キャロルのブログ -2ページ目

Write write write

These days always feel the urge to write.

It is often said that floods of emotions are stimulators, inspire creativity...

The ups and downs, further downs and ups...the swirls of emotions these days...did generate much thoughts within myself, with profound shock and realization...

It is an extremely huge urge to write.

This might involve nothing more than a lengthly letter or diary, but it could also be a novel, screenplay, or poem. Have so much concerns to express...intellectually, philosophically or spiritually..that I really want to shed the light on...

In the course of writing, I am surprised that I come up with more questions than answers....

Finally, it's still about writing, as well as reading, that I have the passion for...

Oops! Its DECEMBER!!!!

OH MY GOD!~ It's already December!

The green envelope

Received the very first salary tax assessment of mine...

The Love Personality Test

The Love Personality Test


Your love type

About 3-4% of the U.S. population possesses the combination of traits that make up this personality type.

Being an INFP means that like a walking encyclopedia, you can be an incredible resource of information. In fact, people of your type have such a diverse array of interests that others probably see you as a real Renaissance person. More than many people, you appear to have the gift of being able to think with your head and your heart. This can make you a compassionate individual. In addition, although you may not necessarily be religious, chances are you're deeply in tune with your feelings and spirituality. Being conscious and creative can be vital aspects of your identity. Given your passionately held beliefs, you're not the kind of person who is going to easily lose sight of who you are.

In relationships, you're the kind who is able to fulfill both the roles of a caring friend and a romantic partner. You don't take your relationships for granted. For example, you'd ordinarily rather spend your time with close friends than spread yourself thin between many acquaintances. You are a genuine person — not the type to hand out meaningless compliments. Most times, you'll think carefully before you speak, so when you do say something others know that your praise is real.

By and large, you can be trusted with other people's feelings. However, you can have difficulty trusting others with yours. At times when you get hurt, you're more likely to keep it to yourself rather than let the other person know. This makes it more difficult to resolve interpersonal issues. However, because you're an easygoing person, you usually won't let such things get to you. You know how to relax and simply have a good time. Maintaining harmony is important to INFPs like you. As a result, you will typically take your relationships, and your life, with the appropriate doses of seriousness and whimsy.

What makes you a good partner and friend?

You're comfortable with who you are
You can adapt to a variety of situations
You are a creative, imaginative thinker
You know how to be sensitive to other people's feelings

So now that you know about your personality and the many special qualities that you possess, it's time to learn which other types you're most compatible with in life and love. You'll also find out why those types are more suited for you than the others. Ready to find out who you connect with best?

Your most compatible types
Because you're an Intuitive Feeler (NF), you possess the kind of emotional intelligence that helps you be compassionate and understanding of people's needs. Not only are NFs like you known for having great people skills, but your type can also be quite adept at big picture thinking and creativity. Because of this mix of traits, you typically appreciate those who are supportive and practical. As a result, you're most compatible with Sensing Feelers (SFs). SFs are apt to be emotionally involved in your relationship and can also often help you to achieve your goals. As an NF, juggling several projects at once can be natural for you. However sometimes you may have trouble completing them. Having an SF at your side can help keep you on track, because they're usually detail-oriented and great cheerleaders. An NF/SF pairing often results in a caring, tuned-in relationship. There are four NF/SF matches for you: ESFJ, ISFJ, ESFP, ISFP.


"Given that you have time for yourself, what's the first thing that pops up on your mind?"

My answer was - read more books.

Accidentally watched the making of a JP movie: 春の雪~清顕と聡子の追想物語~ last friday.

春の雪 (This is the official website of the movie)

Sooooooooooooo much want to watch the moive...>_< I wish I am in Japan right now...

A strong desire grows inside me, it's the passion...and even the thirst to learn more about this story, one of the masterpieces of Mishima Yukio.

"春の雪" lied in my book shelf, marked "bought in Taipei, 2001". Stayed untouched for long.

It's been a long long long time I haven't picked up a literature.

Throughout the past 2 years, I have been reading management books, thoeries, proses, essays, etc. The way to read those straight-forward/simple style writing is..."a glance at 10 lines", capture the central theme, apply with own experience/ make up cases.

It is totally different from reading a literature. And I realized how maladroit I become...not until 10 mins after continued trial, I could not fine tune myself with the book.

Reading a literature is certainly a luxury. It requires enormous concentration and patience to read every single word. It consumes the mental power to imagine and to put oneself into the situation.

However, it worths the efforts. The joy and touch of transcending oneself across time and space...

More than words. It is the vitamin for my soul.

It is the extreme satisfaction I obtain from literature, always, but I nearly have forgotton about.

Nowadays people are so much overwhelmed with entertainment that provides instant sensory stimulation...TV/PC games, movies, etc. The virtue of books are totally discarded...what a tragic phenomeanon.

It's just uncomparable.

刺激感官的娛樂 vs 陶冶性情的書籍.

"Discover the hidden meaning in your name"

Yik Ka

You are charming, talented and have a very positive attitude to life so it is hardly surprising that you attract success and recognition. Focussed and patient you understand that material rewards are a result of discipline. Being so creative and with a need for self-expression you may be drawn towards the arts, travel is also likely to be important. A loyal friend, you are a person who must be allowed freedom and independence.


Strong and womanly : Teutonic

You are an inspiring leader whose originality, creativity and wisdom are applied to creating practical solutions to "unsolvable" problems. Humanitarian and idealistic your vision is to make the world a better place and you will work to this end. Hardworking and tenacious people admire you for your honesty and integrity. You are a loved and loyal friend and partner. Your have the potential to achieve enormous success in the world.


What color should you eyes be?

Your Eyes Should Be Violet
Your eyes reflect: Mystery and allure

What's hidden behind your eyes: A quiet passion

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KSC + Sai Kung Seafoodo!


Yeah, finally it is the day.

Time flies. It was like a few months ago I met Karen & re-union w/ Mr. So but acutally it's already >2 years.

It was my proud to have heard from Karen & Mr So that their best moment in PG lies with "sustainable development", where we KSC get together on a project in Sai Kung, by which we build up our deep friendship. Full of fun and touches.

Today, all of us fulfilled our mission and rewarded ourselves at Sai Kung, for our long waited seafoodo dinner. Yummy Yummy and warm warm.

John Papa

Being defeated

It's funny, the magic of willpower.

I am the kind of person, who possesses very strong willpower.

The very potent willposwer fuels up my abition, trancends...and over all physiological needs.

Coffee does not work on me. I don't need a coffee if I'm really determined to acheive something, burn the mid night oil simply by my willpower.

However, willpower cannot last long. It is a talisman, not always available but only for critical moments.

I inflated, not with pride, but made myself energetic all the time to accomplish tons of urgent works in the past month. By the time the tasks are done, a crisis arouse.

A totally unexpected exhuastion of my willpower, it turned weird and stirred my emotion.

Fortunately, the crisis has gone (I wish it's not just "delayed" - touch wood) and all my willpower evapors, my body punctured and my immune system fell asleep.

I am defeated finally. Despite I took the flu vacinnation.

Had a fever last night and woke up with a masculine voice...very painful sore >_<

Another point for pople with strong willpower - they are usually very stubborn.
