キャロルのブログ -3ページ目

Eat Eat Eat

Lost 3 pounds in 2 days last week...because of the little "depression" at work.

With high resilience, I resumed normal these 2 days...and started eating again...

Our very handsome VP from HQ visits HK these days and it is one of my major role to keep him entertained.

Originally looked forward to have some nice chats with this respectful gentleman but simply don't have the time & energy, both of us...

Accomplished an impossible mission...which exhuasted our whole team's energy...

Therefore, we rewarded ourselves for lunch & dinner at:

- Cusine cusine @ IFC mall

- Lung King Hee @ Four Seasons Hotel

Nice but very expensive food...@_@

Had a feeling....as if I'm in Shanghai...the price tag doesn't make any sense to me...

Congratulations to Zai Zai!!

*\(-^o^-)/* Congratulations to Zai Zai, on his graduationi!

Already fogot when was the last time I visited UST.

Thx to Zai Zai who gave me the reason to return to this old & friendly place.

And, of course, met nice friend friend.

It is D--K Ma who knows me so well, as he always does.

He pats the softest part of my heart...right at the first moment and to the point...>_<:::

Thx DM! Regain some strength and I will conduct myself virtuously.

Continue w/ my professionalism, integrity. These are some of my ultimate values that would not be weaken by anybody.

Thx DM, who is absolutely a soulmate of mine. He always gives me the right support & comfort.

Yeah right, one element not yet mentioned. It's my nostalgic CHICKEN WING @ the new cafe!

hehehe. ate to my heart's content.

Felt much better.

Accidentally went to APM.

Accidentally reminded of DM's advice: "It is good to treat yourself."

Accidentally got into a JPN boutinque...and...a crazy shopping followed by. >_<

Aiya...spent really too much. $$ fly away....>_<

Will have to cook myself lunch for the month...(anyhow,it is going to be enjoyable)

A good news, discovered a new book from 新井一二三.

Put it down in my shopping list and leisure (to-do) list.

Slow Life

Something happened yesterday that shook my faith...

It was so painful that...it was the first time...that I cannot control my tears on the way home.

It was about a very respectful person of mine, who has planted so much values onto me... while all of a sudden, destroyed most of them...that's too cruel.

Had a long long chat w/ my soulmate C...until dawn.

Vent my sadness and guilt that I cannot give strength to that dear person.

I took C's advice.

I will not inolve nor be responsible for other's choice.

As long as I voice out my true thoughts and advice, it is up to the person to make the choice.

Woke up with a new day.

It is the first day I finally can call a time-off.

It is a little gap that I can slow down and relax. Fuel my energy for the coming selection process.

Nowhere to go. No one to meet.

Stayed at home peacefully.

I found myself really enjoy cooking. It is the best way to relief myself from the stress recently.

And start to like rice very much...

I am thinking of bringing a rice cooker to the office...and cook my lunch.

It is such a good feeling to eat a bowl of hot, soft & white rice during the work break.

It's just so simple & warm...this is the little magic that works on me lately.

What's next, time for J-drama. With no surprise, I chose "Slow Dance ".

Still enjoying it at this moment. A nice one.

Finally can fine tune my pace, to a much slower pace.

Many thoughts generated.

One of them is...to look for a new life experience. hehe

Love psycho test


" 你的愛情,不但成熟,而且沈實。有種境界叫:「見山又是山,見水又是水。」你大概就是如此吧!你終於可以很溫柔地看待不同愛情階段的人,並且可以很溫柔的陪伴和對待對方,你不企求長相廝守的承諾,因為你深知其中難處;你不會殘忍地打破愛情中年輕人的夢想,你只會微笑地等他看見當中的幼稚、無知。如果,有個人能真正地愛到你,也真正被你所愛,那麼一定是件幸福的事;不,不止是幸福,應該說,這才是最浪漫的事。"



A milestone passed !

It was GOOD LUCK w/ us last year that everything was soooo smooth, it was a great success.

It was so lucky that, we seemed to have used up the quota of luck for this year...

Full of adventures (@ every talk!, but fixed in the last minute)...and met many dirty people (e.g. custom @SH)....-__-.....

Well, since everything was settled, this year's experience is even more precious, when looked back...full of challenges and learnt a lot of lesson.

Thrilling results (so far):

- Recevied more than 120 applications before the tour.

"What?! I am going home!?!" - This was the response I got from the team...haha

- We were popular among the students. Almost full house in 4 Us and 1 U more than full..around 20 audiences stood for 1.5 hours for our presentation.

- We were well received by all the 5 universities, supported with the best venue and equipment.

- Impressed by the "cream" students. This year we caught the right timing and hopefully will get the brightest students.

- Most of all, full of FUN!!! Another time we demonstrated teamwork. And, Seldom do we have the chance to chat, in depth.

This is the funniest picture we took.

These are the very senior and well-off people...eating in a student canteen of Tsinghua University.

