[Introduction] Chizuru Mizuhara's Love Story | 恋心、お借りします



[Introduction] Chizuru Mizuhara's Love Story: Does Chizuru Love Kazuya? When did it start?


■Original Japanse version

【導入】水原千鶴の恋物語 千鶴は和也が好きなの?いつから?



Hello! I am Korakuone, a Chizuru Mizuhara otaku. Are you enjoying Kanokari?

A Perfect girlfriend, Chizuru Mizuhara. Is Chizuru in love with Kazuya? It seems like she has feelings for him somewhat, but when did her love for him start? What is Chizuru thinking? I am sure you must have such questions when you arrived at this article.

Kanokari is rare among recent romantic comedies in that it is a pure love story between the main heroine and the main character; from chapter 50 of volume 7 onward, the focus is on the romantic relationship and cooperation between the two, Chizuru and Kazuya, and they are heading straight down the pure love path. Sorry Ruka fans.

The story is basically told in Kazuya's first person, so it is easy to understand that he is seriously in love with Chizuru, but Chizuru's feelings are expressed in a roundabout way, which makes it difficult to understand. However, this does not mean that they are not depicted or that they are incomprehensible. If you carefully sort out Chizuru's situation and her actions, you will be able to read them well enough. It is safe to say that they are clearly depicted.

Through the relationship between a rental girlfriend and a client, Chizuru becomes attracted to Kazuya and falls in love with him. The love for him is born without her realizing it, and slowly and surely it grows, and eventually she realizes her feelings. And just like Kazuya, Chizuru is troubled and conflicted by this love.

Whether or not you understand "how Chizuru feels about Kazuya" or not, the way you see this work will change considerably. I would like to go into the explanation right away, but before that, let's look at how to decipher Chizuru's true feelings as an introduction.



  The Key To Deciphering Chizuru Mizuhara's True Feelings

   A Clumsy Heroine who Doesn't Show Her True Feelings


◆Chizuru Mizuhara, a clumsy heroine who has a special problem and cannot express her true feelings (61)


To Japanese readers, Chizuru Mizuhara is classified as a "Tsundere" type heroine. "Tsundere" (tsun-dere) is one of the most typical and popular personalities in Japanese manga characters. They tend to be offensive or cold in general, but when they are in the presence of someone they like, they show their affection in a sweet and honest way. The word "tsun" refers to the former attitude, while "dere" refers to the latter, and characters with such duality are called "tsundere".

Chizuru, however, is a very special type of tsundere. Although she has such duality, she can't honestly show her "dere" through words or facial expressions. She is embarrassed that the person she loves would find out about her affection or intrest (especially her love), so she says slightly offensive words, makes a disinterested expression, or turns away to hide her true feelings (interest, affection or gratitude for him). Thus, she is a tsundere who hides "dere" feelings behind her superficial "tsun" attitude.






Chizuru is embarrassed that she did something like kiss him and can't say thank him properly. She turns her back to Kazuya to hide her expression.





Chizuru is embarrassed that Yaemori told her that she should go out with him, so she takes a tsun (offensive) attitude. But the reader can see the dere hidden behind her tsun is obvious. It's very Kawaii.




She's usually not shy by any means, but she can't honestly express her true feelings only to Kazuya. Therefore, when she says "I have no choice but to do it for you" or "I don't mind, but" with no expression or interest on her face, you can take it as "I want to do it for you". Japanese readers can read the true feelings behind her tsun attitude, and find it kawaii (cute).


As mentioned above, in Japan, Chizuru's character is perceived as very "shy" and clumsy, which is the major reason why she hides her true feelings for Kazuya. Furthermore, the fact that there should not be any "romantic relationship" between the rental girlfriend and the client adds to her tsun attitude. Her strong tsun attitude is solidified by the fact that they have confirmed that they have no romantic feelings for each other, and have decided that their relationship is an "agreement" (Vol. 4, chapter 32). She can't even cue him that she has feeling for him in a roundabout way, and she can't even go see him without giving some reason. So she can only tell Kazuya how she feels by saying "AS A RENTAL GIRLFRIEND".



◆The agreement between the rental girlfriend and the client without any romantic feelings (32)

A typical tsundere would not be able to hide her fondness for him and show it to the reader even when she is aggressive and haughty, but Chizuru does not show it to the point of being ironclad. However, behind Chizuru's saying, "I'll do it for you as a rental girlfriend's job," her true feelings of "I want to help you," "I want to be with you," and "I love you" are hidden.

