キャロルのブログ -5ページ目

Role model

Roger P, an admirable person in my company.

A truly one-minute manager.

Thanks to the sudden pop up of different workshops, I had the chance to work with Roger intensively for 2 weeks.

Roger has a very strong mental power & is highly influencial.

Roger is keen on playing magic through a postive len, turning challenges into learning opportunities; Roger is well equipped & can get/set/go in any moment, for change is a constant.

It was absolutely enjoyable to work with Roger.

Roger sets clear & precise goal, praises & reprimands behaviors, encourages people, speaks out the truth, makes fun and shares.

How great?!

Totally agree with my boss, we will certainly miss Roger when he returns to HQ in Dec..

Open communication workshop

Worked until 10 sth tonight. *_*

I read my first email of the day at 2:00 pm...my whole work schedule was postponed to the afternoon because of an unexpected launch of an "open communication workshop" ....been the understudy - "grab somebody from HR!".

Without knowing what it's all about, I entered the meeting realizing it was solely for the customer support team...*o*...despite the abstruse language used by the technical person, it's fun to be an alien exploring the neighbourhood planet.

The workshop itself did not mention much about knowledge, rather it's a sharing among colleagues.

It was a team of all levels, basically classified into 3 communication groups...

1) Parent

2) Adult

3) Kid

Some teamleaders play the role of a parent, being bossy & stern, sometimes caring; some are adults being rational; some are kids being emotional.

The first time I engaged in such a setting...as if I am invisible...eavesdropping the conversation & internal conflicts of the team...

Well, I would say the root of the problem is very fundamental, fatal & difficult to change...sigh.

As HR we can invite and faciltate an open communication. We do not judge nor jump to conclusion. We bring in invloved party and let them articulate, vent the posionous air.

Although in life we can mould a person to "parent" in face of a "kid" (be caring & tolerating) or a "kid" to a "kid" (take it easy and stay playful). At work, we should bring both parties to "adult" to "adult".

These are all ideal. An open communication may not be achievable for much more reasons we can think of. It may end up unresolved. Anyway, just try our very best to be a mediator.

Felt myself being very lucky as communication is indeed very open in my team. I received strokes everyday (both +ve & -ve), that either cushion me to fly high or beat me up to betterment.

n__n Add add oil!!

Yeah! My hard work pays.

Many people knew Carol trapped herself at home into books...for most of the time in September.

Even myself amazed at the tenure I demonstrated in the GRP certification. I worked far harder than I used to be at school...how weird?!

hehe, finally I got my marks. >90% for both modules. ^o^v

GRP does mean something to me. It is the recognition & expectaion of me from my boss, the platform for me to come into contact with the HR profession, the green house that nurture me with nutritions & confidence to work in a global setting...

Just had more than full motivation to keep me up learning.

It was indeed a great experience to keep my mind running between topics, arcoss countries, round the systems. Excellent mental exercise.

Despite I was the far youngerest and most junior one in the class...(well, they were all head of whatever HR function) I still found myself comfortable sharing/ chating with them. I once felt sick of socializing in the so-called business setting but in fact it's nothing more than "be yourself".

Energetic, intellectual, people-oriented, . That's the comment I received from my work group & the trainer. It was certainly a compliement...n_n

The every bit of support & recognition ignited the fire inside me...haha...I aborbed whatever taught in class, thought through my mind, hands up for ideas & questions, and nearly ate the books. =P

It was sooooooo unbelievable yet thrilling to learn I topped the class in one of the module...hohoho.

The yesterday me was too green, the present me is getting red, maturing and taking shape. With all the support & recognition, some day, I will fly high.

Glad to have the chance to mix within the company and among the professionals in the industy. More and more I found here really a place I belong to.

I promised the tomorrow me, I am living evreyday to my fullest.

Add oil!!

(Yeah 2/8 modules completed - keep it up!!)

Yellow minded ?!

I am a classic "yellow" person, as indicated by the HDBI thinking style assessment tool.

Had an enjoyable training on "4 Colors of Thinking" today in the office.

It is all about your preferred thinking style, the preferred approach to emotional, analytical, structural and strategic thinking, in the belief that once an individual understands his or her thinking style preferences, the door is open to improved communication, leadership, management, problem solving, decision making and other aspects of personal and interpersonal development.

