To T...( >__< ) | キャロルのブログ

To T...( >__< )

Just received a bad news. Really bad news.

My friend T, whom I once thought is full of potential has ruined herself.

I know I am using very heavy words...but I really think T needs someone to slap on her and wake her up. SHE IS FULL OF POTENTIAL! It's only the insecurity inside her that blows off all her confidence and blocks all her potential.

This time, the mistake is just too CRITICAL. And she missed the chance TWICE! (oh my god!)

I am not intended to scold T in such a heavy way nor want T to blame herself too much... but she really needs to learn this lesson. She used to escape from whatever difficulties, run far and far away, hide problems in a cave and creat ghosts to threaten herself. Usually problem snowballs and makes her unbreathable. The hypo ghost turned out be a real ghost...

My poor T...I am so sad to learn that you have to quit and move to another path which you are not supposed to be in yet.

However, it's already the fact. I hope this lesson is profound enough to change your basic attitude, one that has been posting you in danger...

Just learn but don't look back. You need more courage and energy to move forward. Add oil & let me know if anything I could be of your help.

GOOD LUCK, my dear little girl.