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6-3Deep truths  

⁂∞§∞⭐︎ The reason why  you can’t attain DHST unless you are alive in 3D-real world. ⭐︎∞§∞⁂

Actually, if you die and you come back to your spiritual world, you can’t attain state of DHST-1 even though you make whatever effort to attain state of DHST-1 in the spiritual world. 

That’s why you should be better to raise your spiritual layer by yourself while you are alive now even if one who never go to Second Earth after you die.

I would like to describe the reason why you can’t attain DHST unless you are alive in 3D-real world.

The spiritual world is the world of heart.

The divine world is the world of soul.

Normally, conscious mind is drifting in the world of heart.

It means conscious mind is drifting in the spiritual world.

We are always drifting in the spiritual world of hell or heaven depending on state of our mind.

Your spiritual layer at present is averaged what both all your many previous lives and your present life.

Including your previous lives, If you have been more drifting in the spiritual world of  heaven than hell, your spiritual layer is almost heaven, and vice versa.

Training your mind deeper and deeper, eventually when your bad thoughts wouldn’t be able to appear at all, you would challenge naturally to master various things.

In this time, your spiritual layer will be in the heaven spiritual layer.

If it so happened, you would be libeled by people who belong to the hell spiritual layer while you were challenging to master something.

When you overcome that, the enlightenment which you have would be getting deeper and deeper and you would be able to keep state of the high spiritual layer even if whatever environments.

If it so happened, your mind would be able to come in the divine world beyond the world of heart.

This is the state of DHST Level 1.(=DHST1)

(Ref: 【4-2】Suppl2 ◎ Difference that enlightenment of heart and enlightenment of soul

However, It’s very difficult for your mind to come in the divine world.

Usually, you would get only a moment that attaining DHST even if you make efforts and efforts with zeal as much as you may lose your life, and it’s very difficult for you to keep DHST1.

It means that if you are happy and blessed, you can’t concentrate something as much as keeping DHST1.

If your family is very close and you are happy, you can go to the heaven world to some extent.

However, if you so, it’s difficult for your concentration to gush out as much as coming in the divine world beyond the spiritual world.

Because usually people would like to protect their small happiness than improving self.

That is something that cannot be helped.

Conversely, there is not much that usually people hope to have spiritual exchanges with divine beings because they are bound by the love of family.

Because it is possible to have spiritual exchanges with divine beings only after you over come absolute loneliness and concentrate something.

Everyone has own different goal of life.

What everyone would like to accomplish on life is not the same.

Therefore, not everyone can attain state of DHST Level 1 on this life.

The reason why it’s very important to bother by evil beings coming from the demon spiritual world in 3D-real world is that it’s difficult to attain state of DHST Level 1 under happiness environments.

Evil beings in the demon spiritual world is that like barbells in order to train muscles.

It’s like load in order to improve self.

If not this load, usually people can’t concentrate till their limit.

I think you know that in your experience.

The reason why that you can’t attain DHST in the heaven spiritual world  is because you become too much happy if you come back to the heaven spiritual world.

This is one of the reason why you can’t attain DHST unless you are alive in 3D-real world.

Then, second of the reason is difference of the law of energy between the spiritual world and the real world.

What do you think this is?

I have already described that to come in the divine zone of DHST-2 is  need to that amount of aura is up about one hundred times more than usually.

>Assuming DHST-1’s absolute amount of >aura is up about ten times more than >usually, DHST-2’s is up about one >hundred times more than usually.

(Ref: 【4-2】Dynamic DHST ).

This size = power of divergence to be one hundred times need to also power of convergence to be one hundred times.

Power of convergence changes into power of divergence at center where is called ‘hole of void’.

>After going into a hole of void, RCV >changes into RDV when RCV gose up >until center.

(Ref: 【2-2】law of Will Power).

Power of convergence is power of concentration, that is the mental state of nothingness.

However, After you died and no matter how you concentrate in something in the spiritual world, your density of energy can’t increase because your spiritual body size only turns big.

for example, 1.5m to 8m, 3000m to 5000m and so on. 

It means that to keep high for your density of energy needs to come in a box like a pressure cooker having sealing property in order to prevent the spiritual body from expanding.

That is what our material body, actually.

Our material body has a role of a pressure cooker in order to seal energy of the spiritual body.

That’s why pressure of your energy is able to getting higher.

One example is that when boiled water becomes water vapor, the state doesn’t change into energy of high pressure and only it becomes bigger volume of this water vapor unless to trap water vapor by having sealing property like a pressure cooker, isn’t it ?

It’s the same as that.

Therefore, basically, you can learn knowledge and wisdom for raising the level of your spiritual layer in the spiritual world, but you can’t attain state of DHST in there.