It started with the findings that the brain has four distinct and specialized structuress that handle the 1) WHAT 2) HOW ; 3) WHO & 4) WHY questions.

It is basically the distinction of Right / Left Brain and Outer/ Inner Brain.

Left Brain:

Blue people are analytical, concern about facts/ figures;

Green people are structual, concern about procedures;

Right Brain:

Yellow people are conceptual, concern about big pictures/ meaning;

Red people are emotional, concern about people/ feeling;

Inner Brain: more on instinct, gut feeling -Green, Red

Outter Brain: more on high level thinking, metapysical-Yellow, Blue

Well...no wrong or right, good or bad.

It is all about combination. My profile suggested that I am a highly "yellow"person, with a mixture of many "red" and average "blue" & "green". Not surprising though.

Glad that my work is rather "green" that holds me back from slipping to the extreme "yellow".

According to the model, I am best fit for an artist, writer will be an ideal. Yeah, my dream job!!!! ho ho ho..

Our group was made up of people from all colors and it was absolutely fun to role play and think in the way how the others think.

We had exercises in working with 1) people with the same style; 2) a group of 3 different styles to present to the 4th style; 3) get a deal with people from the opposite style...

Inevitably most of us return to the original selves...haha..

"To think in the others' shoes" easier said then done. And we were all surprised by how hard it is and how important it is.

To sum up, that's how we can make an effective communication

1. Brain Scan

- Look for the background of the audience (what's his/her preferred thinking style?)

- Look for the hopes of the audience (what interests him/her?)

- Look for the fears of the audience (what the audience is uncomfortable about?)

2. Think in a full brain

- Don't miss out any aspects, think in a holistic point of view to address all important issues

3. Get complementart partners

- At work, it will be best for an organization to have ppl of difference color. (haha..it exactly describes my team)

(to be continued)

Congradulations to Zai Zai!!

*\(-^o^-)/* Congratulations to Zai Za, on his graduationi!

Already fogot when was the last time I visited UST.

Thx to Zai Zai who gave me the reason to return to this old & friendly place.

And, of course, met nice friend friend.

It is D--K Ma who knows me so well, as he always does.

He pats the softest part of my heart...right at the first moment and to the point...>_<:::

Thx DM! Regain some strength and I will confuct myself virtuously.

Continue w/ my professionalism, integrity. These are some of my ultimate values that would not be weaken by anybody.

Thx DM, who is absolutely a soulmate of mine. He always give me the right support & comfort.

Yeah right, one element not yet mentioned. It's my nostalgic CHICKEN WING @ the new cafe!

hehehe. ate to my heart's content.

Felt much better.

Accidentally went to APM.

Accidentally reminded of DM's advice: "It is good to treat yourself."

Accidentally got into a JPN boutinque...and...a crazy shopping followed by. >_<

Aiya...spent really too much. $$ fly away....>_<

Will have to cook myself lunch for the month...(anyhow,it is going to be enjoyable)

A good news, discovered a new book from 新井一二三.

Put it down in my shopping list and leisure (to-do) list.

Train Man

Yeah, another relaxing moive day with my chairman of Tsing Yi Friend's Club.

An average movie...

As a comedy, it did not succeed in contrasting the extremes: "Train man" is not helpless enough and "Ms Hermes" does not possess the goodnes beauty...their love story doesn't sound that unattainable and the magic effect just doesn't work.

It could be that I have watched the J-Drama of "Train Man". I was first -__-" by the nasty behaviours of "Train Man" but surprised to see how he managed to be a better man. The vast change proves his efforts and step by step he impressed "Ms Hermes" and makes the miracle happens.

The movie is too condense that the support from the internet group, the way how "Train boy" touched "Ms Hermes"...jumped from here and there, not profound, too quick. Not convincing.

P.S: A big thanks to Steve Fu who risk the danger to download "Train Man" for me..hahahaha

Challenging the stomach & legs

Challenged the limits of human-being.

To celebrate Sa-sa's good news and embarking on a new stage of life, we indulged ourselves in dessert - had a tea buffet at Cova; followed by shopping round the CWB.

It was absolutely value for money. Once again, Cova facinated me.

