ThomasCook European Timetable 1998年3月号の What's new this monthのまとめです。















本稿を発行した時点で、ラムズゲート〜オーステンデ間(Table2190)の今後の運行について、Holyman Sally社からの発表が間近に迫っていると思われた。Hoverspeed社との提携により、ラムズゲートの代わりにドーバーから高速フェリーが就航する可能性があるが、本号の発行には間に合わなかった。


今月は多くのフェリーTableが更新された。中でも注目は、Condorが運航するウェイマス発ガーンジー島経由サン・マロ行きの高速船で、5月1日から10月15日まで運航される(Table2100)。NorseIrishFerriesは、3月11日からリバプール〜ベルファスト航路に1日2便を導入する予定であり(Table2050)、SeaContainersは、3月12日からリバプール〜ダブリン航路にSuper Sea Cat Twoを投入する(Table2052の3月20日から前倒し)。ジェノバ発のコルシカ・フェリー航路はSavonaに変更され(Table2662/3)、バルト海ではKrantas Shippingがストックホルム〜リガ間で週3便の運航を再開した。
























Table44:臨時のパリ〜アンコーナ間の夜行列車1126/7列車は、運行日を減らした上で継続運行される可能性があるが、最終的な決定は未定。夏季限定列車218/9列車 パリ〜ローマ・オスティエンセ駅間の列車は廃止。ただし、パリ~ローマ・オスティエンセ駅~ナポリ間の夜行列車(ローマ行車両連結)は、1210/1列車で、夏の繁忙期に限り週3便運行される。


Table56:サンクトペテルブルク急行は撤退するが、モスクワ急行はベルリン〜サンクトペテルブルク間の編成を連結する。これはオルシャで解併結され、サンクトペテルブルクではヴァルシャフスキー駅ではなくヴィチェプスク駅に乗り入れる。その結果、ベルリン〜リガ間の直通車両の連結は完全に失われるが、ベルリン〜ヴィリニュス間の直通車両を維持するために345/4列車(ベルリン〜ワルシャワ間は夜行)に併結し、ヴィリニュスまでグロドノ経由で昼行に運行される案がある(確認中)。モスクワ急行の運行時刻について、ベルリン発はほぼ変更なしだが、モスクワ発が23:59から11:00に変更される。ベルリン〜キエフ間は、ルブリン、ヤゴディン経由の345/4列車(ベルリン〜ワルシャワ間)を延長して運行される。345/4列車は、ベルリン〜ワルシャワ間の座席車がなくなり、寝台車のみ連結となる。また、この列車に併結され、コジアティンで解併結される週2便のベルリン〜オデッサ間の車両も追加連結された。EN24918 ヤン・キェプラ号 ケルン〜ワルシャワ間は、241/0列車オスト・ウェスト・エクスプレスを置き換えるもので、ワルシャワまでの座席車が連結されなくなる。モスクワ経由の寝台車連結は維持されるが、キエフとサンクトペテルブルク行きの直通車両連結は廃止されるため、これらの旅はベルリン以西の昼行列車を利用し、ベルリン〜サンクトペテルブルク/キエフ行きの寝台列車に乗り継ぐのがベストである。ベルリン〜ワルシャワ間の昼行ユーロシティ列車は、毎時同分発のダイヤに再編成される。また、ベルリン・ツォー駅発着に延長され、ドイツの他のインターシティー/ICE列車との接続が改善された。日中のトチェフ〜シュチェチン間の1往復の列車がベルリン発着に延長され、325/4列車 アルバトロス号となる。


Table60:ハンブルク〜ベルリン〜プラハ〜ブダペスト間のユーロシティ列車は、ベルリン中心部を通る市街線を再び経由することになり、インターシティ/ICEの他列車との接続が改善される。EN229/8 スプリー(Spree)-ドナウ・クリエー号は、379/8列車 メトロポール号に代って、ベルリン〜ライプツィヒ(〜パッサウ国境)〜ウィーン〜ブダペスト間を夜行列車として運行される。379/8列車のベルリン〜ブクレシュティ間の夜行寝台列車は廃止されるが、1279/8列車 サクソニア号がドレスデン〜ブラチスラヴァ間を夜行運行し、夏の最繁忙期にはフォニョード(Fonyód)まで延長運転される。EN371/0 イスター(イステール)号  ブダペスト〜ブクレシュティ間は、1等座席車に代わってクシェット車を連結し、373/2列車 ムンテニア号は、ソンバトヘイ/ザラエゲルセグ〜ブクレシュティ間を運行するが、従来のガラツィ発着は設定されない。377/6列車 アルトゥス号 ソンバトヘイ〜ブクレシュティ間は廃止されるが、昼行列車であるEC47/6 トラヤヌス号がこのTableに表示されている。