It means that your density of energy can’t increase.

It’s just to be getting bigger.

When your density of energy reaches to be over one hundred times than usually, you would be DHST-2 at last.

As a just rough indication, it’s one hundred times than usually.

Power of concentration and high airtightness, to be DHST needs about that much them of both, and when you are always able to keep state of DHST, you can keep the density of energy without sealing by material body.

It means that your chakras = spiritual energy center on each part of body would remain open.

Besides, when your prana energy can flow freely throughout the body with your chakras staying open, it doesn’t put a strain on your heart even if you are state of high energy.

When people who belong to the low spiritual layer are forced to try that same things, they would burst themselves because they have much toxins inside their body as if pipes with dirt and blockage.

Therefore, if people who belong to the low spiritual layer try that, they should increase energy little by little in order to avoid to be a burden on their body.

To sum it up, the maximum reason why we are born in the 3D-real world on Earth is for sealing the spiritual body inside material body in order to prevent spiritual body  getting bigger when prana pressure is going to raise.

You have already understood that, haven’t you?

You can’t throw your toxins out of yourself without your material body.

It’s the same as skimming the scum floated from the top of the soup.

You can’t skim the scum from yourself without your material body.

When you are going to be attitude of not afraid and increase prana pressure, if your spiritual body is getting bigger as much as that, so unfortunately your prana pressure will remain so.

Prana current can’t be strong without increasing prana pressure.

To skim the scum from yourself is that you have to clean inside your prana pipes from dirt by stronger prana current than usually because there are sticky dirt that toxins of both bad thoughts and bad fixed ideas inside prana pipes.

However, when you are in the spiritual world after you died, you can’t increase  both prana current and prana pressure whatever effort you try so you can’t rid your sticky toxins out of yourself.

Furthermore, when you go back to the spiritual body after you died, you can’t have a relationship with other spiritual layers without your material body.

At the age without 3D-real world, people in the spiritual world noticed that they can’t come back to the upper spiritual world if they descend from DHST in the spiritual world.

It means that they can’t find role model person because there are only the spiritual layer as much as self around them.

Even if you remember about past of divine self and you try to train self, unfortunately, only spiritual body is getting bigger, and back to normal size when you stop to try efforts.

In the spiritual world, the primordial reason why you can’t have a relationship with other spiritual layers is here.

Resulting in, it made oneness of the spiritual world change into the spiritual layers, and so they couldn’t have a relationship with other spiritual layers.

Therefore, Divine source created the 3D-real world in order to be possible that.

(Ref:【1-1】Difference of Divine source and God the Holy Spirit And about the DHST).

The reason why to interact spiritually is that people who belong to the hell spiritual layer can raise up their spiritual layer soon, and people who belong to the heaven spiritual layer can raise up their spiritual layer by people who belong to in the hell spiritual world as barbell.

In the 3D-real world, when going to be attitude of not afraid and increase prana pressure, there in no person who is getting bigger including material body.

If you have a material body the 3D-real world, the more you concentrate, the stronger your prana current becomes and the higher your prana pressure becomes.

Resulting in, it’s possible to skim the scum from yourself.

If you come back to your spiritual world after you died, it’s impossible to skim the scum from yourself whatever effort you do to try.

That’s the difference of energy between the spiritual world and the real world, the reason why  you can’t attain DHST unless you are alive in the 3D-real world.

If you think that you try to attain DHST in the next life after you reborn because you couldn’t attain DHST in your present life, it’s difficult to attain DHST on Earth where become an ideal society.

To attain DHST, you need to bother by evil beings coming from the demon spiritual world in 3D-real world, unfortunately you won’t bother by evil beings when you reborn on Earth.

It’s because place where the hell world reflect on the real world will be no longer on Earth when you reborn in the next life.

(Ref:【6-2】Second Earth)

Therefore, if you couldn’t attain DHST in your present life, there is no choice but you have to reborn on Second Earth if you hope to attain DHST in the next life.

It means that you have to try to raise your spiritual layer while you’re alive now if you want to raise your spiritual layer.

People who live lethargic, what a waste at all.

Moreover, I want to tell people who want to commit suicide.

If you are going to commit suicide, so you might as well challenge to attain state of DHST-2, and challenge your limit for physical strength and energy!!!

(Ref:【4-3】How to attain state of DHST-2)

Even if you died of a heart attack in order to fail to attain state of DHST-2, your desire of suicide is fulfilled.

Moreover, you won’t suffer a penalty of suicide in the spiritual world after you died because you try to raise your spiritual layer and result in dying positively.

It’s exactly all good !!!!!

I really mean it!

People who read this teachings would think such above, won’t they???


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