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1-1divine world

⁂∞§∞⭐︎ Difference of Divine source and God the Holy Spirit 

And about the DHST⭐︎∞§∞⁂

There are many kinds of god in the universe for difference of dimension and role.

All God the Holy Spirit in the divine world

have been created by divine source.

All finite beings were born of void.

So divine source can control void.

Moreover, Position of the smallest dot when finite beings were born of void.

And 「炁」appears from the dot. 

(「炁」is called ki.

「炁」 is the smallest particle energy.)

 Divine source controls the position.

 And  divine source also controls force and direction for 「炁」.

That is All God the Holy Spirit

appears from void.

And so they are all as an incarnation of  Divine source.

Gods in myth all over the world are 

no more than a part of gods created by Divine source.

Because there are gods in the universe more than stars, 

we don’t know  what god  

when someone become the DHST.

(The DHST is a person who has a mental state what Divine and Human at the Same Time.)

That depends.

Sometimes people have been impressed music created by the DHST,

at other times 

people have been impressed tale of spoken by the DHST.

It changes vibration, fragrance, taste, lightness,sence on different occasions.

Do you think when is Human and Divine at the same time in a person?

One is to make myself grow mentally. 

 and the other is to help others grow mentally.

Only two.

We don't need to be not tied to a religion since 2020.

We have been in the times that we aim for the DHST on our life since 2020.

In the present,

it is increasing people 

who commit suicide 

or who live lethargic, 

because they don’t get the meaning of life.

This is because they live not to know the reason that they are born on Earth.

All people are eventually born on Earth for the purpos of becoming the DHST with delight.

Because it is the best of happy for human.


Divine source created human that way.

We aim with living naturally as the DHST.

That’s why we will master  various things one by one.

We don’t live to master only one thing.

We will be the DHST with joy.

For that reason, we will effort to master various things.

We are born on Earth for the purpose of raising your own spiritual layer through being the DHST as much as you can do.

 So we will enjoy and live our own life though various DHST what from the highest DHST who has a power of divine gifts to the lowest DHST who is impressed in seeing beautiful view of nature.  

That is the best way of life.

Such as money, authority, social status, prestige, etc these are just tools for becoming the DHST.

So don’t misplace your priorities, 

you should not be your goal in life  to get tools.

The true meaning of life is to experience pleasure in the DHST.

If you don’t forget that at any time, you can be always happy even if you are poor, or in sickness, or you have nothing of realistic happiness.


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