Table61:335/4列車 ヘラス急行を含む、ベオグラード〜テッサロニキ間の一部列車を対象に2時間程度のダイヤ変更が行われる。ミュンヘン〜ベオグラード直通車両は、フィラッハ、リュブリャーナ、ザグレブ、ヴィンコフチを経由するルートに再設定されるが(Table62)、そのうえでこのTableでも表示している。日中のEC47/6 トラヤヌス号がこのTableに記載され、EC25 フランツ・リスト号と343列車 アラボナ号の時刻表位置が入れ替わる。














Table97:ブダペスト〜ベオグラード間の早朝のインターシティ列車は廃止。335/4列車 ヘラス急行は、両方向とも2時間出発時刻を繰り上げたダイヤに変更される。


What's new this month

We hope that you have enjoyed reading about the history of the timetable in our special 125th Anniversary colour feature. In case you missed it, the extra 16-page section at the front of the timetable also includes an article about forthcoming developments in the European railway network. Looking rather less far into the future, this edition also has a Summer International Supplement (pages 509 - 540) showing summer versions of Tables 10 - 61 and 94b-97, valid from May 24 to September 26. A summary of the main changes appears on page 531. Since the February edition, the Summer Supplement has been doubled in size, and next month it will be further expanded to include all our International tables.


The schedules elsewhere in the book are valid to May 23, except for those in Sweden, where the winter timetable continues until June 7, and in Finland, where timings are valid to May 30. 


Although not strictly within the scope of this timetable, readers may like to know of a new coach service between Ashford International station and Calais Ville station operated by Connex South Eastern, and running on Mondays to Saturdays except French public holidays. The coaches leave Ashford hourly between 0800 and 1700 and travel through the Channel Tunnel on board one of Eurotunnel's Le Shuttle trains. Return from Calais Ville is every hour from 1130 to 2030. Through fares are available from Connex South Eastern stations. 


As we went to press, an announcement was thought to be imminent from Holyman Sally about the future of the Ramsgate - Oostende service (Table 2190). It is possible that the fast ferries may run from Dover instead of Ramsgate, in a tie-up with Hoverspeed, but confirmation of this could not be made in time for this issue. 


Many Shipping tables have been updated this month. Amongst the highlights are a new fast-craft service from Weymouth to St Malo via Guernsey, operated by Condor and running between May 1 and October 15 (Table 2100). Norse Irish Ferries are due to introduce a second daily sailing on their Liverpool - Belfast service from March 11 (Table 2050), whilst Sea Containers are transferring SuperSeaCat Two to operate between Liverpool and Dublin, starting on March 12 (brought forward from the March 20 date shown in Table 2052). The Corsica Ferries routes from Genova have switched to Savona (Tables 2662/3) and, in the Baltic, a service has recommenced between Stockholm and Riga, operated 3 times per week by Krantas Shipping. 


One of several publications in preparation at the moment is a new edition of the Thomas Cook New Rail Map of Europe. Much of the map. has been newly researched and redrawn, and additional scenic routes, rivers and stations are being added. Lines under construction and due to be opened before 2005 will also be shown. 


New books from Thomas Cook Publishing which are due for March release are On the Rails around Britain and Ireland (second edition), On the Rails around Europe (3rd edition), Greek Island Hopping 1998 and the International Air Travel Handbook 1998. The March-April edition of the Thomas Cook Overseas Timetable is also now available. All these can be ordered using the form at the back of this edition.

