春の雪 | キャロルのブログ


"Given that you have time for yourself, what's the first thing that pops up on your mind?"

My answer was - read more books.

Accidentally watched the making of a JP movie: 春の雪~清顕と聡子の追想物語~ last friday.

春の雪 (This is the official website of the movie)

Sooooooooooooo much want to watch the moive...>_< I wish I am in Japan right now...

A strong desire grows inside me, it's the passion...and even the thirst to learn more about this story, one of the masterpieces of Mishima Yukio.

"春の雪" lied in my book shelf, marked "bought in Taipei, 2001". Stayed untouched for long.

It's been a long long long time I haven't picked up a literature.

Throughout the past 2 years, I have been reading management books, thoeries, proses, essays, etc. The way to read those straight-forward/simple style writing is..."a glance at 10 lines", capture the central theme, apply with own experience/ make up cases.

It is totally different from reading a literature. And I realized how maladroit I become...not until 10 mins after continued trial, I could not fine tune myself with the book.

Reading a literature is certainly a luxury. It requires enormous concentration and patience to read every single word. It consumes the mental power to imagine and to put oneself into the situation.

However, it worths the efforts. The joy and touch of transcending oneself across time and space...

More than words. It is the vitamin for my soul.

It is the extreme satisfaction I obtain from literature, always, but I nearly have forgotton about.

Nowadays people are so much overwhelmed with entertainment that provides instant sensory stimulation...TV/PC games, movies, etc. The virtue of books are totally discarded...what a tragic phenomeanon.

It's just uncomparable.

刺激感官的娛樂 vs 陶冶性情的書籍.