The picture is probably too small that the IRON PLATES (divider) were not obvious. --> IT WAS A "BIG WOK RICE" STYLE OF COMMUNIST LUNCH!!!

hahaha, once again, we demonstrated our copmany's culture- inclusiveness.

To all our surprise, the lunch tasted really GOOD!

And the gentlemen all went for additional rice....

It was more than happy that, I got the chance to visit Clara jei's new nest in Shanghai.


Seems that everytime she picked a place where there is a conbini nearby. (it was FamilyMart last time).

haha...it's LAWSON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stole time from my very packed schedule and relax with Clara. And we had a huge DISCOVERY!!!

DVD for all kinds of drama/movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah, look forward to meeting Clara next month in Shanghai. It will be the time for 1st interview.

What a hectic week..

Rewarded myself a lazy Sunday, successfully unloaded the burden in my head.

Look at the hectic shedule I had last week:


- 9 am - 11pm: Work


- 9 am - 5:30 pm: Work

- 6 pm - 10 pm: Ice-skating


- 9 am - 6 pm: Work

- 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm: HR Award ceremony @ Mandarin Oriental Hotel

- 8:00 pm - 11:30 pm: Worked again


- 8 am - 10:30 pm: Work


- 8 am - 5:30 pm: Training

- 5:30 pm - 11:30 pm: Work


- 1 pm - 6 pm: Set up & trial run online application platform

- 7 pm - 10 pm: Dine w/ Junying, my fd from Taiwan


- 12pm: Wake up & Clinc ( for skin allergy drug & flu vacinnation)

~ hmm, seems the stress always irritates me in a form of skin allergy. An alarm. It was a mercy that it does not happen on my face

- 3 pm - 5pm : nap

That week had even harder work than the previous one, while I succeeded in taking it easy and convining myself the meaning within it.

Well... sorry friends, I was like a "a walking corpse" every night and was so dim to chat with/ have fun with. Let's have more fun later....

The coming week will be critical and it's time to fly again.

Add add oil!!

Ice Ice Carol

Believe it or not?! Carol went ice-skating tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah, I myself cannot believe it either...

Tonight went with my colleagues for ice-skating in Glacier, Festival Walk.

The last time I went ice-skating was in Primary 6...in "Lai Yuen"...hahaha..

It was the time when ice-skating was very popular in HK..even with 2 rinks in the Tsuen Wan district already...!

I used to enjoy it very much, not until it becomes a place for gangsters..

I once thought my story with ice-skating would end at that point...

hohohohoho...more than 10 years, I return to the rink.

I re-started as a beginner, my foot cannot recognize the skate boots and not feeling comforable with the blaze...

"HeLP~~~~~!!" I screamed at the coach...during the first 5 mins...

But bit by bit, I recall the rhythm. In 30 mins' time, I regain the courage and sense to the ice.

I started to surf on the rink....(of course with a no. of falls)

(and thought of "pride"..)

Wow~~~~~~~how marvellous?!

I like the speed and the curve that I went through...

It was a feeling of emancipation...add & add & add up the speed...I nearly crashed to the wall...but was able to U-turn.


It's so much FUN!!

Hey friends, any of you would like to go ice-skating?

Call me & let's go have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Habit & Diet

Somehow, I have to admit that...there is no one else in the world that are so much interwined with me as Clara does...

We don't keep close contact. But whenever I am in depression, she will appear and stand by me...

Had a long chat with Clara jei last night. Switch my mind off from the -ve side & regain the strength ...

I am not going to yield. I won't turn myself a victim. I can choose...

Therefore, I chose to sleep earlier last night...haha

I need some change. Start with a regular habit. Sleep & wake up one hour earlier (11pm-7am).

Wake up earlier is one of the toughest thing in the world...for a super sleep queen like me..

For Clara's miracle, I suceeded in getting up at 7am.

The extra hour allows me to work on a more balanced diet. Cook myself instead of taking junk/fast food for lunch.

Made Onigiri for today both lunch & dinner...(yes, hv to work overtime tonight)

Plan for today's work and restrict the off hour for myself. Increase the control and ownership of my life.

Everything go smooth today, with my energy level resumed high.

Good work Carol -keep it up!

Fat Beef Ball

Fished by chariman to McDonald's, for FAT BEEF BALL!!!!

Still not in a +ve mood.

Hope I can re-engineer my mind...take a +ve lense to see what I am facing at work....asap..

And try not to victimize myself...ADD OIL!!!!!



Friday is always embedded with passion...a gratify for a hard-wroking week and an expectation to retreat & reward myself a private life...

Today is an exceptional Friday...a Friday that lacks of strength.

The business trip did not consume much of my physical energy...but it exhausted my mental power...

"Holmes Carol" continues the detective work...on the other hand, the mini trial is in place.

The air coagulated...so heavy that it pressed my head.

Good that tomorrow is a Saturday...I will take a full sleep...until the afternoon.