ransomware | 田邉祐司 ブログ 常時英心 言葉の森から: 2.0

田邉祐司 ブログ 常時英心 言葉の森から: 2.0

たなべゼミ生による英語表現の落穂拾い 2.0
旧ブログ http://d.hatena.ne.jp/A30/


Hayashi is specifically accused of creating a virus similar to ransomware, which destroys computer data and demands ransom in cryptocurrency, using his home computer and smartphone on March 31, 2023. He has reportedly admitted to the allegations, telling police, "I thought I could do anything by asking AI. I wanted to make easy money."


今回注目する単語は ransomware UK /ˈræn.səm.weər/ US /ˈræn.səm.wer/ です。早速調べていきましょう。

OED では "A type of malicious software designed to block access to applications or files on a computer system until a sum of money is paid. In early use also: a type of open-source software which is available free of charge but requires a fee for access to all features, functions, or updates." と定義されており、加えて "Some of the most common forms of ransomware are designed to encrypt the user's data and to display a message threatening permanently to delete it or publish it online if a ransom is not paid within a certain amount of time." と説明されてます。



これは複合語であり、ransom と ware から構成されています。ransom は名詞で「身代金」という意味があります。
"noun [ C or U ] /ˈræn.səm/ a large amount of money that is demanded in exchange for someone who has been taken prisoner, or sometimes for an animal"


cf. malware