See page 531 for details of international services from May 24


Summer services from May 24

The following notes refer to the International Summer Supplement on pages 509 to 544. The new timetable will feature the long-awaited reopening of the Berlin Stadtbahn for express trains. Those from the west (e.g. Paris, Amsterdam and Brussels) will be extended from Zoo to Berlin Hbf (which will revert to its former name of Ostbahnhof), and certain trains to the east will start from Berlin Zoo.


Table 10:There will be a slight increase in the London Paris Eurostar service compared with last summer. There will be minor amendments to the service from September 7, details of which are not yet available.


Tables 15/18:The hourly 'Benelux' service between Brussels and Amsterdam will be retimed, particularly in the northbound direction where departures from Brussels Midi/Zuid will be shifted by half an hour to leave at 40 minutes past each hour. This will give better connections to and from London (Table 15) and Paris (Table 18). The Benelux trains will no longer call at Leiden, which has therefore been deleted from both tables, allowing us to add the Mechelen stop.


Table 20:The two-hourly Oostende - Köln service will be slightly retimed, and the Memling (Oostende - Dortmund) will be replaced by an Oostende Köln train. Berlin trains will be extended along the Stadtbahn from Zoo to and from Berlin Ostbf (Hbf). Timings for German internal trains have now been updated, and there is therefore considerable change from last month's table.


Tables 21/28:Passengers leaving Wien at 1020 for Köln will have to change at Nürnberg (train EC26/7, which runs Wien - Hamburg and v.v. via Köln, will be replaced by a direct ICE service running between Wien and Hamburg via the Würzburg Hannover fast line).


Table 22:The summer only Nord-West Express has been withdrawn. The reopening of the Berlin Stadtbahn means that the Amsterdam- Berlin IR trains will be extended to and from Berlin Ostbf (Hbf). The night train on this route (340/1) will continue beyond Ostbf to Berlin Lichtenberg, and will also convey a Schiphol - Amsterdam - Dresden couchette car. The connecting Berlin - Warszawa EC trains will start from Berlin Zoo and will be retimed.


Table 24:There will be a new EuroNight train named Jan Ciepura running between Köln and Warszawa, with through sleepers to Moskva, in place of the Ost-West Express. There will be no St Peterburg or Kyiv portions, and passengers from London, Paris or Brussels for these destinations will need to use day trains to Berlin and change there.


Table 28:Train 352/3 (Dortmund - Praha) will run Amsterdam - Praha during the summer, reverting to Dortmund for the winter.


Table 31:The standard MU type sleeping car in train 468/9 will be replaced by a T2.


Table 44:The dated Paris - Ancona night train 1126/7 may run on reduced dates, but the final decision is not known as yet. The summer only train 218/9 Paris Roma Ostiense will be withdrawn. However, there will be a new Paris - Roma Ostiense - Napoli night train (with car wagons to Roma) running three times weekly in each direction during high-summer, numbered 1210/1.


Table 56:The St Petersburg Express will be withdrawn but the Moskva Express will convey a Berlin - St Peterburg portion. This will be transferred at Orsha and consequently serve St Peterburg Vitebski, not Varshavski station. Berlin - Riga will consequently lose its through service altogether, but there is a proposal (awaiting confirmation) for Berlin Vilnius to retain a through service by means of train 345/4 (Berlin - Warszawa overnight) with a Vilnius leg via Grodno by day. The Moskva Express will be retimed from 2359 ex Moskva to 1100, although the Berlin departure will be little changed. Berlin - Kyiv will be served by extending train 345/4 (Berlin Warszawa) via Lublin and Yagodyn. Train 345/4 loses its Berlin Warszawa seats, so will have sleeping accommodation only. We have also added the twice-weekly Berlin - Odesa cars that are conveyed in this train and transferred at Koziatyn. EN24918 Jan Ciopura Köln - Warszawa will replace train 241/0 Ost-West Express and will lose the seats that were carried as far as Warszawa. The Moskva through sleepers will be retained, but the Kyiv and St Peterburg cars will be withdrawn, so these journeys will be best made by using day services west of Berlin, connecting with the Berlin - Sankt Peterburg/Kyiv sleeper trains. The Berlin - Warszawa daytime EC service is reorganised into a clockface pattern, although there are long gaps despite the provision of an additional mid-day EC pair, the Paberowski. EC services are also extended to start/finish at Berlin Zoo, providing better connections with the rest of the German IC/ICE network. A daytime Tczew - Szczecin pair is extended to/ from Berlin, becoming 325/4 Albatros.


