God blessed my friends X 2 | キャロルのブログ

God blessed my friends X 2

Had a good day!

Met my long time no see XX and had a bread bread lunch!

XX ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!


I was soooo excited by the moment I saw XX!! It's really been quite some time!!

XX ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!

XX looked a little bit tired and was in a "lighter color tone" (haha...). Despite that, I am sure XX is leading a happy life! Yeah, I am so happy for XX!! XX~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!

I didn't touch base with XX on one aspect of my life..Let's have more fun & talk this Friday with Dick Ma & Zai Zai! Looking forward to it!!

hohohoho...XX is travelling to NY....my e-purchase..*V*

An encouraging news from T.

Had quite a chat with T tonight, glad to see the job hunting has gone well.

Keep it up!! Add oil & stay confident - you are the "employee of choice". hohohoho