キャロルのブログ -6ページ目
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God blessed my friends X 2

Had a good day!

Met my long time no see XX and had a bread bread lunch!

XX ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!


I was soooo excited by the moment I saw XX!! It's really been quite some time!!

XX ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!

XX looked a little bit tired and was in a "lighter color tone" (haha...). Despite that, I am sure XX is leading a happy life! Yeah, I am so happy for XX!! XX~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!

I didn't touch base with XX on one aspect of my life..Let's have more fun & talk this Friday with Dick Ma & Zai Zai! Looking forward to it!!

hohohoho...XX is travelling to NY....my e-purchase..*V*

An encouraging news from T.

Had quite a chat with T tonight, glad to see the job hunting has gone well.

Keep it up!! Add oil & stay confident - you are the "employee of choice". hohohoho

Get Set...

I can hear the gear wheels move one after one...

I can feel the passion the motor's pre-heating...

The 2nd in-take of PRC MT Programme is taking shape!!!!

Wao!~ I am soooo thrilled with excitement!

Today marked the kick off of this year's MTP. We are to recruit 6 MBA graduates from top Us in China.

A preliminary schedule has already been worked out by my boss and me. I will have 1 week x 3 trips to Beijing & Shanghai, between October and December. HOW GREAT?!

hohohoho...I love TRIPS of any kind! It is the adventure in exploring new places, the warmth of getting to know new peple, the understanding of different cultures and the reflection on oneself's value & positioning....that facinates me...totally irresistible...!!!!

I was quite "hyper" today simply because of the upoming travel opportunities while received many distainful look from my colleagues ...haha...most of them are already fed up with biz trips.

(the average trip per year per my colleagues was 8 in 2004! - that's also why we have very high travel insurance premium...)

Well. Today's ring initiated the count-down. Time is running short. I have to plan really well and make sure everything on the critical path is alright from time to time...challenging & exciting!! Yeah, a chance to practice another project mgt.

I will make good use of my time before mid October to meet you all, my friends. I maybe disappeared until x'mas...but I will leave my footprints here in this blog.

(ah right, I will have to forego my Kyoto momichi trip....wu...wu...)

To T...( >__< )

Just received a bad news. Really bad news.

My friend T, whom I once thought is full of potential has ruined herself.

I know I am using very heavy words...but I really think T needs someone to slap on her and wake her up. SHE IS FULL OF POTENTIAL! It's only the insecurity inside her that blows off all her confidence and blocks all her potential.

This time, the mistake is just too CRITICAL. And she missed the chance TWICE! (oh my god!)

I am not intended to scold T in such a heavy way nor want T to blame herself too much... but she really needs to learn this lesson. She used to escape from whatever difficulties, run far and far away, hide problems in a cave and creat ghosts to threaten herself. Usually problem snowballs and makes her unbreathable. The hypo ghost turned out be a real ghost...

My poor T...I am so sad to learn that you have to quit and move to another path which you are not supposed to be in yet.

However, it's already the fact. I hope this lesson is profound enough to change your basic attitude, one that has been posting you in danger...

Just learn but don't look back. You need more courage and energy to move forward. Add oil & let me know if anything I could be of your help.

GOOD LUCK, my dear little girl.


On the contrary, this is a movie that I won't recommend.

Well...I was somehow tempted to go for this movie but it turned out to be quite disappointing =(

Being a super "backbone" member of the company's social club committee, I surely wouldn't miss any chance for fun!

It was the annual movie-watching activity we had last week at Palace IFC, exclusively for SWIFT & friends.

It could be that I did not share the "collective memory' / nostalgia towards the classic TV sitcom...I simply found the part of refliming (overlapping) between the old & new...irked and dull. My friend SW even fell asleep...

I had some reservation towards the movie night. Nothing to do with integration among staff (just come & bye), rather, a premium to colleauges & thier friends.

Anyway, I was glad to know most of the colleagues had fun that night.

And for the Tams', SW & me, what's the most impressive of the night was the dinner at Union Bar & Grille.

Yummy Yummy~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (O^v^O)


A SUPER FUNNY movie to recommend!!!

I watched this movie with my dear chairman of "Tsing Yi Friends' Club" (青衣之友會).

(well...we have 2 members only) -__-"

We both laughed like crazy during and after the movie...we just couldn't help but laughing helplessly in the restuarant, in the mall and in the MTR cabinet. Hope we will not become publicly banned persons.

Never before in my history that I had laughed so hard...stomach ache & tears...it's ture!

Even it was 2 weeks ago we watched the movie, until now, whenever the little snapshots come cross my mind, I just crack into a smile...and I have to control my muscle not to turn it into a laugh...it's tough but I don't want to scare any person on the street.

I have alwyas been fond of Japanese movie, for their attention to the very little detailness. Every snapshots was printed with a comical element. They could be silent, while if you are curious and eye catchy enough, you will discover and surprised by the many funny funny stuff!!

A 5-star movie to those who have been under intense pressure from work or what-so-ever. Watch it and empty all your negative emotions. You will find yourself totally emancipated after the huge laughers.

(well...I have to admit that the Chinese name of this movie is awkful. But don't let it stop you from watching it!)

Welcome to this cozy little place!

Been meaning to get a cozy sphere to cultivate sharing with my friends for some time, finally get it done by today. Yo!~

We have grown with the flying time, incredibly fast. We know where we are and where we are heading, while not being able to realize what we have bypassed.

We need some time-outs or will be burnt out.

Relax, take a deep breathe & get everything unloaded onto here.

I hope I can liberal myself from the multiple roles played during the day and resume the very primary responsibilty to retreat and treat myself. Tidy up my thoughts and make sure alignment with my ultimate value and final goal.

This is a fitness centre for both the mind & heart. Enjoy the mental exercise, discharge the toxic energy, capture learnings and turn them into nutrit
ion. To build a tougher self , for the well-being of my beloved ones.

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