Table 60:The Hamburg - Berlin - Praha - Budapest EC service will once again use the Stadtbahn through the centre of Berlin improving connections with the rest of the IC/ICE network. EN229/8 Spree-Donau Kurier will replace train 379/8 Metropol and will be rerouted to run Berlin - Leipzig (- Passau frontier) - Wien - Budapest overnight. Train 379/8's former Berlin - Bucureşti dated sleepers will be withdrawn, but there is a night service along this corridor as train 1279/8 Saxonia will run nightly Dresden - Bratislava, extended to Fonyód in high summer. EN371/0 Ister Budapest - Bucureşti will gain couchettes, in place of its first class seats and train 373/2 Muntenia will run Szombathely and Zalaegerszeg - Bucureşti, not Galaţi. Train 377/6 Alutus Szombathely - Bucureşti will be withdrawn, but daytime EC47/6 Traianus is now shown in this table to compensate.


Table 61:Some Beograd Thessaloniki trains are retimed by about two hours, including 335/4 Hellas Express. Through München Beograd cars will be re-established, routed via Villach, Ljubljana, Zagreb and Vinkovci (Table 62), but are nevertheless shown here too. The daytime EC47/6 Traianus is now shown in this table and EC25 Franz Liszt and 343 Arrabona will swap paths.


Table 94b:New once-weekly Wien - Odesa and thrice-weekly Praha - Odesa cars in the Dukla Express are shown.


Table 94c:A significant reorganisation will take place. The Tisza Express is slimmed down, but retains daily Moskva - Budapest sleepers via Kyiv, albeit down-rated to second class only, and a daily through second class sleeper to Beograd replaces the withdrawn Puskin. The main Moskva Budapest sleeper contingent (including first class), together with the non-daily St Peterburg - Budapest and Moskva - Thessaloniki cars, are rerouted via Warszawa. They are conveyed in the Ost-West Express (assuming this name is retained for the Warszawa - Moskva train) and the Bathory, consequently using Moskva Byelorusski and St Peterburg Vitebski stations and calling at Minsk en route. Details will be shown next month in Table 94a. The Moskva - Thessaloniki car is reduced from twice weekly to once weekly, and the St Peterburg - Budapest car is reduced from four-times weekly to twice-weekly. As if this weren't confusing enough, the Tisza Express and the Ost-West Express (both of which provide a Moskva Budapest service) are coincidentally both numbered trains 15 and 16, although they are of course quite separate, unrelated, trains!


Table 94d:The Bulgaria Express will no longer carry first class sleepers, and its Minsk - Sofija through car, previously daily, is reduced to three times weekly, with the St Peterburg Sofija car, also previously daily, reduced to four times weekly. The summer only Moskva - Varna cars are retained this year although confirmation of exact dates is still awaited. 


Table 95a:The Kraków - Praha portion of the overnight Silesia will gain second class seats, but the Bohemia's overnight Świnoujście and Gdynia - Praha summer-only portions will be withdrawn.


Table 95b:The Karpaty will be renumbered, retimed and diverted via Chop and Halmeu, transiting the Ukraine in lieu of the summer only Kraków Constanţa train, whose number it takes. The Karpaty will run year-round but is extended on an as required basis to Constanţa in summer. The Bem, which should be running again by May, will run year-round from Szczecin (previously from Wrocław in winter) but will be rerouted via Poznań instead of Zielona Góra. The Cracovia will be renumbered taking the Karpaty's former identity of 381/0, and the Bathory's Warszawa - Bratislava portion will have a couchette car in place of the sleeper.


Table 96:The Praha - Wien night journey will no longer be available, as a consequence of the withdrawal of the Metropol and its replacement with EN229/8 via Leipzig and Passau (Table 60).


Table 97:Early morning IC trains will be withdrawn between Budapest and Beograd in both directions, also from Budapest to Sofija, though retained in the reverse direction. Train 335/4 Hellas Express will be retimed to run two hours earlier in both directions.