  Chizuru Only Shows Her True Feelings When She Is Alone



Chizuru has a thoroughly unenthusiastic attitude in front of Kazuya, and she lays out theories to hide her true feelings. In front of him, she can't express her happiness or gratitude honestly. In addition, Kazuya and she must not be in love, they are just a rental girlfriend and a client. There's no way she can show her feelings of love.


It would have been easier to understand if Chizuru had told us in her psychological description, "I really think I like him, but...," but she never tells us her true feelings. That's why it's a little difficult for the reader to grasp Chizuru's true heart.

The only time Chizuru reveals her true feelings in the story is when she is alone. When Kazuya is not in front of her or when she is alone in her room, she smiles, she cries, and she worries. Chizuru's true feelings are portrayed more clearly when Kazuya is not around.


Reiji-sensei shows "Chizuru in love" only to the readers, without letting Kazuya understand.



  Grandma Sayuri


Grandma Sayuri is the key person in getting Chizuru's true feelings.

Grandma Sayuri is the most important person in the world to Chizuru. She is the mother who raised her, the person she admires, and the person who gave her the dream of becoming an actress. At the same time, she is the only person Chizuru can truly rely on, the only person to whom she can expose her true weaknesses.





"She's loved theater and being praised by people. When she was small she was quite clingy." says Grandma Sayuri, who understands Chizuru the most. She understands everything about Chizuru's feelings.






The truth is that Chizuru is not Kazuya's girlfriend. However, Grandma Sayuri must also feel that Chizuru's feelings for Kazuya are genuine. That is why she thinks seriously about Chizuru's love and supports her.


Chizuru herself doesn't reveal her true feelings easily, but her true feelings are portrayed through Grandma Sayuri.




  Kanokari's Love Can't Be Described As "Heart Pounding"


◆ちんこで恋してんじゃねぇ (Don't fall in love because of your dick.) (11)

Kibe, a childhood friend of Kazuya's, says, "Don't fall in love becaouse of your dick," which is the basis of Kanokari's view of love. Kazuya doesn't fall in love with a girl just because she's cute, and no matter how thrillingly cute she is, if he can't respect her as a person or feel the need for her, he won't develop romantic feelings for her.



Ruka-chan is an S-class beauty, cute, exciting, and makes him want to do naughty things with her, but it's not the same as liking her, so she can't be his girlfriend. That's how he sees love.


"I just want to have a good time and satisfy my pleasure". What is depicted in Kanokari is not a "recreational" love like that, but a love with a supportive partnership.

Therefore, no matter how much Kazuya is the man of her dreams, Chizuru does not fall in love easily. The more Chizuru recognizes Kazuya as a wonderful person, and the more she needs him, the more her romantic feelings grow.




  An Accurate View of Kazuya from Chizuru's Perspective


Male readers in particular (and I'm one of them) tend to judge the heroine's love interest only by her facial expressions. They tend to judge whether or not there is a romantic feeling just by the description of the heroine's blushing face and the fact that she seems to be conscious of him as a boy.


However, Chizuru Mizuhara's "love" cannot be described only in terms of her romantic feeling for boys. It is more like a love that comes with a sense of trust in Kazuya. From volume 7 onwards, Chizuru's love begins to run in earnest, and it is important to understand exactly what kind of person Kazuya is to Chizuru at that time. He's an idiot, a bum, pathetic, but he's also her favorite client, someone who supports her dreams, someone who's fun to be with, and someone she can rely on in times of trouble. From Chizuru's point of view, everything about Kazuya is a form of "love" for her. Naturally, as the form of her "love" changes, the way she treats Kazuya will also change. As a result, the changes in intimacy between Chizuru and Kazuya are expressed through her actions and behavior toward him.

It is impossible to understand her feelings from a single scene, a single frame, or a single line of dialogue. It is even more impossible to understand her just by looking at her blushing face. It is necessary to pick up exactly what she felt and what was given to her in the time she spent with Kazuya up to that point. You also need to understand exactly what Kazuya means to Chizuru, and carefully decipher what she felt in his words and what she did at that time. That is where Chizuru's feelings are expressed ([Commentary] Chizuru Mizuhara Doesn't Speak Her Heart: "I Like You" Between The Situation and Her Action!).


When you are able to grasp the shape of Chizuru's "love" that gradually builds up through the relationship between the rental girlfriend and the client, and when you are able to grasp the gradual change in her relationship with Kazuya, you will be able to enjoy "Kanojyo, okarishimasu" to the fullest. That's what I believe.

So long! Next up, we'll find out how Chizuru saw Kazuya in volumes 1-6, and the start of Chizuru Mizuhara's love story! (Volumes 1-6, Chapter 1.)