Not only for the delicious cakes and plates, but also the nicely blended Mocha.

Everything was soooo delicious that we couldn't help but pouring in cakes into our stomach one after one....so full that I couldn't take in anything else for the next 10 hours.

Nice environment, Great food, top serivce that catalyzed our conversations.

From work to friends, to love, to life attitude.

My sincere hope and best wishes to Sa-sa's new life. Goodbye the worries-free school days and welcome the new challenging days. Days will likely to be heavier but can hold you down to earth.That's life but you will find it interesting walking on the ground (than sitting on a cloud).

What came next was the shopping session!

We walked and walked and walked without any rest for near 6 hours...to shop myself a wallet (but yield nothing) and Sa-sa's trousers (again, yield nothing).

The out fashioned me finally had the chance to cling back to the trend. We window shopped nearly all malls in CWB...really tired. I couldn't even make a sensible conversation when it turned 10pm. Legs broken, mind disconnected.

aiyaya...really have to admit turned old already la...>_<

Sa-sa was still energetic at the moment we said goodbye...(and could still afford a dinner...)


"hohoho, I am fully charged with positive energy!" said XX after non-stop laughers for more than 2 hours.

Indeed. It was us - XX, Dick Ma, Zai Zai and I who enjoyed to our fullest at Kung Tak Lam: Great friends, Great food & Great fun.

We all looked more or less the same despite it's been almost a year, (actually I forgot when we last met) despite that Dick Ma looked even silmmer...

As usual, our table overflowed with jokes and laughers....haha...!! Really low b but crazy...!!

hohoho, good to learn that XX is enjoying much of her life now. We're all sure Mr. Tam does a very great job! Looking at XX ,I learn what's the mean by "simplicity itself is a blessing". n_n

Best wishes to Zai zai, for a even better career. And, Congratulations to Zai Zai on his graduation!!! Recalled last year ZaiZai helped me to take pics from the roof. Thanks very much!!

Top of the wishes to Dick ma, for everything go smooth and your dream comes true...


We KSC ( Karen- Sohand- Carol) has a yet-to-realize dream - dine out in a Sai Kung seafood restaurant.

Sustaining tourism in Sai Kung was the project that brought us together as good friends (Wao! it's more than 2 years) and we wanted so much to celebrate the success by re-visiting SK...(well...it's been dragged on for 2 years...haha)

Although this time we stay in the urb., chats with KS already sufficed me.

Karen is a sweet lady that always brings with her a relaxing mood. hohohoho...we can talk about anything, sometimes super low b sometimes sophisticated...what a funny friend!

Mr. So used to be the "spokeperson" of our group...hahaha. Both K&I used to be the listeners.

There seemed a change, Mr. So listened patiently on my stories and shared his stories in Tai O.

By the time we almost finished the rib mountain, it was time to leave.

A good night afterall. Good to see friends are doing better and better! Keep it up!

p.s.: we dined in the Fat Angelos in TST. It looked & tasted localized...ma ma

Red Leaf in BJ!

Just thought I am going to miss the red leaf season this autumn...but...hohohoho, who knows - there's still the chance!

Had a nice chat with my friend from Tsinghua and learnt that Beijing will soon enter the red leaf season -there is high chance I caught it!!! YEAH!!~~~

Well, have to admit that expectation on BJ's is much lower than that of Kyoto's...and, aferall, it's a business trip... hmmm, better than nothing though...

Ah, what's encouraging is...althought there is no "he is ho lor san" but friends from CSP. Will write up emails and plan for Re-U!! yeah, look forward to meeting Haige, Nana and Gale (who else is in BJ now?)

hohohoho, so happy, even just think about it =)

These days not getting too well with mom,one of the consequences is, no more lunch box...haha

Experiencing different lunches in Central.

Today went to "Soup Cafe" at HK station with my boss. Very "homemade" style dishes but certainly not of such a price. hmmm...yet very popular among white collars, especially the 20 sth cohort.

Realized more and more of my friends changed their taste, being more prone to peaceful life at home, instead of colorful life at Karaoke, shopping malls, etc. I am typical. a pleasant day is a day at home, do some readings, play with cats, be a chef and then sum up feelings & thoughts for the day.