hourly to and from Ealing Broadway and Paddington, but additional shuttle trains will give a 15 minute frequency between Terminal 1/2/3 and Terminal 4. Piccadilly Line Underground trains will alternate, either running via Terminal 1/2/3 to Terminal 5 and back, or looping as now via Terminal 4 then 1/2/3. All inter-terminal transfers, whether by rail or bus, are free of charge.



The northern, and most scenic, section of the Manx Electric Railway (Table 229) is unfortunately to remain closed for the duration of the 2008 season by decision of the Minister for Tourism following a consultants' report which highlighted some disrepair to the track: this despite earlier suspension of weekend services, reportedly to allow for line maintenance to be undertaken.



Table 235 has been amended to enable us to show additional Bus Éireann services. A new timetable has been introduced on the Ulsterbus 212 express service between Belfast and Londonderry, and Table 231 has been updated accordingly.



As mentioned last month, the Chemin de Fer de la Mure tourist railway (Table 397) will have a reduced operating season this year due to reconstruction work, and will run only from July 1 to August 31. Many tables are affected by engineering work, and details are shown in individual tables where possible, although this is by no means comprehensive. Not shown in the tables is that from May 8 to May 11 all services to and from Bordeaux will be affected by major works to replace the railway bridge over the River Garonne. 



The Tua - Mirandela branch line (Table 694) has a revised timetable, with two trains each way instead of three. This happened from January 28 but was unfortunately advised too late for our March edition.



Full details of the engineering work mentioned in last month's Newslines are now available and some tables have been recompiled for the period March 30 - July 4. There will be fewer trains operating between Fredericia and Århus (Table 700) and journey times will be extended. During the period of this work international trains EC 380/1 from/to Berlin, and EC 386/7 from/to Hamburg (which commences running on June 29) will operate only south of Fredericia. Trains north of Århus are also affected: temporary timings are shown in Table 701. Passengers using Arriva Tog services between Skjern, Herning and Århus (Table 713) will be required to use a connecting DSB train between Skanderborg and Århus on most journeys.



Two train pairs (3116/1317 and 3118/1319) between Kraków and Warszawa have been suspended until October 1.. Further to last month's item regarding the renovation of the Kaunas tunnel, improved connections to Kaunas are now available by changing at Marijampole, as shown in Table 1040.



Minor timetable amendments from March 3 have been incorporated into the tables.



Draft timetable amendments from April 6 have been shown in the tables where possible. The main changes affect Gyula (Table 1280), which now has additional trains to Békéscsaba, one of which runs through to Budapest.



As we closed for press, the situation regarding travel in southern Serbia and northern Kosovo worsened with cancellation of services between Kosovo Polje and Lešak (Table 1375) on some days; a resolution is currently being sought by Serbian Railways and UNMIK. As the situation is likely to change on a daily basis, travellers to the area are advised to consult local information and take advice from their own countries' foreign ministries.



The Supplement on pages 540 to 588 contains summer versions of all our International tables, valid from June 15. Much of the information in the Supplement is valid until December 13, and all the usual seasonal variations are included. However, some timings are not yet available or are subject to change. Tables will, of course, be updated as further information is received.


Table 10-Eurostar services are now shown right through to December 13 and include additional peak summer holiday services to Paris.


Table 17a New for this year is an early-afternoon service from London St Pancras to Marne la Vallée - Chessy, the station for Disneyland. This runs four days a week during the peak summer period and is timed to attract passengers living beyond London, who find the existing 0853 departure too early.. The return journey arrives into London earlier than the existing daily train. The summer Saturday through train from London to Avignon is already available for booking. The timings we have for Thalys trains are valid to October 5. We understand that the HSL Zuid high-speed line from Antwerpen to Amsterdam via Schiphol is expected to open towards the end of the year. The new line will be used by Thalys trains, cutting journey times by around an hour, as well as by the hourly Brussels - Amsterdam trains and other services operated by NS Hispeed.


Table 60- The Praha - Thessaloniki summer couchette service will increase from twice weekly to daily (early June to late September) and will run via Serbia and Macedonia instead of Romania. A through couchette car from Praha to Bar will be conveyed twice weekly.


Table 96 - The twice weekly Praha - Odesa sleeping car will double in frequency to four times weekly.


Table 99 The summer-only Cracovia 381/380 Kraków - Košice - Lökösháza - Bucureşti will convey an additional portion from Kraków to Budapest, continuing via Siofók to Keszthely on Lake Balaton. The Keszthely portion will consist of couchettes and seats, and will also include a restaurant car.